spiritual woman

Have you ever had that feeling where one day you just feel unfulfilled with something? It could be a job, a partnership, a friendship, a business?

It probably built up for a while but then one day, your dissatisfaction with the way things were in your life became so clear that you KNEW something had to change.

That level of unfulfillment has been a running pattern with the women coming to me for mentoring this past year. They feel lost.

When I take them deeper, their lack of fulfilment comes from a lack of inner peace, balance, pleasure and connection with their spirituality.

Women who resonate with The Elegant Life are being called to expand and evolve, therefore their souls are creating this yearning for fulfilment.

It hasn’t been an easy time for them;  their souls are desiring to be happy, have peace and calm in their life, and feel a deep connection to the Universe, but what they are currently experiencing is very different than that.

Problems with their extended family? It’s just not okay with them anymore.

The relationship they are experiencing with their partner? It just doesn’t feel like enough anymore. They desire more from a relationship.

Meditation, yoga classes, workshops on spirituality and healing methods?

“Why is nothing making me feel like I SO desire to feel?”

This is a question many of my private clients are asking themselves.

Prosperity? Many women are passed the point of desring money to look or feel successful…they desire to have prosperity so they can experience FREEDOM, PLEASURE  & JOY in their life.

There is a natural evolution occurring right now and although it feels uncomfortable for so many, it excites me.


Because I was where these women are 6 years ago, and I recognize the signs… these women are on the verge of a Spiritual awakening. Are you one of them?

My Lowest Point 6 Years Ago

I was at a serious low point in my life. Every area of my life felt unfulfilling.

  • My body wasn’t anywhere near where I desired it to be.
  • I had lost connection to my spirituality and actually started to become angry with the Universe. I felt disowned by it and like I had never been connected to it!
  • My marriage was falling apart – we even had THE conversation about the big “D”.
  • I felt like I had lost Erin – where was she?  Where was that feminine, vibrant, spiritually connected, joyful, happy woman?
  • And, the business I had spent years (and money) to build to an international level wasn’t satisfying me anymore – my soul desired something more but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. That in itself was frustrating!

But everything looked great on the outside!

International business, finally two gorgeous children (after 4 pregnancies), a husband, and a gorgeous house in a prime location in Windsor, England.

So, why did I feel so empty inside? So completely depressed and hopeless?

I completely understand and recognise where many of you are in your life right now and I get that it feels uncomfortable and scary.

Your soul is desiring more which is where this dissatisfaction and unfufillment is coming from.

Remember, you are Divine Energy and the innate desire of this energy is to continuously expand itself. So, once you have everything basic in your life your soul starts desiring more, in order to expand.

The mission of this blog and the work I do via my online programs, one to one mentoring, and offline workshops has always been to inspire and assist Spiritual women to come back HOME to their Divinity so they can elegantly live and manifest an exquisite life.

Last year it was very important to focus on how to manifest by getting into Elegant Flow.

Women experienced miracles!

  • Houses were sold within 3 weeks after trying for 8 months.
  • Weight was lost and kept off effortlessly.
  • Spiritual connection was deepened and miraculous events began occurring.
  • Unexpected money was manifested.
  • New, ideal jobs & circumstances were manifested.

And now….it’s time for a deepening.

The Elegant Life blog and my teachings will respond to this need, and I’ve been clearly guided how to do this.  I cannot WAIT to share it with you! It’s stunning…

Now, not EVERY woman who is attracted to The Elegant Life is ready for this deepening right now, but that is absolutely fine.

The best place to start is to go through The Art of Living Elegantly  This is the foundational course that even I go through every few months!

There are levels of understanding that will appear each time you go through it.  This is also the ONLY online way you are able to access The Elegant Clearing Process™ which teaches you how to completely clear beliefs or experiences that don’t serve you anymore.

What You Can Do This Summer

I am about to go on a two month holiday, so this will be the last new blog post in a little while, however I highly encourage you to re-watch the series The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage that Began in Paris . I have added even more photos from this incredible France experience! Me, Sandra, & Guy…lots of extra photos to take you through that year with me.

If you loved it the first time (which SO many of you did!) then you’ll LOVE watching and reading again. It’s like the perfect summer read!

If that series doesn’t appeal to you, go back and read through some of the other posts.  The perfect one will pop out for you – one that will be just what you needed to hear.

Finally, be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like to see my summer holiday.  I’ll be in Canada, Turkey and a special, top secret location that has to do with next year’s focus on The Elegant Life Blog;) Can you guess where it is???

I’ll leave you with this…

You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.  Whatever you are experiencing is preparing you for what your soul has asked for or strongly desires.

If you are struggling in an area, know that the Divine is preparing you to become who you require to BE in order to  to attract that which you say you want in your life.  If you were already ready you would have what you desire, so….

Focus on JOY, move towards what makes you happy this summer, enjoy the archives or programs of The Elegant Life and I’ll see you back here in September!

I Love You!



P.S. If you haven’t watched the NEW, powerful video of The Elegant Life have a watch above. Women are telling me they have goosebumps:) I had them too, as what’s coming through me is absolutely beautiful.



  1. Thank for this great vlog. Something you mentioned really resonated with me; within the last couple months I realized that I had lost (or hidden) some important parts of me. I am very happy right now but I don’t think I can see the same spark in my eye that I used to have. About 20+ years ago I made a big move, left the area I had lived in nearly all of my life and try something new. In some ways it was a good move because it helped me mature but in other ways it wasn’t so good. I left behind a job I didn’t care for, a non-existent love live, and all of my closest friends.
    Now all these years (and many, many pounds) later I’ve finally realized what I’ve been ‘working’ on, or perhaps a better word is chasing. I’m trying to recapture the joy, energy and spark of the younger me. She’s still around but a lot of the former light is buried under a very thick protective layer.
    So glad I stumbled onto your blog and videos.

    1. Oh Mary, I’m so happy you stumbled across The Elegant Life as well! This is the EXACT intention of this blog: to assist women in reconnecting with the place inside where they elegantly regain the joy and spark in life . Stay tuned for all the new content when I return from holidays in the fall!! Have fun watching all the other videos during the summer!

  2. Do you know about Louise Hay’s book – ‘Heal Your Body’ ? It’s not too surprising that your lungs were affected during your time in Canada since that’s where you experienced a lot of emotional trauma.

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