
“I don’t want to bother you”

“Aw thanks, but I’m okay, I’m just complaining.”

Ever said one of these statements? Ever heard another woman say them?

Yep, we women have a REALLY difficult time receiving help or pleasure. And it is one of the top reasons we don’t “receive” what our soul truly desires.

Yes, it’s time we take a much closer look at receiving and give it the attention and practise it deserves because your goals, dreams and desires depend on it.

This week’s post and video teaches you two ways to practise receiving – the Human version of receiving AND the Soul version of receiving.  Ready?

Let’s do this!

Over the past five weeks we’ve been looking at the attributes of God/Source and the reason for doing this is so that we can EMBODY these traits. We can’t become more Divine, vibrating at a high frequency, and living an exquisite life if we don’t know exactly what to focus on, can we?

Once we learn how to BE these Divine attributes we can start harnessing the power and beauty of it. Not only to create beautiful transformation in our own lives, but the lives of everyone around us.

Today is the very last post in this Series. (There are more attributes of the Divine but I’ve been guided to stop here, so I will)

The final attribute of the Divine I will share with you is…you guessed it – RECEIVING.

Two Ways to Practise & Embody RECEIVING

1. Open ourselves up to RECEIVE from ourselves and others.

When others offer you help – take it! (Even when it feels really uncomfortable to). When you do this you allow the other person to practise the art of generosity, so really it’s a win win!

I have come a long way on this. I am now able to actually ask for help, but still find it a bit of an effort to receive help that is simply offered without me asking.

It’s such an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it?

The one area I don’t struggle with is gifting myself alone time and pampering time. It is such a part of my personality that I require alone time to recharge. If I don’t gift this to myself I become resentful and angry REAL quick! Can you relate? Most ladies that follow me are introverts or ambiverts so I am sure you “get” this.

However, most of my clients, even though they are introverts deny themselves pleasure. They would never schedule regular moments of pleasure because they believe they must give first THEN receive, only there is never any time left over to receive so they just carry on giving and giving.


They blow up! They yell at their kids and husband and feel like they are depressed, but aren’t sure why.

The reason why is because it is a natural attribute of the Divine to receive, and if you aren’t regularly receiving your soul will feel out of alignment and depressed.

Or, perhaps depressed is too strong of a word, perhaps “flat” is a better word. Life is “okay”, but it’s not fulfilling or full of JOY.

Can you relate?

So, the first thing you want to practise this week is to consciously allow yourself to receive. When others offer (friends, children, family, your husband or partner) say, “Yes, Thank you!”

And schedule at least ONE pleasure for yourself this week. Tune in to your soul and ask it,

What do you require to ENJOY this week?”

Whatever comes up, whether it be quiet time to read a magazine in the bath, go to the movies with girlfriends, book a massage or begin a new novel, listen and schedule it in your diary. Trust me… you’ll be in BLISS! And in return, resonating the vibration of openness to receive to the Universe.

2.  Be still & RECEIVE downloads from the Divine.

If you are always running around, shuttling kids from class to class, working, volunteering, travelling and such you will not be able to receive the gorgeous downloads from the Divine.

The Divine has already received your requests, desires or prayers, but now it’s waiting for YOU to receive guidance!

Without stillness and silence in your life it will be much more difficult to live and manifest the kind of life you dream about.

The Elegant Life is a life where you create moments of stillness and silence so that you can hear the actions to take.

I will be teaching the elegant morning meditation and rituals that I do every morning and evening at a Retreat I’ll be telling you about shortly.

It is so very important, to turn off the radio, TV, podcasts and music and just have silence in your life.

When I drive in the car,  I sometimes just drive in silence.

When I’m doing things around the house I sometimes consciously choose not to put my lovely music on.

Remember? Spiritual women who live elegantly CHOOSE how their life flows. And yes, I know it’s not always easy. It takes practise, like building a “receiving muscle”, but you will notice a massive difference in the fulfilment you feel as well as the ease in your ability to manifest. Trust me on this one!

Have you ever?

Have you ever experienced magical benefits from receiving?

Have you ever noticed that when you’ve been generous with yourself, gifting yourself something that gives you pleasure that you experience other beautiful experiences or gifts from the Universe?

Have you ever regularly had a morning meditation or ritual and seen and felt the miracles that have transpired because of it?

I’d LOVE to hear about them in the comments!

This is the last post in this series of “How to Connect With the Divine”. If you missed any click HERE to start back at the very first post. I have absolutely LOVED showing you how to embody the attributes of the Divine!

Next week we move on to something really powerful.  See you next week!




P.S. If you enjoyed this post and can think of another woman who could benefit from it, please share it with her. Or, simply share it on your Facebook feed! That way more and more women can be touched by The Elegant Life. Thank you!



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