SAY THIS WORD EVERYDAY & Watch Your Life Change

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” No, this isn’t a post about that scene from When Harry Met Sally – Ha Ha!

It is about using the word YES in your everyday vocabulary because of the incredible way it can change your life.

It certainly has mine!

In this week’s video I share a story of when I was offered the most incredible experience and responded with “Aw, that’s really nice of you, but … I can’t”

Make sure there is something soft beside your chair just in case you fall off in disbelief that I said “No”to THAT offer – seriously, what was I thinking???

We women always talk about wanting more time to do things we would like, but somehow we never get around to DOING them or ALLOWING ourselves to.

Can you relate?

Today’s topic is one I am SO passionate about (as you’ll see in the video!) because I know first hand just how powerful the word “YES” is and how, if you truly want to change your life,  you’ll need to practise what I teach.

I look forward to hearing all your stories of excitement, adventure, JOY, and fun!

I love you all SO much and want you to live an exquisite life, not just one where you feel you are existing.

Here’s to The Elegant Life!





How to Elegantly Upgrade Your Life! (Feel More Joy, Pleasure & Beauty)

So, I’m back from my holidays and ready to upgrade my life and business even more. Do you feel this way too?

My hubby and I were really feeling the desire to upgrade certain things that we use on a daily basis so when we were in Turkey at our Summer House we purchased new towels and cutlery- their specialties! I don’t think anyone makes towels as soft as Turkey!

I also upgraded my handbag, which I still really like but the lack of sections was driving me crazy! Always rummaging around for my keys at the bottom of my bag was no longer acceptable to me.

I purchased two new bags (see below the video) I LOVE them!

Last month I really focused on showing you how to declutter your life and vibration. Well THIS month my focus will be on showing you how to install more JOY, BEAUTY & PLEASURE into your life…in other words, how to upgrade your life!

Ready to learn the Elegant Method for doing this?

My Upgraded Handbags!



















Links Mentioned in the “Upgrade Your Life” Video

1) VIDEO: Spring Clean Your LIFE! 3 Ways to Magnetically Attract What you DO Want

2) VIDEO: The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage That Began in Paris

3) Favourite Luxury Loungewear/ Luxury pyjamas:









Please forward this post/video to any woman you feel could benefit from it. Thank you!

With so much love,



Spring Clean Your LIFE! 3 Ways to Magnetically Attract What you DO Want

It’s Spring! And that means one thing… time to do a Spring Clean on your life!

In this week’s video I offer you 3 powerful ways to spring clean your life so that it resonates at a frequency equal to all those gorgeous things and experiences you so desire for you life.


Links Mentioned in the Spring Clean Your Life Video:

1) Danette May 3 Day Cleanse:

2) The Top 5 Things You Need to Remove From Your Life TODAY (**Look to the right side of this page to see the pink image. You may need to scroll down a bit**)

3) Rejuv Detox Package: 

4) Self -Discovery Book: “Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design” by Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy. Can be found on Amazon.

5) The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body: 

6) “The Power” & “Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. Can be found on Amazon.

I’m away on holidays now, so I won’t be putting out a video next week. However… I invite you to have a look through our archives for some videos that will shift you and elevate your life.

How to Find A Video Meant for You

  1. Simply go up to the BLOG tab.
  2. Click on one of the drop down menu tabs that interests you.
  3. Search the videos in that category and see which one(s) pop out. Those are the ones meant for you.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Erin xo


3 Simple Ways to Elegantly Move From Victimhood to EMPOWERMENT!

If you’ve followed me and The Elegant Life for any period of time you know that I have experienced my fair share of abuse: sexual abuse, emotional abuse and “Oui” even some physical abuse. And not just abuse but huge disappointments! Huge losses!

Never in my wildest dreams did I see any of that coming when I was a child. I dreamed big dreams, I loved myself and overall I was a pretty happy child. That all changed when I was 15 years old.

I spent the next 25 years living, thinking and acting like a victim. I was entitled! My abuse, disappointments and losses affected every part of my life!

I made decisions, created barriers, built inner walls, distrusted people….. all because of my experiences.

Did staying in victimhood serve me? Yes! But in ways that weren’t so beneficial to the overall quality of my life.

If you’ve ever experienced abuse, bullying, power trips, relationship or career disappointments this video will serve you SO well.  Ready to elegantly move from victimhood to EMPOWERMENT & JOY?

“See” you in the video!




P.S. If you know of anyone who has experienced abuse, loss or disappointment, please share this page with them. Just click on one of the “Share” buttons at the top or bottom of this post.


Mes Petits Plaisirs | My February Favourites | White Roses, Water Retention & Women’s Supplements

Okay, I’m a little late with the February favourites video, but I’m extremely excited to share mes petits plaisirs for this month with you!

This month my February favourites include:

  1. A fabulous, life shifting book.
  2. Two powerful, life changing supplements for women (the elegant solution for water retention and stress, ladies!)
  3. A simple and inexpensive way to create a beautiful, elegant rose arrangement.

And along the way, you know I always insert some spiritual teachings;)

So, “Allons-y!”

Links mentioned are:

1)  Click HERE to purchase.

supplements for women

Click HERE to purchase. International shipping available!






3)                                                                             Click HERE to purchase. International shipping available!supplements for women