
How to Experience Luxurious Abundance – The Elegant Way

Are you desiring to EXPAND this year? Expand in abundance? Abundance of health, love, money, fulfilment or inner peace?

There is an incredible energetic shift that is creating great desires within women right now. Not just desires, but the momentum to move elegantly towards those desires.

If ever you desired expansion and abundance, THIS is the year Universal energy will support you even more to make that a reality.

Find out how in this week’s video!

Here’s How You Expand into Abundance

1. A desire is felt within you.

A Natural Law is that the Universe, and everything within it, is always expanding. Therefore, your Soul, being an extension of this Universal energy, innately wants to expand. The beauty is that your Soul  knows what is in it’s “programming”, aka the natural talents, personality traits and abilities that you have, which could assist in the expansion of your Soul (Divine Consciousness).

The Soul then creates a feeling and often an image or vision inside of you which you could call a “desire”. Now the conscious part of you gets to use it’s free will and creativity!

2. Become extremely clear on what you desire – see & feel every detail.

The MOST important thing you can do to bring abundance of anything into your life is to focus on the EXACT details you desire. This is where your free will and creativity come into play. Do you desire to earn $10,000/month by only working 3 days a week? What are you doing exactly? Where are you working? What does it look like in that space? What are you wearing? Who are you working with? If it’s an abundance of health you desire then what do you see yourself enjoying? What are you wearing? Who are you with? How do you feel? What are you doing that you’ve never been able to do?

The Divine doesn’t care HOW you expand, because you are always expanding anyway, it’s a universal law, however, wouldn’t it be delicious if you got to create HOW you expand?  I always tell my clients that your life is a blank canvas on which YOU paint. YOU get to decide what it looks and feels like. Isn’t this fantastic?

Here are some questions that you can answer to guide you towards creating your next expansion. You can also simply free write and allow it to unfold naturally.


3. Commit to focusing on this desire (in an unattached way).

This step is where most women go wrong. They don’t allow the Divine to gift them their desires because they remain too stuck in focusing on what IS (what they don’t yet have). I have definitely manifested something incredible in 30 minutes, 2 weeks etc. however some of my grand desires have taken 7 years! Not because it had to take seven years, but because I was constantly focusing on what wasn’t in my life that I desired.

There is absolutely NO WAY you can attract into your life something that has a high vibration if you are vibrating in a low vibration. It goes against every Universal law that exists.

Obsessively, I would read The Secret, The Science of Getting Rich, Think and Grow Rich etc. ( I had a library!) all the while feeling desperate that it wasn’t working for me.

I would become SO hopeful then SO depressed. Then I’d buy another book thinking it would be my answer.

In order for us to elegantly manifest abundance into our lives we require to live in JOY, focus on what we desire ( in great detail), and clear any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that are blocking our abundance and Divine light. That’s it!

If you desire a beautiful program that has changed hundreds of women’s lives simply by training them to live elegantly and manifest elegantly, then I highly recommend investing in The Art of Living Elegantly . This is your ticket to freedom, inner peace, pleasure, fulfilment and yes, the abundance of whatever it is that your Soul desires.

4. Create the feeling that the desire will bring you…now, in any way you can.

One of the fastest ways to bring abundance of anything into your life is to begin feeling the way you know you’ll feel once your desire becomes your reality. I noticed a big change in my life when I began doing this 7 years ago.

I desired to be financially prosperous so I got super detailed about what I desired. In fact I answered the 9 questions listed above.

After this I had more clarity on exactly which emotions I would need to focus on creating in my current reality.

One of the things I began doing was having tea in 5 star hotels so that I could simply FEEL abundantly prosperous.

I also made sure that I always had some money in my wallet, even it is was just £5. This made me feel like I always had money available.

How could YOU begin to feel the way you desire right now, in your current reality? Share your ideas in the comments section. If you can’t think of any great ideas, share your desire and your desired feelings and I will help you brainstorm.

I do this every day with personal clients so I have a good repertoire for a variety of desires!

Et Voila! Enjoy the process and commit to it!

It can’t work unless you follow through. (If you struggle with following through then I highly recommend you enquire about my 1:1 Couture Coaching. We can dive deep to discover what your blocks are and clear them once and for all using my Elegant Quantum Techniques.

With so much love,




How to Elegantly Prosper: No “Hard Work” Required

We all desire to prosper in our lives.

Money makes life easier. It allows us to enjoy things and experiences that feed our soul. And it gifts us freedom. Freedom to make certain life choices that may not be so easy if money were not there.

I know what you’re saying, “Yes, Erin, but HOW? HOW do I prosper?”

This used to be my question.  I asked it every day! You see, each of us comes to the earth with one main issue that exists in order to aid in the evolution of our soul.

Mine happened to be prosperity and money. If you haven’t read my story you’ll find it all in HERE.  Issues for other people may be: love, weight, relationships, confidence, health…

Things I’ve “Tried” in order to Prosper:

  1. I tried getting a job.

    This was good.  I loved being a teacher and was often shocked to find a pay stub in my mailbox every month because I enjoyed it so much. However… my soul desired regular manicures, pedicures and massages and adored staying in luxury hotels, buying high quality clothes and travelling the world.  The issue I had was that on a teacher’s salary, this wasn’t always possible.

  2. I tried saying and writing affirmations. 

    Since I’ve always been into spirituality I used to read countless books on the power of affirmations.  The problem was that my subconscious beliefs were SO geared against these affirmations that I could feel the resistance within myself that it wouldn’t work.

  3. I read books on becoming wealthy

    such as “Think and Grow Rich“and “The Science of Getting Rich”, and did all the things they said to do, but just ended up spending every waking hour thinking about money (from a lack perspective) and nothing changed.  Well, one thing did…I felt even more anxious and desperate about money!

  4. I took courses and went to LIVE trainings.

    Everyone at these events kept talking about action. You’ve got to take action.  Now, since I’m a very self-disciplined person and former “Type A personality” I took action like crazy! At one point, I had written a book, was writing a blog and articles for 3 other top websites, was filming videos for my You Tube Channel, recording interviews for my own Blog Talk Radio Show, and was a parenting expert for a UK counselling site. Oh, did I mention that I was also launching online products and programs and coaching people at all times of the day and night too? Oh, goodness me, I forgot to say that I was being interviewed multiple times a week for US morning radio shows! (Their morning shows were 10pm at night in the UK!) All of this while having a young child at home.

Yes, ladies, I did it ALL! In fact I was so committed to having an abundant life so that I could live life the way my SOUL desired, that I did something that completely dishonoured my soul.

Attending the SHINE Event


You see this picture?  I’m smiling, I’m at a major event called SHINE, the second one put on by Business Guru Ali Brown, and…I’m bleeding profusely.

I had grown my business to a point, but something was blocking the financial growth that I desired.  I couldn’t seem to help more people but also help myself financially too , so I got up the courage to speak to my husband about buying the hefty priced ticket, buying a flight from the UK to Las Vegas and looking after our son while I was gone.

I felt so proud of myself for “taking action”, for going after my dreams, for “doing what it takes”, for “working hard”, even though I was pregnant and feeling exhausted.

So, I flew to Vegas, got to my hotel room and decided to take a nap straight away. When I woke from my nap I went to the toilet and there was blood everywhere.

I had never experienced a miscarriage and had never known anyone who had, so I wasn’t too concerned.  Perhaps I was “spotting”.

I decided to go to bed early. Maybe my body was just tired from the long flight and needed rest.

No such luck.  All throughout the night I was awoken by more and more blood.

(To hear the whole story watch the video at minute 9:00-10:30)

The Moment I Completely Dishonoured My Soul

So there I was, at the event, and every 20-30 minutes racing to the bathroom to pile 3 pads on top of each other, along with a tampon and toilet paper.  Then I would put on my business face again and walk into the event raising my hand to say, “Hello, I’m Erin Kurt from ErinParenting and I’m so excited to be here from the UK”.

I masterminded, I went for lunch with women, I connected with women who were at a higher level in their business in order to ask them for tips and tricks, I did it ALL.

I was so proud of myself for doing “whatever it took” for success because that is what every wealthy person was spouting as the secret to their success.


Sadly, I continued on this road for a few more years, with an incremental increase to my wealth.

The Moment I Surrendered and Began to Prosper

It was only when I became so disheartened, so tired, so hopeless that I would ever get MY big break, that I surrendered.

“I give up the fight, God. I will use my talents to serve, but I won’t push.  I won’t beg you anymore. I can’t, I’m emotionally & physically tired. Maybe I am just not meant to have wealth in this lifetime. I surrender.”

When I began surrendering my body let down. I could literally FEEL the lack of attachment to my desires.  And for the first time in YEARS, I finally felt free.

From that point on, I began feeling into what things I loved to do and what things stressed me.

I began filtering everything through the lens of “Does this bring me JOY?”

Because if I wasn’t going to be wealthy, I might as well feel JOYFUL doing this, right?  That was my thinking process at the time.

I began receiving strong inner guidance on what things I should do, so I did those. Funny enough, I began attracting more opportunities and clients!


I kept following the next step and the next step and the next step as it was shown to me.  I didn’t always understand it and it wasn’t always comfortable, but I just kept surrendering.

Each soul-inspired step I took made my business prosper more and more.

It was a completely different formula than what most people were talking about, but I could see a trend that all of the women who worked so hard for their success were burnt out and desired more balance in their lives.

Hmm, I was on to something! I was growing my business AND enjoying my life at the same time. YES!

Now, I’ll be honest and tell you that I faltered at times.  There were times I saw a Facebook ad for a new strategy and got taken off my path of inner peace and went down the “work hard” route again.

I would see others using certain techniques successfully and once again fall off track.  But, the one thing that always brought me back was the core feeling I desired – JOY.  And if it ever started to feel like I was losing that, then I would realign and shift.

In 2015 my soul told me to STOP. Stop all my businesses and take a sabbatical. Of course my ego went, “WHAT???”  But, by then I had learned to trust and so I surrendered and announced my sabbatical.

Of course I kept listening for Divine guidance and took action on only those things.  

What so elegantly transpired was:

  1. My life’s prosperity grew more that year than ever before!
  2. I wrote a children’s book series with my mother, one that had been our dream for years!
  3. The land that my hubby and I had been dreaming about for 7 years was finally released to a developer and we were able to build our dream summer home by the sea! (see pictures!)

My ability to prosper just keeps growing and growing, SO elegantly.  No “hard work”, no pushing, no desperation, no struggle…

Just alignment, JOY and elegance. Opportunities find me, magnetically come to me. Synchronicities are over the top! Everything just floooows.

So, what is the Secret to Living an Abundant, Prosperous Life full of Inner peace, Pleasure, JOY & Beauty?

You require to:

a) get clear on your ideal Life Vision

b) make an Elegant Intention for exactly what you desire

c) surrender

d) listen to divine guidance and take THAT kind of action.

Do not remain attached to your desires – you will only be resonating the energy of, “I don’t have this yet”.

You want to spend your time and energy units on doing things that truly bring you JOY, and only take action on the things that your soul tells you to do.

How do you know if it’s your soul and not your ego telling you to do things?  That is a bigger conversation, but one that I spend a whole module on in The Art of Living Elegantly program.

If you are interested in learning the full process that I live my life by then I invite you to have a look at The Art of Living Elegantly. You can learn more HERE. 

THIS is what changed everything for me, Ladies. I do THIS.

Here’s to us living life where we ALL prosper!!!




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