how to deal with grief

I’m thrilled to be back after a VERY intensive 10 day training! Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say. I was being trained by a coach who only coaches Billionaires. He is a very spiritual person, like myself, and has acquired deeply spiritual and quantum processes to take people through so that any and all negative emotions, limiting beliefs and decisions are cleared forever. 

I am beyond thrilled to have been taught & certified by him personally to use these processes with my own clients. I promise to talk more about this next week, okay?

Grief Request

This week I had a request from a reader. She asked if I could make a video on grief as she lost an ex-spouse and father to her two boys back in June and is really feeling the emotions coming up.

I love it when I receive requests for videos so if you ever have a suggestion or topic you’d like me to cover please send me a note, okay?


Before dismissing this post because you haven’t lost anyone, or anyone recently, please stick around because the advice I offer in this post/video is applicable to any issue you may have.

I believe the first step in dealing with grief is asking yourself this question:

What benefits am I getting out of grieving and feeling sad?”

This may be an awakening question because we don’t do or think anything without receiving some benefit from it.

Get really honest with yourself here. I’m not going to provide any “possible answers”, simply ask your SOUL and it will give you the honest truth.

How am I benefitting by feeling grief this holiday season?”

As a side note here I’d like to mention that in some countries people host “Celebration of Life” parties instead of funerals. Everyone dresses in white and the whole party is about celebrating the person’s life and the joy that the person brought to everyone’s lives.

I mention this only because I don’t want anyone selling themselves the story that they MUST grieve.

Quick Story – Unusual Grief

I have a friend whose husband committed suicide and people made her feel guilty for not feeling grief after he passed.

Of course she was sad, shocked etc. but in a way, she finally was set free.

Free from worrying every day if he was going to commit suicide. Free from his constant emotional ups and downs and free from financial burdens he had put them in.

I share this story with you because I just don’t want you to sell yourself the story that the holidays have to be sad…you have a choice in how this holiday plays out.

What do you choose?

Now, I am not saying that’s is not okay to feel sad or to cry, etc. What I am saying is that you could make a choice to set a time or even a whole day to cry, scream, mourn…whatever your soul feels it needs to do. And then, decide that after that cathartic session, you will choose to move forward, remembering the absolute gifts that you received from this person and use those gifts to create even more joy in your life…as a beautiful way to carry on their legacy.

Remember, as a coach my job is to release any negative emotions or limiting decisions you have running in your energy system one and for all.

Your job is to focus on what you want your life to look and feel like from here on out.

Your Emotions Are Your Guidance System

Remember that your emotions tell you whether you are in alignment with your natural, Divine state or not.

Feelings of continuous sadness or grief are your body’s way of saying, “Ouch! This is not what we are. Please remember who we are. Please return to our natural state of  Love and Joy.”

Take your emotions as a sign and then let your soul guide you towards ANY way you could celebrate this person’s life or the gift they gave you in your life. Or, let your soul guide you towards any way you could begin to experience JOY again.

Elegant Quote:

limiting beliefs

What will you choose?

If you feel you require even further coaching on removing these negative emotions from your life, once and for all, so you can begin to live an exquisite life, please know that there are multiple avenues for you here at The Elegant Life.

  1. The Art Of Living Elegantly –  Click HERE
  2. The Elegant Life EXPERIENCE – Click HERE
  3. VIP Private Coaching – Click HERE

With So Much Love,




  1. Perfect message for me. If it weren’t for the date this could be my brother who died suddenly at the end of summer. I am fortunate to have known him my entire life and I’ll always treasure the love and kindness he showed me but it’s going to be a while before the joy overtakes the tears.
    I hope to work with you in the new year to clear that last of whatever blocks still remain.
    All the best for a wonderful holiday season for you and your family!

    1. Mary, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Your brother seems to have been a very dear person in your life. What a gift. Keep asking yourself the question: What benefit do I get from grieving him? This will give you a real A Ha moment. And, I would love to help you clear the block as it would truly set you free to experience true JOY and whatever else you desire in life. Much love and as always, thank you for leaving a comment – I love having a dialogue:)

  2. Erin, your example, whether intended or not, is ME! I am so very blessed that I learned how to deal with all that years ago. If I had mired myself in the guilt, in the past, I would not be the ME I am now. I wish that some of the people I care about the most would be able to “clear” so that they, too, could be happy again! I will forward this particular post on to them.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Ellen. Yes, it was you I was thinking of when I wrote it:) I know you’ve been an inspiration to others as you continually have a zest for life and being the best version of you possible. I wonder what 2018 will bring for you?

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