tap into your feminine energy

Want to learn how to tap into your feminine energy to manifest anything you want?

If you have studied spirituality and the law of attraction but haven’t been manifesting what you desire then you’ve been missing the KEY to manifestation.

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to manifest, the KEY is to have deep self worth and feminine confidence. In order to to embody these two traits you will need to increase your feminine energy.  And learn how to activate it in your daily life.

You could literally give me any situation or scenario. I could bring it back to you embodying your feminine energies more.

How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

Step One:

Learn what feminine energy is.

Step Two:

Learn ALL of the feminine energies that reside within you.

Step Three:

Activate the feminine energies within you. (It’s not enough to just know the energies, you need to have an energetic and visceral experience of them. Women have been raised to turn off, abandon and hide their innate energies, and as a result have become completely disconnected from them.)

Step Four:

Tap into your feminine energy in EVERY situation, then ask yourself, “What is required in this situation to make it manifest?

If being more visible is required, then tap into your feminine energy that would best align with that and show up in that energy.

If setting a boundary with someone is required, then tap into your feminine energy that would best suit that situation.

In today’s video I go through many aspects of divine feminine energy & how to be more confident using your feminine energy.

If you desire to dive deeply into how to be a confident woman and finally EMBODY & EXPRESS all that you are, I highly recommend investing in The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence 

With so much love,
