So, I’m prepping dinner, listening to my Parisian Jazz music and then… it comes time to prepare the salad. Oh man!

Have you ever really wanted a salad but even the thought of dragging the lettuce out, washing it, spinning it, chopping it just seemed like too much work?

Ok, maybe you buy the pre-washed lettuce now so it’s not such a big deal, but what about the other vegetables like broccoli, or how about lunch? Is it just me or is lunch your least favorite meal to prepare too?

All this being said, my body ADORES eating healthy, high vibration foods.

Four years ago my body only wanted plant-based foods, and as I evolve spiritually, it just wants more and more of only plants and plant-based foods.

You know how this Universe works, right? When you become more high vibe you attract more of what is on that high frequency. My energy was making me crave the high vibrations foods and rejecting the low vibration ones – naturally!

It’s all good, but what this meant was that I had to get a bit more strategic in having these foods readily accessible so that giving my body what it desired was simple & easy.

In this week’s video, I’m going to share the 3 tricks that I do weekly to ensure that eating healthy, high vibration foods is simple & enjoyable. Ready to learn my ritual? Watch the video below.



In this video, you will learn:

  • My strategy for quickly planning my meals for the week
  • How I’ve made grocery shopping super quick & convenient (and more affordable)
  • My simple tricks for having grab-and-go, high vibration foods on hand.


With so much love,

high vibration foods


Ever thought to yourself, “I just want to feel better & have more energy”? I did too.

From the age of about 25 onwards all I heard myself saying was, “I’m SO tired!”

Then, after each child I gave birth to, I felt even MORE tired! I had the extra weight on me which really made me feel weighed down.

I yearned to feel light, high vibe & full of vitality.

Then, about 4 years ago, after spiritually elevating quite rapidly, a strong desire arose within me to feel aligned physically with the way I felt spiritually. So, I set an intention.

Consciousness began working immediately to create this reality for me and one day…I can see myself vividly in my kitchen, thinking about what I was going to cook for dinner, I felt extreme nausea. I actually even shuddered – Chicken was on the menu that night.

I couldn’t even fathom eating chicken so I searched through the recipes from my teenage vegetarian days. And voila! From that moment on I have been, mostly, a plant-based eater.

I want to share with you ALL I know about the energy, frequency & vibration of plant-based eating; not all in this particular video but over time, in a NEW Series I’ll be creating. I’m SO excited!

Why? Because my biggest desire is to help you upgrade into the happiest, most evolved & fulfilled version of yourself – and plant-based eating can help you do just that.

Of course you can have other foods – in fact, I teach you exactly how to do that in The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body!

But, if you truly desire to upgrade your life & consciousness in a BIG way this year, food is a fantastic place to start. Remember, everything is energy so what you put into you BECOMES you.

In this video, you will learn:

  • The TOP 5 high vibration foods to eat so you easily raise your vibration & well being
  • The “Holy Four” – these foods were gifted to us by Source, the Divine to use & benefit from
  • Specific ways to add these high vibe foods to your diet
  • Why eating high vibe is so important & oh so elegant:)

With so much love,

holiday stress

HOLIDAY STRESS NO MORE | How to Elegantly Flow Through the Holidays

The month of December can be filled with a lot of holiday stress. It can really be exhausting, overwhelming and triggering, can’t it?

So many parties and gatherings to attend as well as “Interesting”, okay…” triggering” people around.

Not to mention the 50 additional items on your To Do list!

So, what’s a Spiritual Woman who chooses to live elegantly do? You got it! Watch Erin’s video on how to AVOID all the holiday stress!

Pour yourself a lovely glass of Kir Royale, my party drink of choice, and empower yourself to fully enjoy the holidays.

Psst… below the video is how to make a beautiful, very French, Kir Royale;)


In this video, you will learn:

  • 4 specific ways you can AVOID holiday stress
  • how to decide which events to attend and which to decline (elegantly of course)
  • how to manage events when triggering people will be present
  • how to maintain your energy & vitality throughout this busy holiday season


How to Make a Kir Royale

Kir Royale is a French cocktail. It consists of crème de cassis topped with champagne. This apéritif is typically served in a flute glass. I prefer Prosecco instead of champagne, but that’s just me:) And I add a cranberry or raspberry instead of the maraschino cherry that is shown in the video below. ENJOY!


With so much love,

slim tips


I had my first Holiday Party this weekend! And I used ALL of my Elegant slim tips so that I could FULLY enjoy the experience.

Have the parties already started for you? If so, how are you handling all the food, desserts, & festive drinks?

Do you starve yourself so you can splurge, or do you just eat, drink and be merry? (And then feel guilty the next day?)

Most men don’t even give this a thought, but for women, I know how this season can feel…

We LOVE the themes, don’t we? All the tree-shaped cookies/biscuits, the mince pies, the mulled wine, the cute little appetisers…

We ADORE the pleasure that comes from enjoying all of this…but… at the exact same time… our mind is doing its own thing.  It might be creating reasons as to why we deserve this food or it might be shaming us for eating it.

I am SO passionate about gifting you these 5 slim tips so you are able to enjoy this season in a truly elegant way – no deprivation, no guilt, no shame… just ALL about joy and pleasure.

Watch this week’s video to learn my simple & effective solutions!

In this video you will learn:

  • 5 easy slim tips for this holiday season
  • The exact strategy I use to FULLY enjoy each holiday gathering
  • 3 questions to ask yourself every day this season so you stay elegant & slim

Items mentioned in the video:


SUPER ELIXIR Green Powder:

With so much love,


My Summer HOLIDAY: From Tuscany to Utter Shock

Hellooo ladies! I’m back from our holiday in Tuscany & Turkey and am truly SO thrilled to be with you again both here and on all my social media spaces.

It was an “interesting” summer to say the least. Like I always say, just because you live an Elegant Life doesn’t mean there won’t be “things” that arise for you to go through; opportunities for growth. And wow, did we have something to go through….

What living an Elegant Life does mean is that whatever you go through will be processed more elegantly and will take a shorter amount of time.

You can also be guaranteed that if you use the Elegant Techniques that I teach, whatever you are going through will not become congested in your energetic system and reak havoc for years to come.


If you love the idea of Tuscany and are curious about what we did and the gorgeous places we stayed, (you’ve got to see our STUNNING hotel in Florence!) and are interested in what exactly happened to utterly shock us this summer, then pour yourself a glass of Chianti or make yourself a Cappuccino and enjoy this visual recap.

In this video you will learn:

  • What the Tuscany countryside really looks like
  • Some of the BEST hotels and restaurants to visit in Tuscany
  • What huge shock we received
  • What this shock & growth opportunity means for The Elegant Life

The video I mention to watch as well can be seen HERE.

With so much love,