
WANT MORE JOY? Here’s a Formula For Ascending Into It!

Did you know that the frequency of JOY is even higher than LOVE?

Being in the state of JOY gives you the energy, motivation & clarity to BE, DO & ENJOY everything your Soul desires!

Think about it…

When you are in complete JOY you:

  1. Have more energy
  2. Easily do movement activities
  3. More quickly/efficiently perform tasks
  4. Feel fulfillment
  5. Are more care-free about things (flexible mindset)
  6. Are more open to trying new things
  7. Are inspired to love yourself & others – it feels natural to you

I could go on and on, but can you see the difference in what JOY gifts you (and others)?

So, the BIG question then is HOW to ascend into this state, right?

Well, I share the Elegant HOW in this week’s video!

On Monday, January 20th, it’s my 48th birthday! So, in honour of this, I’d like to gift you a 48% off coupon code to use towards The Joy Formula that I mention in the video- YAY!

I only do this kind of SALE once a year on my birthday so be sure to take advantage!!! The coupon code is only valid until 12 Midnight EST on January 20th so act now and begin feeling JOY… today!

The Coupon code is: JOY2020 (Feel free to share this with any friends, family or even on your social media accounts!) The more the better! We want to spread JOY everywhere this year!!!

With SO Much Love,

spiritual ascension


Are you feeling the NEW energy in the air? How about an inner desire for spiritual ascension?

The new 2020 frequency is in full force and it will continue to get stronger as the years go on, so if you’ve been feeling the need for Spiritual Growth or Personal Growth on a grander scale then you are ready to move into your next level of spiritual ascension.

It’s such an exciting time!

In order for you to know HOW to ascend into the next level, you have to know what the levels are and what characterises them so that you know where to focus your energy.

In this week’s video, I’ve laid it all out for you!

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments. I’m here to assist you into your next level and I couldn’t be more excited for you! Life just gets better and better! (And as a result, so does the world:)


Yesterday an interview with me went LIVE. The interviewer asked if I would consider opening up The Elegant Life Makeover for at least a day so that her listeners could join.

It felt right, so I said yes to opening up the program for 48 hours.

If you would like to be hand held on your Spiritual Ascension for 5 months along with other beautiful SOULS then feel into your heart and LISTEN.

Is this for you?

Go HERE to learn all the details, feel into your heart (not your head which will always try to keep you safe & small) and invest if it’s what you KNOW you require to elegantly and gracefully ascend into your next level of peace, joy, fulfillment, happiness, abundance & purpose.

You’ve only got 48 hours to feel into this though.

With SO Much Love,

2020 predictions


2020 is already here and a whole NEW decade is opening, so what do you need to know?

I am more excited about this year and decade than ever before because the energy that is present and gaining momentum each day is POWERFUL! Not only powerful…but oh so helpful.

I filmed a very special & important video for the blog this week describing exactly what you can expect from the next year & decade as well as something you need to know in order for this momentum to serve you without added drama.

Please SHARE this video with all the women in your life as their future will be determined by this information.

Much love,

plant based dinner idea

ELEGANT POTATO & ONION PACKETS (Planted Based Dinner Idea)

Ever stumped on what to make for dinner? Sometimes I just want a simple, plant-based dinner idea that won’t take much time or effort.

This week I want to share with you one of my go-to ideas as you can literally add anything you like in these easy oven packets.

Potatoes and onions are always a nice base and then just add whatever else you want inside. I often add carrots.

Serve this elegant packet with a crunchy green salad that is dressed in lemon & oil (and sprinkled with salt) and you have on your hands an exquisite, high vibe, plant-based dinner! (Yes, it’s Vegan too!)

The full recipe is typed below the video. You asked, I listened;)

Elegant Potato & Onion Packets

Ingredients are for 1 serving. Multiply the recipe for your desired number of servings.

1 small Russet potato, thinly sliced

1 small Spanish onion, sliced into rings

Salt & Pepper to taste

1 Tbsp Finely chopped fresh parsley

Avocado Oil

Pinch of Dried Oregano

Pinch of Dried Basil

Serve with:

Sautéed asparagus & mushrooms


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Tear a long sheet of aluminium foil and place a shiny side down onto the counter.

Place the sliced potatoes and onions onto the middle of the foil. Drizzle over some avocado oil & sprinkle salt & pepper on top.

Sprinkle the dried oregano and basil on top and finish by sprinkling the fresh parsley on top.

Fold the long ends of the foil towards the middle then roll up each of the other sides to form a tightly closed packet.

Place the packet onto a cookie sheet and place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

While the potatoes are baking slice mushrooms and chop asparagus into 1- inch pieces.

Sauté these in a little avocado oil and a sprinkle of salt & pepper.

After 30 minutes open the packets (be careful not to be too close when opening the packets as there can be hot steam releasing).

Serve some of the potato/onion mixture onto a beautiful plate. On the side add some of the sautéed mushrooms & asparagus. Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

With Love,

Upgrade Your Life

Upgrade Your Life 21 Day Challenge

Ladies! This 21 Day Challenge has been highly requested so VOILA! Ask and you shall receive.
Click this link to CLAIM YOUR SPOT: More info below…

I have put together this incredibly transformative Upgrade Your Life Challenge with the intention of you literally upgrading & elevating your vibration & reality.


  • Sequentially build habits that will support you in upgrading your life
  • Feel Inner Peace & Fulfilment on a whole new level
  • Raise your wealth & health vibration into a brand NEW reality

We start on WEDNESDAY, November 13th (yes, two days!) so go now to get all set up! Here’s the link again: .Watch the video below to find out more!

See you in the challenge! xo