VEGAN CURRY “CHICKEN” RECIPE | High Vibration Dinner Idea

Looking for a healthy dinner idea? You HAVE to try this Vegan Curry “Chicken” Recipe! It’s been in my family since I was a child & now my own children ADORE it! Serve it to guests as a very elegant dinner along with a crisp green salad and finish it off with a lemon meringue pie. Mmmm!

It’s so quick to make and is what we call here at The Elegant Life, a high vibration food.

P.S. You can use real chicken if you like, just brown it first. A quick tip is to brown the chicken in butter and just before it starts getting brown, add the onions.

Bon Appetit!

The full recipe is typed below the video.

Let me know in the comments how you like & enjoy it! Trust me, it will become a favorite!

Vegan Curry “Chicken”

1 packet of Quorn Chicken Pieces

1 medium onion

2 Tbsp Avocado Oil

4 cups vegetable, chicken flavoured broth

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 scant Tbsp Curry Powder

1/2 Tbsp. Paprika

1 tsp Salt

2 Tbsp Cornstarch

3 Tbsp Low sugar Ketchup

2 Tbsp Steak Sauce (HP Sauce)

1/3 cup blanched almonds

2 Tbsp dried minced onion

Garnishing Ideas:

Toasted Sesame seeds

Thinly Sliced Green Onion


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F

Slice the onion into rings.

Sauté the onion rings in avocado oil until they become translucent.

Place sautéed onions in the casserole dish.

Measure or make your Broth. Heat the broth in a medium pot.

In a small bowl mix the black pepper, curry powder, paprika, salt, and pepper together. Add a little cold water to mix into a paste consistency. Add it to the warm broth in the pot and stir.

Add the Ketchup & Steak Sauce. Stir and heat well until it thickens.

Add the thickened sauce to the casserole dish.

Add the packet of Quorn Chicken Pieces.

Add the blanched almonds & dried minced onions and stir.

Cover and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Serve over Basmati rice and garnish with toasted sesame seeds and thinly sliced green onions.



WHY YOU AREN’T MANIFESTING? Here’s Your Answer & Solution

*** Let Manifesting Be Elegant & Easy! ***

Hello! I’m back from an incredible summer holiday and am absolutely energized to be back here on the blog talking about manifesting!

Why am I so passionate when I speak about manifesting? Because for SO LONG I didn’t get it.

I felt like so many women who write to me or come to me as a client who feel like they are truly doing everything they can to manifest and nothing is working.

They have read The Secret (as I had).

They have read all about the Law of Attraction and Visualising (as I had).

They have even meticulously done every step found in those books and movies and still…nothing. No extra money. Health is unchanged. No soulmate walking through that door…resonating a bit with all this?

I truly wish I could sit down with you and read you my past diary entries just to show how desperate and hopeless I once felt.

Being a former Type A perfectionist, it was really tough to feel like I was doing EVERYTHING and still my everything was not enough.

Today I want to share with you one of the most important things I can teach you when it comes to manifesting. This is a game-changer.

Really take it in. Really HEAR me, okay?

Don’t just listen and say, “Okay, got it.” then move on to another video about how to manifest. Let this deeply sink in. Journal with your subconscious & soul.

Because whatever you desire is just on the other side of you really “getting” this.

Enjoy! And please share with your mother, sister, friend or client!

It’s time women move past the “struggle reality” and step into their full power so they can begin living an abundant life – on every level.

I love you!

healthy oatmeal recipes

3 High Vibration, Healthy Oatmeal Recipes

Oatmeal is one of my favourite breakfasts because it’s filling and highly nutritious; even more when I add some special ingredients to it!

I get bored easily, so I like to rotate between these 3 delicious oatmeal options.

Bon appetit!

And let me know which is your favourite!

To make the oatmeal base for these recipes:

1. Add  1/3 cup oats to a small pot.

2. Pour in 250ml  (1 Cup) coconut milk, or any plant based milk.

3. Stir until mixed well.

4. Turn the burner on to high and heat the mixture until it reaches a boil. Immediately turn down the heat to low and simmer for 1 minute or until mixture thickens.

a) Banana Cinnamon

To the oatmeal add:

1/2 Tbsp chia seeds

Walnuts, as desired

Sprinkle of cinnamon

1 tsp Maple syrup

b) Apple Delight

To the oatmeal add:

2-3 Tbsp Apple sauce (unsweetened)

Pecans, as desired

Sprinkle of cinnamon

1 tsp Maple Syrup

c) Very Berry

To the oatmeal add:

1/2 Tbsp chia seeds

1/3-1/2 cup berries (can be frozen)

1 tsp Maple syrup

Top 3 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal

1)Whole oats are packed full of antioxidants called polyphenols.

2) Half a cup (78 grams)  contains manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, folate, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5,

3) They are totally balanced with 51 grams of carbs, 13 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 8 grams of fibre.

4) All three of the above aid in weight loss & weight management as well as healthy digestion which is critical for your overall health and immune system.

high vibration foods


I’m SO excited to chat with you today because I have something for you that I’ve dreamed of creating since I was a child!

I’ve always loved the process of cooking a recipe of deliciousness and then making it look really nice.

As a little girl, whenever I was off sick, I would go in the kitchen to prepare myself a snack or lunch and turn the whole process into a cooking show!

Since my mom was super into health food I knew a lot about health, vitamins, nutrients etc. so as I chatted away to the “air”. I always mentioned WHY I was making this or that and why it was so good for you:)

Fast forward 35 years and I still adore finding great recipes and trying them out & reading cookbooks – particularly when they are plant based.

And since I care so much about women’s health, vitality & vibrational frequency I hired a camera crew to come to my home to film short, easy & truly high vibration recipes with me.

I didn’t sit or eat for 9 hours straight, but I was on a high! LOL!

I go into the specifics of why consuming high vibration foods is one of the simplest, most pleasurable ways to raise your frequency in this week’s video, but for now I’ll just say,

The vibration you emit directly affects and creates your reality. If you want to feel great and look great then these high vibration foods & recipes are the simplest way I can help you achieve that.

So, here’s to you feeling and looking fabulous! I can’t wait to hear which recipes you like best!

In this video you will learn:

  • How consuming these high-frequency foods will positively affect the Physical you AND the Spiritual you!
  • What actually happens when you eat high vibration foods

With SO much love,

how to make money

Q&A: How to Make Money From Your Hobbies, Talents & Interests

Wanting to make money, other than working at a 9-5 job, was at the forefront of my mind in 2007. I was a new mom (mum) and didn’t want to go back to work as a school teacher.

I wanted the freedom to be with my son, to be the kind of mother I had always dreamed of being and yet…I am the type of person who desperately needs my own “thing” outside of being a mother.

Can you relate?

Through chance, luck and a lot of reading and studying on the internet I managed to create a hobby for myself. I say “hobby” because a business makes money, a hobby is something that you do for enjoyment, but you don’t make sustainable money from it.

After becoming frustrated that my hobby was draining our family finances I began educating myself via coaches, group programs and self-study courses… $80,000 later I had myself a business!

I finally got to use my talents, natural abilities and interests to serve women worldwide and earn a very liberating income – one where I could send money to family members, pay for underprivileged girls to attend University, and feel the financial freedom I had yearned for for YEARS!

How about you? Has the thought ever crossed your mind:

            “If I could just earn an extra $2,000/month I could…..

Example: Have enough money to take a yearly vacation to some exquisite location!

Well, in this week’s video I give you specific examples and websites that will help you make money using your hobbies, talents & interests.

After watching I just KNOW the wheels in your head will be turning:) (Be sure to write all of your ideas in the comment section, okay?  I will be checking in to guide you and make further suggestions and recommendations specifically for YOUR situation!)

In this video you will learn:

  • 10 + ways you can earn more money by doing something you enjoy!
  • Specific websites that make earning more money simple.
  • Where to spend your money to help you be successful a whole lot sooner than I was.

With SO much love,