argentine tango


Well, I did it! I actually learned the Argentine Tango and filmed it so I could live out my dream of having my own “Strictly Come Dancing” or Dancing With the Stars” experience!

I have SO much to share about this experience; many lessons were learned.

My Story

I have been sharing my experience from Day 1 over on my Instagram account. (If you don’t follow me on Instagram click here as I am on there almost daily sharing different parts of my life & teachings).

The first day was just thrilling. I was SO excited and couldn’t stop smiling, squealing and jumping around. My husband said he hadn’t seen me this happy…ever!

Around the 3rd week, I arrived at the studio, excited to take the routine further, when I was told that my teacher had left the studio. The instructor replacing him was almost double my height.

            “Is this even going to work?” I asked him.

Secretly, I was upset as I really liked my former instructor and couldn’t see HOW in the world I was going to be able to dance the Tango with this tall guy!

I made the choice to flow with the lesson and actually, in the end, I quite liked him. I didn’t feel as intimidated as I had with the previous teacher and we laughed a lot so…all was well in my world.

Especially when I found out that he was from Serbia and had actually been on the Serbian Dancing With the Stars as a professional dancer!

We had to create a totally new routine since no notes were left from my previous instructor, but it didn’t bother me much…this time. (hint… hint)

As each week progressed my new instructor began teaching me the intricate details of each move. Posture of the back, neck, arm, finger, foot…oh my goodness, who knew dancing was this complicated?

I began leaving my lessons feeling down, sometimes very down.

Down on myself as I wasn’t able to hold my neck and back the way he was expecting me to and down on the experience, as it wasn’t fun anymore.

One day he literally shifted my back and neck 20 times trying to teach me how to get it right. All I wanted to do was cry and run out of there.

When I returned home I talked to myself and said,

“Why are you letting HIM create this experience for you? YOU get to have the experience you desire. If you don’t care if your back and neck are 100% correct then you tell him to relax and just allow you to dance for JOY.”

I made up my mind to speak to him at the beginning of next class.

My speech was planned, I entered the studio and…my instructor wasn’t there. Instead a NEW instructor was waiting for me!

4th Time’s a Charm

Whaaaaat? This isn’t how things were supposed to go! I don’t WANT another teacher I was thinking!

I was told that my instructor had left to pursue other career opportunities. Well, I couldn’t blame him for moving forward in his life, but…

I COULD be angry with him because he didn’t leave any notes about our routine, which was 3/4 choreographed! I would have to start all over again.

Maxim, my 3rd instructor was very sweet, kind and close to my height, which I really, really appreciated. When I danced with him I didn’t feel like a little girl, I felt like Erin, the woman again.Thank you for this gift, Universe.”

Throughout the whole lesson I was thanking the Universe because I felt the JOY of dancing again.

Maxim was patient and an excellent teacher. He was able to give me little tips that made me go,

            “Ooooooooh, THAT’S how you do it! Thank you!”

Three weeks passed and Maxim had choreographed an Argentine Tango routine that I absolutely loved, yes, even better than my former instructor’s routine.

The Lessons I Learned

1)When you flow with the way things are you receive unexpected gifts.

2) YOU create your reality. Never let anyone write your story. Know what you desire to do & feel and speak up.

3) Continue to check things off your bucket list because the joy you receive from doing so is pure BLISS.

So, without further ado, here it is!

Side note: the skirt I’m wearing is not very flattering. I had bought such a nice slim skirt which showed off my figure beautifully, but due to the new routine Maxim created the leg lift and dip at the end would have put my skirt up & under my armpits! LOL! So I had to borrow this one. When I watched the video I caught myself thinking, “That is SO not flattering! It’s true the camera adds 10 pounds! I don’t look like that!”

I wasn’t even going to mention this but…I guess I still have a bit of ego in me- LOL!)

Enjoy! And thank you for being a part of my journey.

In this video you will learn:

  • The life lessons I learned while learning the Argentine Tango
  • What I still (apparently) have to work on! LOL!

With SO much love,

your intentions


Your Intentions

I was sitting on my bed, writing all of my current wishes and dreams in my beautiful flower covered journal (yet again).

Everyone I had ever watched or read stated that the best way to make your intentions come true was to write them down.

So write I did! I was always a good student. Tell me to do something and I’d do it.

What I believed deep down was that if I did what people told me to do, I would get results! Why would someone ever tell me to do something that wouldn’t work?

In other words, I had expectations.

What do you think the manifestation rate of my intentions was?

About 30%.

And the 30% that came true was when I didn’t have any expectations! I just kind of “put them out there.”

Real Life Example

After high school graduation, I missed getting into the Education Department by 2%. I was completely blindsided by this. What???

I have been preparing to be a teacher since I was 8 years old! I KNOW I ‘m meant to be a teacher! How is this even possible God? I thought.

I was so dumbfounded that I went to see a psychic. He told me there would be a last minute announcement from the University that they were lowering the percentage to get into Education by 2%, and I would get in.

I SO wanted to believe him, but I kind of thought he was just telling me what I wanted to hear.

I went home and for the rest of the summer, I slowly got used to the fact that I would just have to rewrite a test or two. Hey, maybe I could work and save up some money while preparing for the exams.

It certainly wasn’t what I’d intended. And, the feeling of “not being good enough” was definitely there, but I just KNEW I was meant to be a teacher . For some odd reason it just didn’t work out this year.

In other words, I surrendered. And I got on with my summer..still being a bit confused as to WHY it didn’t work out.

Wouldn’t you know it, one morning an announcement in the newspaper stated that the Education Department was lowering the percentage to get in. Anyone with my percentage would be offered a letter of acceptance.

At that time in my life, I just felt blessed, but since my Spiritual Awakening 7 years ago I have seen a pattern between all the times my intentions came true and didn’t.

There are things I do that pretty much guarantee that my intentions and dreams come true…unless there is a greater plan for me that I’m not currently aware of.

I’d LOVE to share them with you in this week’s video!

Last week’s video on How to Set Intentions:

Video on how to be in a neutral state:

do Terra Essential Oils:

In this video, you will learn:

  • 3 Steps for Ensuring the Universe can easily make your intentions a reality
  • What YOU can do to create the space for your intentions to manifest
  • How to create a strong magnetic field to elegantly bring your desires to you.

With SO much love,



Have you ever wondered if setting an intention REALLY works? Or why setting intentions seem to work for everyone else except you?

Then I’ve got you covered!

I’m in LOVE with the video I filmed for this week’s blog post! I empower you with scientific information that will build your faith in intentions so much that you will KNOW why they will work 100% of the time if you follow my advice.

I’m going to make this message short and sweet because I just want you to watch the video and learn this magical information.

Get ready to KNOW that whatever you intend you can experience in your reality.



In this video, you will learn:

  • The science of how intentions work
  • What intentions really are
  • How to ensure that after you set your intention it has the right conditions to make it a reality


With SO much love,

negative emotions


Have you ever yelled at a loved one then felt guilt shortly after?

Have you ever felt depressed or sad?

How about shame?

Bitterness? Jealousy?

Eeek! Are you starting to feel down just reading these words? They’re BAD words, right?

I used to think so. I remember sitting on the park bench with Guy in France and saying,

            “I just want to be happy, Guy. I’m so tired of all these negative emotions! I just     want to feel happy.”

 At this time in my life, I was just BEGINNING to elevate into a new, upleveled spirituality so I viewed negative emotions as bad. Little did I know, my biggest negative emotion, depression, would lead me to my Spiritual Enlightenment moment.

In this week’s video, I share a very unique perspective along with two, 5 second techniques that I use every time I experience a negative emotion. They are SO quick and SO beautiful.

In literally 5 seconds you can go from feeling total frustration, shame, anger, jealousy, you name it, to complete wholeness and blissful inner peace.

J’adore these signature techniques, I created and I cannot wait to hear your feedback in the comments below as to how you feel after using them yourself.

Enjoy the Bliss!

In this video, you will learn:

  • The difference between bad & harmful emotions
  • Why negative emotions can be a Divine GIFT to you!
  • The 2 Signature Techniques I created to change your emotions in 5 seconds.

With so much love,



So, I’m prepping dinner, listening to my Parisian Jazz music and then… it comes time to prepare the salad. Oh man!

Have you ever really wanted a salad but even the thought of dragging the lettuce out, washing it, spinning it, chopping it just seemed like too much work?

Ok, maybe you buy the pre-washed lettuce now so it’s not such a big deal, but what about the other vegetables like broccoli, or how about lunch? Is it just me or is lunch your least favorite meal to prepare too?

All this being said, my body ADORES eating healthy, high vibration foods.

Four years ago my body only wanted plant-based foods, and as I evolve spiritually, it just wants more and more of only plants and plant-based foods.

You know how this Universe works, right? When you become more high vibe you attract more of what is on that high frequency. My energy was making me crave the high vibrations foods and rejecting the low vibration ones – naturally!

It’s all good, but what this meant was that I had to get a bit more strategic in having these foods readily accessible so that giving my body what it desired was simple & easy.

In this week’s video, I’m going to share the 3 tricks that I do weekly to ensure that eating healthy, high vibration foods is simple & enjoyable. Ready to learn my ritual? Watch the video below.



In this video, you will learn:

  • My strategy for quickly planning my meals for the week
  • How I’ve made grocery shopping super quick & convenient (and more affordable)
  • My simple tricks for having grab-and-go, high vibration foods on hand.


With so much love,