spiritual ascension


Are you feeling the NEW energy in the air? How about an inner desire for spiritual ascension?

The new 2020 frequency is in full force and it will continue to get stronger as the years go on, so if you’ve been feeling the need for Spiritual Growth or Personal Growth on a grander scale then you are ready to move into your next level of spiritual ascension.

It’s such an exciting time!

In order for you to know HOW to ascend into the next level, you have to know what the levels are and what characterises them so that you know where to focus your energy.

In this week’s video, I’ve laid it all out for you!

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments. I’m here to assist you into your next level and I couldn’t be more excited for you! Life just gets better and better! (And as a result, so does the world:)


Yesterday an interview with me went LIVE. The interviewer asked if I would consider opening up The Elegant Life Makeover for at least a day so that her listeners could join.

It felt right, so I said yes to opening up the program for 48 hours.

If you would like to be hand held on your Spiritual Ascension for 5 months along with other beautiful SOULS then feel into your heart and LISTEN.

Is this for you?

Go HERE to learn all the details, feel into your heart (not your head which will always try to keep you safe & small) and invest if it’s what you KNOW you require to elegantly and gracefully ascend into your next level of peace, joy, fulfillment, happiness, abundance & purpose.

You’ve only got 48 hours to feel into this though.

With SO Much Love,


WHY YOU AREN’T MANIFESTING? Here’s Your Answer & Solution

*** Let Manifesting Be Elegant & Easy! ***

Hello! I’m back from an incredible summer holiday and am absolutely energized to be back here on the blog talking about manifesting!

Why am I so passionate when I speak about manifesting? Because for SO LONG I didn’t get it.

I felt like so many women who write to me or come to me as a client who feel like they are truly doing everything they can to manifest and nothing is working.

They have read The Secret (as I had).

They have read all about the Law of Attraction and Visualising (as I had).

They have even meticulously done every step found in those books and movies and still…nothing. No extra money. Health is unchanged. No soulmate walking through that door…resonating a bit with all this?

I truly wish I could sit down with you and read you my past diary entries just to show how desperate and hopeless I once felt.

Being a former Type A perfectionist, it was really tough to feel like I was doing EVERYTHING and still my everything was not enough.

Today I want to share with you one of the most important things I can teach you when it comes to manifesting. This is a game-changer.

Really take it in. Really HEAR me, okay?

Don’t just listen and say, “Okay, got it.” then move on to another video about how to manifest. Let this deeply sink in. Journal with your subconscious & soul.

Because whatever you desire is just on the other side of you really “getting” this.

Enjoy! And please share with your mother, sister, friend or client!

It’s time women move past the “struggle reality” and step into their full power so they can begin living an abundant life – on every level.

I love you!

inner conflict

How to Elegantly Handle *Inner Conflict*, *Difficult Decisions* & *Anxiety*

Wowza” is all I can say.

Have the last couple of months been especially difficult for you? Have you experienced tremendous inner conflict, anxiety, technical/computer issues or financial strife?

Or, has an issue arisen from out of nowhere that has totally disrupted your peaceful equilibrium?

There hasn’t been a day that has passed in these last couple of months that I haven’t heard from or of someone dealing with pain, grief, great difficulties or incredible stress right now.

My heart aches for them… and yet, I KNOW the cycle of growth, expansion, and elevation. I’ve been there many times myself… and am actually experiencing it now too, as I expand.

Every time an expansion is on the horizon life feels disrupted, heavy, stressful, overwhelming, or out of the flow.

***IMPORTANT!*** It is this time period that decides our future.

You see, having been here multiple times myself, I recognized a pattern. What people are experiencing now is the storm before the beautiful new dawn. It’s never easy or comfortable – but it’s always necessary.

To help you move through this time period with more elegance and ease I filmed a video sharing with you a few questions you can ask yourself that will gift you exactly what you need to hear in order to expand and BECOME the woman who is a match to her next evolution.

Consistently asking yourself these questions will shorten the storm and provide you with inner peace, Divine learnings and ultimately, the NEW evolved you.

In this video, you will learn:

  • Why specifically the world is experiencing such upheaval right now
  • 3+ questions to ask yourself when you experience inner conflict or distress
  • What to do AFTER you’ve asked the question(s).

With so much love,

what i know for sure

WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE | 5 Lessons I’ve Learned Over my 47 Years

On Sunday I celebrated my 47th birthday! While doing my morning ritual & writing down 5 things I’m grateful for I realized that I have the EXACT life I dreamed about 18 years ago. Literally, every – single – area – of – my – life is the way I envisioned it to be.

After this realization, my heart swelled with gratitude and awe, and I KNEW I had to share What I Know For Sure after learning some very important lessons over my 47 years.

My intention is that by watching and hearing all of my learnings, YOU experience an internal, energetic shift so that you are easily able to integrate these lessons into your energy too and thus receive YOUR desires with more ease and elegance.

Ready? This video is about 21 minutes, so I advise you to watch it when you have time to really enjoy it and take it in.

Have a paper and pen or even your personal Journal in hand, a lovely cup of tea (or whatever beverage your Soul desires) and then get into a receiving mode.

If you consciously make the intention to receive & integrate these learnings into your energetic system and & unconscious mind… they WILL.

In this video, you will learn:

  • 5 truths & perspectives that completely & utterly changed my reality.
  • the #1 reason your desires are NOT manifesting…and what to do to change this.
  • why getting really specific about your desire can sometimes actually slow DOWN the manifestation of it!
  • What you need to be doing while you WAIT for your desire to manifest.
  • Why we were REALLY created…this one will make you sit for a moment and think.

With so much love,