How to Elegantly Attract/ Have a Fulfilling Relationship – Part 3 (Human Needs)

Ever feel like your needs aren’t being met by your partner? Well, normally when WE don’t feel our needs are being met, we can pretty much guarantee that our partner or spouse feels the same.

In this week’s final video on how to elegantly attract or have a fulfilling relationship I cover the 6 core human needs and how to commit to meeting them for yourself AND your partner.

When we commit to a partnership or marriage we are committing to using our time and energy to love and nurture our spouse.

Once you understand the 6 human needs you will be empowered to have a fulfilling relationship.

Important Message About Human Needs

I always, always work with my private couture clients to become the best version of themselves first. Thus, the reason I spent video 1 & video 2 of this series on that very topic.

What I know for sure is that our vibration attracts situations, experiences and people of the same vibration. So, if we are insecure, judgemental, full of low vibrational emotions such as guilt, shame, anger, etc.then it will be almost impossible to truly have or attract a partner who is happy, passionate, generous, non-judgemental etc.

So the first place to begin is with ourselves. Become happy, passionate, generous and non-judgmental, clear those low vibrational emotions within you (my Clearing Package and Couture Coaching packages are designed for this), and do things on a daily basis to keep your frequency high and aligned with your Divine Self.

Relationships are a 2-Way Street

Let me state very clearly though that a marriage is a two way street. In order to have a fulfilling relationship your partner must be just as invested and commited to meeting your most valued human needs.

So, if you are feeling unfulfilled in your marriage or relationship right now and you are questioning whether to stay or leave, start with getting YOU vibrationally high first. 

Then commit to meeting your partner’s top 1 or 2 human needs (the ones THEY value the most) and if after this you still feel unfulfilled and like something is just not right, you are in a very empowered and awakened state to make a choice about whether to stay or leave.

Enjoy this final video and please do let me know if you have further questions, okay?

With so much love,


How to Elegantly Attract/ Have A Fulfilling Relationship | PART 2

Welcome to Part 2 of this How to Elegantly Attract /Have a Fulfilling Relationship series!

I have received such wonderful comments from all over the world about Video #1! It really makes me happy to know that the training served so many of you. And thank you for sharing it with women you know as well!

In this video I go into specific ways you can raise your vibration so that you easily become a match to the partner/soulmate that you desire.

As you already know, our reality is totally created by US. We call into our lives that which is a vibrational match to us, so let’s learn ways to elevate our frequency so that having or attracting a fulfilling relationship is truly an elegant experience.

As always, I suggest you create some time to watch this video. Having it on in the background while you do something else is not helpful. Presence and focus on what you desire, a fulfilling relationship, IS helpful, so commit to that, okay?

With so much love,


If you are truly committed to having or attracting a fulfilling relationship then I highly recommend you join us at The Elegant Life Experience in Budapest, Hungary.

Is is going to be  a LIFE CHANGING Experience. You will walk out, after an abundant, luxurious, deeply spiritual and profound four days, feeling, Beautiful, Whole, and Full of Joy, Love & Inner Peace.

Go to: to learn all the gorgeous details and to reserve your spot, now!

Psst…If you desire to attend and would like a reduced price on the ticket, simply find a friend or another woman in our Elegant Society!

You will SAVE $1000!!!

spiritual retreat











The Therapeutic Essential Oils from doTerra that Erin speaks about can be purchased through this link:

Erin’s favourites, which just happen to resonate at the highest frequencies are:

  1. Serenity
  2. Whisper
  3. Balance
  4. Citrus Bliss
  5. Rose
  6. Lavender

How to Elegantly Attract / Have a Fulfilling Relationship | PART 1

I cannot tell you how many of my clients are dealing with relationship issues. In fact just after I finished filming this video series a woman contacted me who was desiring coaching on how to attract the perfect partner!

It has been such a theme within the past 3 years that I thought, since we’re in the month of “LOVE” that I do a thorough video series on How to Elegantly Attract or Have a Fulfilling Relationship. I cover everythign from A-Z so get ready to ENJOY!

You’ve probably noticed that I have been absent for the past couple of weeks. I had a tremendously busy January and eventually got ill. During this time I realised that some things needed to change so that I could FULLY fulfill my Life Calling without burning out.

And, what needed to change was this blog. Many of you may not know that every blog post takes about 2 1/2 days to complete. With the filming, editing, uploading, writing, organising, creating of images etc. it’s a full time job.

With me coaching clients here in Dubai as well as all over the world my schedule is packed. Not to mention the LIVE workshops I do every month as well as being a very present mommy to my two children. Get the picture? It was getting to be too much.

During the past weeks, I have added even more support to my life – a chef that specialises in high vibration food which looks beautiful – he garnishes with flowers!!!! Totally in line with the Elegant Approach to living & eating!

I have also reflected on which aspects of the blog I adore most – the tasks that give me joy and pleasure and those that leave me dragging my feet each week.

Changes to the Blog From Now Onwards

So, the short of the story is that I will be filming more videos  (something I adore doing) but I will not be writing a full blog post to match. I will write a little introduction/ blurb and point out important points but the full on written portion of the blog will no longer be present.

I know some of you really love to read, but I simply cannot fulfil that need anymore without burning out. I hope you understand and begin to enjoy watching the videos as much as you enjoyed reading the posts. Who knows, perhaps it will aid you in creating a special moment each week to slow down and make watching the video a beautiful ritual for yourself!

Perhaps you could make a lovely tea and serve it in a beautiful tea cup while enjoying the video! Let me know your comments or ideas, okay?

So without further ado, enjoy PART 1 of this Relationship series.

Much Love,

january favourites

Mes Petits Plaisirs – January Favourites | Neom, Oysho, TePe & L’Occitane Reviews

January is my birthday month so I gifted myself a few things I really want to share with you!

In this “January Favourites” post I will share 4 items that have truly gifted me pleasure…and made my dentist very happy with me! You’ll see why;) ENJOY! And who knows, maybe one of my January Favourites will end up being one of yours too!

Petit Plaisir No.1 – January Favourites

  1. L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil

l'occitane almond shower oil reviewA decadent body cleanser that is rich in almond oil and features a foaming oil-to-milk texture that leaves skin satiny-smooth.

I absolutely ADORE this shower oil! I have lived in a variety of countries and climates and each time tried to find a product that would give me smooth, silky, moisturised skin. Nothing really did the trick until this Almond Shower Oil.

I used to use high quality shower gels and then even higher quality (and higher priced) lotions and they worked a bit, but the next day my skin would be dry again.

This product lathers up slightly, just enough, and then, without leaving you feeling greasy, moisturises your skin.

Et voila! No need for any lotion, therefore saving you time and money!

Click HERE to easily purchase this product now. You’ll thank me, I promise:)

Petit Plaisir No. 2 – January Favourites

2. TePe Floss Sticks (found in most pharmacies)

tepe floss sticks review

Are you constantly told by your dentist that you need to floss better? I was too! The only problem was that I was flossing diligently everyday!

Finally, one dentist introduced me to these TePe Floss Sticks – I’ve not heard a word since about my plaque!

After brushing at night you simply insert the floss stick between each of your teeth and voila! That’s it! (You’ll be surprised at what comes out, even after you doing a brilliant job at brushing!)

Choose the width of your TePe Floss Sticks to match the space between your teeth. The orange, slim ones work best for me since I have very little space between my teeth, but if you have larger spaces, it’s best to purchase the wider ones.

TePe used to make their sticks out of wire and brushes but have now switched to these NEW, almost silicon material. I much prefer these NEW ones as I found the wire ones bent too easily and lost their shape, making each pick a one time use.

Petit Plaisir No.3 – January Favourites

3. NEOM Organic Candles  – Found on Amazon, Net-a-Porter, &                  

J’adore NEOM Candles! I could never find a natural, non toxic candles that didn’t give me a head ache…until I found NEOM candles that is:) I actually purchased 4 of them for my birthday earlier this month and I really am so pleased with them.happiness

The scents are labelled by how we desire to FEEL & what we desire to EXPERIENCE (in complete alignment with The Elegant Life Principles, right?)


Their promise: 100% natural fragrances for the mind & body, made in Britain from ethically sourced, sustainable origins, only natural & organic ingredients, no petrochemical paraffin or mineral wax, no artificial perfume only pure essential oils and no harsh preservatives. My kind of company. Not to mention that the founder, Nicola, is a woman with a whole lot of Soul.

Petit Plaisir No. 4 – January Favourites

4. OYSHO Loungewear & Pyjamas 

elegant black satin pyjamas

OYSHO is a beautiful Spanish clothing retailer specialising in women’s homewear and undergarments.

I came across them in Abu Dhabi 5 years ago when we were there on vacation. I am still wearing the nightwear and loungewear I bought as I just love them so much!

So, when I saw the OYSHO store here in Dubai I jumped at the chance to purchase more! I purchased these black satin pyjamas (to see me model them, watch the video above at minute 7:50) and three other items as I realised I had gotten back into the rut of wearing old, worn out clothes around the house, calling them my “cozies”. Can you relate?

Well, this brand is seriously the best brand around. They are high in quality, fit the body perfectly (as perfectly as any high end item would) and the prices are shockingly reasonable! I still cannot believe the price tag of these high quality items!

Have a look for a store near you.  If you live in North America the only place I could find to purchase items was HERE. 

Et voila! Ce sont mes petits plaisirs pour le mois de janvier. (Here’s some French for those of you who requested to hear more French from me:)

I’m very excited about February because it’s the month of LOVE – and you know we’re all about that here at The Elegant Life;) So… I have a petit surprise for you!

See you next week!



let go and let god

2 Ways to “LET GO & LET GOD” – Surrender Control

Have you every desired something SO much but found it almost impossible to “let go and let God” as everyone suggests?

Then this post is for you!

I am going to share 2 ways to practise the art of letting go and letting God. One is a mindset shift and the other is advice that I bet you’ve not heard before. (Psst…it a theme here on The Elegant Life:)

January is a month where everyone is focused on goals, dreams and DOING.

Plans are made, goal are being set, memberships to gyms are being bought, and the focus is on pursuing, trying and desperately wanting their desire to manifest.

I know this pattern well as it was my “go-to” strategy my whole life! Set a goal, make a plan, push, pursue, obsess…you get the picture!  The energy I was giving off was one of desperation and lack – not very elegant and definitely not a high frequency for manifesting!

This is completely opposite from what I do now and teach my clients to do.

And…this is exactly what Buddha did before he experienced enlightenment and true happiness.

Many people know the story of how Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and awakened, however not many people know WHY he ended up sitting under that tree. He was in the same trap I was in and perhaps you find yourself too?

Watch the video above, at minute 2:54, to hear the real reason Buddha sat under the bodhi tree.

2 Steps to “Let Go and Let God”

Step 1: Surrender.

As you can see from Buddha’s story, pushing, trying and pursuing does not serve us. We must understand the Elegant Principle of the Universe:

As soon as you state your intention, Divine Consciousness sets to work to orchestrate everything needed to bring you your desire.”

The problem arises, for most women, when they don’t see any change in their reality and thus start doubting, feeling down, and obsessing even more on trying to figure out “the HOW”.

Spiritual Women who live elegantly, instead, focus on just BEING & await Divine Inspiration.

Do not attach. I’ll repeat that, “Do not attach to the outcome”. 

Should we even have desires? Yes! Desires are feelings and feelings come directly from your Soul, which is your connection to the Divine. So yes! You wouldn’t have those desires if you weren’t intended to experience them!

However,  instead of obsessing, spend your time & energy visualising your dream. See it vividly, in the greatest detail. FEEL it. Then…

let go and let god

Step 2: Get on With Living Your Life (filling it with JOY & PLEASURE)

I know I know, I harp on this regularly, but trust me, it’s the secret of experiencing The Elegant Life!

If someone would have told me this years ago, when I was in the obsessing mode, I would have thought, “Yeah, easy for you to say!” It was only when I reached mental and physical exhaustion that I finally said,

Screw this! If success means I have to work this hard and be disappointed countless times then I don’t want it. I’m done. I’ll just do this as a hobby out of enjoyment instead of trying to make it a business.”

After I made that conscious decision I felt the weight of the world drop off me.

I began feeling my creativity come out more. I did things I was too scared to do before, out of fear it would “upset” my followers.

I felt the pleasure in what I was doing again- the same pleasure I felt when I first started that business!

And what began happening? Opportunities just flowed into my life like magic. Calls for interviews in top national and international magazines and newspapers, ideal clients coming to me from referrals...the list went on and on. I learned what Buddha did and I invite you to learn it too…

The more you let go and let god (aka surrender) the more you allow Divine energy to do it’s work and flow through you and your life.

All that obsessive energy will be gone as will the manifestation of things and experiences on that same frequency.

Instead, you’ll be resonating at the levels of PEACE & JOY which are just under that of enlightenment – levels that bring in high vibration, exquisite miracles.

Please share your stories of when and how YOU have “let go and let God” – I know it will help so many women.

Do you know there are certain areas of your life where you need to Surrender? Share those too.


If you would like a perfect way of focusing on your dreams the elegant way and feeling joy and inner peace now, then I highly recommend The 6 Phase Visioning Meditation.

With so much love,