manifesting rituals

TEA TIME WITH ERIN: Q &A on Clearing Clutter, Manifesting Rituals & Something Personal!

It’s Q & A Time Again! And this time we’re talking about whether or not manifesting rituals are necessary and how to clear clutter when you find it really hard to start (or finish!).

I was also asked a question regarding my personal curated life. Curious what she asked?

You all know that I am BIG on making conscious choices, right?

The biggest and most important choices we make are how we curate our life. What is going to be IN our lives and what is just NOT ALLOWED! (or needs to get politely but firmly removed;)

As for manifesting rituals…have you tried any?

The dictionary definition of RITUAL is this: a religious ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

Let me be VERY clear here: you do not have to do a series of actions to be able to manifest. This is a superstitious, fear-based way of trying to manifest.

Notice I say “trying”. The energy behind many of the popular manifesting rituals taught by “manifesting experts” are very low on the vibrational scale.

However…there are some actions that I do every day, such as meditating and then setting my timer for 5 minutes for “Pleasure Time” (Elegant Society Members know what I’m talking about here;)

I guess you could call this an Elegant Manifesting Ritual, but there is no prescribed way of doing it – it’s free flow. The only ritual thing about it is that I do it every day.

Watch me speak more about this as well as some other unique topics on this week’s video.

And remember, if YOU have a question you’d like me to answer on a future Tea Time with Erin please put it in the comments or write to me at

With Love,

make life easier


Let’s be honest… we’d all like to make life easier in some aspect of our lives, right?

Whether it be earning money, losing weight, having more inner peace or having more fulfilment in our life – we’d LOVE it if it all came a lot easier to us, wouldn’t we?

Ever looked at someone’s life and thought,

“It’s just so EASY for her!”

I used to look at Oprah’s life (when she lost a lot of weight the first time) and think , “Well, of course she lost weight! She has a personal chef and a personal trainer! Who WOULDN’T lose weight?

Then I watched as she gained and lost weight for over 15 years! She had some more personal work to do.

I also looked at some women whose husbands worked with them and thought, “Ha! I would be successful too if I could just do what I loved and my husband took care of all the techie stuff!”

Then I learned that these couples didn’t have the ease & fun in their relationship that I had with my husband. They ended up having to go to counselling.

We often tend to think that something outside of us will solve all our problems and in reality…nothing or no one will ever solve your problems for you, except you.

Now, you can have support WHILE you do the personal work. Support definitely helps make life easier… more quickly. That I know for sure!

Yet, a personal trainer can tell you what to do, but YOU still have to do it!

A husband can support you in your business but YOU still have to be the brand, get out there, connect with people, etc.

You can even hire a life coach but unless you actually DO what you agree on, your life is not going to change.

See a pattern?

The good news is that even though you have some personal work to do, your brain can help support you!

This week I’ve filmed a video teaching you how your brain, if given the right things from YOU, will be your BIGGEST support.

The Divine created the brain in such a beautiful way! Your life can be easier, in a shorter amount of time, if you simply focus on these things.

Watch and please leave a comment on the blog with your answer to my question at the end of the video, okay?

With Love,

dinner idea


Looking for a healthy dinner idea?

Well, have I got a recipe for you!

This Turkish Style Beans Recipe is one I first tasted when my boyfriend (now my husband) surprised me with a home-cooked meal after a long day of teaching.

If you’ve watched The Making of a Spiritual Woman Series you know what a surprise and delight this was for me.

Over and above the fact that a man had actually cooked for me, this meal was DELICIEUX!

The flavors blended so well together! This was like no other “bean recipe” that I had ever tasted. I was hooked.

You can substitute the borlotti beans for kidney beans, navy beans, or even chickpeas!

I’m so excited to share this recipe with you as it has a special place in my heart – and on my monthly (sometimes weekly) meal list.

Here’s to high vibrations!

You will find a full recipe below the video.

Enjoy this dinner idea & Bon Appetit!

High Vibration Beans – Turkish Style (Barbuyna)

1 Can (drained & rinsed) Pinto Beans

1 medium yellow onion

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 small carrot, diced

1 small potato, diced

2 Tbsp Olive oil

1 Tbsp Tomato Paste

1 bay leaf

1 tsp Sea salt (or Himalayan salt)

1/8 tsp black pepper

Fresh parsley, finely chopped, for garnishing


Add the olive oil to a medium pot. When the oil is heated, add the onions and cook until they become translucent.

Add the carrots, potatoes & garlic. Sauté mixture for a few minutes.

Add the tomato paste and the drained, rinsed beans and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Add the bay leaf, black pepper, salt & enough water to cover the beans. (approx 2 – 2 1/2 cups)

Bring to a boil then simmer for 30 minutes uncovered or until the liquid reduces and it becomes the texture of a stew.

Garnish with chopped parsley and serve along with a salad or serve over rice with a side salad.


With Love,

feel whole


Every week I meet with another woman who is expressing her need to feel whole & fulfilled. Do you feel this within you too?

Maybe you’ve got it all on the outside and also a lot is right on your insides too! Yet, you just can’t put your finger on why you still feel like there is a piece of the puzzle missing?

You’re definitely not alone.

I did a google search on this topic and it’s just the same old advice over and over again that yes, to some extent will make you will feel better, but…

At The Elegant Life, we want to feel whole FULLY…DEEPLY. Yet our wholeness can’t be just a lot of calm & quiet. Non, Non!

We Spiritual women who choose to live elegantly desire life to be joyful AND whole.

In this week’s video, I gift you 3 elegant ways to feel whole and fulfilled. These ways will make you experience a sense of blissful wholeness!

Try them this week and please do let me know how you get on with the little experiment I talk about at the end of the video, okay?

I wish you an absolutely Elegant, Exquisite week!

I love you!



You are going to LOVE this week’s teaching on how to use your emotions to manifest!


Well, this is a super simple technique that you can use TODAY to start feeling happier, more peaceful, more full of love AND…to start manifesting more easily – whoo hoo!

J’adore gifting you simple, elegant processes.

You are SO powerful and I want you to realise that. I also want you to use this knowledge to really support you and your dreams.

Your life is meant to be joyous, meaningful, FUN and definitely full of love & fulfillment, so take a few minutes to really absorb this Elegant Process. I use it every single day.

I am so completely jazzed up about teaching you how to manifest with ease & elegance because I studied manifesting for years without ever experiencing the results I wanted.

During some real times of desperation, I literally begged the Universe to show me how to manifest. I promised that if I was shown (and experienced the results I desired) that I would teach others.

And now, after elegantly manifesting so many of my biggest dreams, I am truly able to share with you the “secrets”.

It’s my absolute honor.

So, sit back and let the teaching sink in:)


I love you!