life purpose


So, here’s one of the TOP questions I get asked: “How do I find my Life Purpose?”

Women all over the world are feeling the inner urge for fulfillment.  Life as usual just isn’t cutting it anymore.

They want to feel like they are having an impact. Doing something they love. Experiencing a sense of fulfillment that simply doesn’t come from working for someone or being a mother or wife.

Not that those things are bad or boring or don’t bring a certain sense of fulfillment but women are desiring MORE.

I could do a masterclass on this topic actually, which I am sensing will very soon (Let me know if this would interest you by leaving me a comment below, okay?)

But, the video I filmed this week came to me to share first. It’s the first understanding and perspective that is necessary. PLUS I lead you through a guided meditation.

So, if you are one of the many women who is desiring more from life, this video is for you. Please share it with any woman you know who may benefit from hearing the message, okay?

Thank you!

With SO Much Love,

Self Love

How France Taught Me to Love Myself

Ahhhh la France!

How can I count the number of gifts it bestowed upon me? One of the grandest being self-love.

When you do a google search on self-love you will find videos, blogs, quotes, and podcasts speaking about WHY we need self-love, but what I have always found missing was the HOW.

HOW do we love ourselves?

I’ll never forget a memory: me in my early twenties, refusing to spontaneously go dancing with my group of friends.

Now, I LOVE dancing! It wasn’t that I didn’t want to dance, I DID! What stopped me in my tracks was that I didn’t feel confident enough in myself, have enough self-love & self-acceptance, to walk in there and just dance my heart out…while wearing jeans and a T-Shirt.

Instead, I got very upset with my friends who were “pressuring” me to go. I turned it on THEM and was so hurt that they were not being understanding.

(See how we spin things to suit our ego/limiting beliefs?)

The next day I went over to my much older friend’s house and shared my woes, hoping she would agree with my allegations. She didn’t.

We got into a very looooooong discussion and then I asked her, “How do you know what your style is? You always seem so self-confident.”

Her answer? “I don’t know. I just do.”

Not very helpful, right?

This really sent me on a self-love pilgrimage. In 1997-1998 I found myself in France; a country where self-love comes easier. Not for everyone, but there is something ingrained in the women that served me SO well…and I want to share it with you in today’s video.

With SO Much Love,

setting intentions

SETTING INTENTIONS: How to Manifest Your Intentions

It’s Tea Time with Erin again! A SUPER question came through so I dedicated a whole video to it!

Due to the NEW profound energy in town, I want to show you how to master setting intentions so that you can most effectively allow this powerful energy to support you rather than hinder you.

Are you up for learning the way I manifest everything in my life?

From moving to the countries I desire to live in, to finding the perfect home, to attracting the perfect friends into my life, to receiving the most ideal number of clients, etc, etc?

Okay then! Make yourself a lovely cup of tea and let’s get started!

With SO Much Love,

acai bowl

High Vibration Acai Bowl

Want a super quick breakfast idea? One that is healthy, high vibe and only takes 2 minutes to make?

Well alright then! This week I’m releasing another Elegant Recipe due to high demand from the survey I did a few months back.

You asked I listened!

You also asked for all of the recipes to be written out on the blog, so I’ve taken care of that too. (See underneath the video)

Enjoy this delicious, easy & very high vibe breakfast recipe!

High Vibration Acai Bowl

1 Frozen banana

1 handful of mixed berries

2/3 cup coconut milk (or any plant-based milk)

3 tbsp oats (optional)

1 tsp Maple syrup

1 pack frozen Acai puree (unsweetened)


Place all ingredients in a high powered blender. Blend until fully smooth. You may need to stop and scrape the sides a few times.

Pour the thick mixture into a bowl and garnish with toppings of your choice. (See ideas below)

Garnishing Ideas:

Shredded coconut

Chia seeds

chopped/sliced nuts or seeds



With SO Much Love,


JUDGEMENT DETOX: How to Move From Judgement to Self Love

Let’s be honest…we’ve ALL done it! Yep, judgement.

We’ve looked at a woman across from us and thought:

“Why would she wear that?”

“Well, SHE thinks highly of herself, now doesn’t she?”

“I don’t like her. She’s SO __________.”

I could probably write a 10,000-word blog post just listing off the countless ways we’ve judged others but wait!

What about the judgement we put on ourselves? Recognise any of these?

“How could I be so stupid?”

“Look! She’s 55 and SHE isn’t fat! Look at you! What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m not as good as her. What I have to say has already been said a million times and she says it so much better than I ever could.”

These judgements may seem dissimilar, but really they are linked. You see, when you judge someone else it’s really a backhanded judgement you hold against yourself.


I have a beautiful, feminine and very elegant 3 step technique to quickly turn ANY judgement, whether it be about someone or yourself, around in just seconds.

Ready to turn judgement into deep self-love?

Let me know in the comments section what judgement you’ve struggled with, and if you managed to turn it around, how did you do it?

With SO Much Love,