make life easier


Let’s be honest… we’d all like to make life easier in some aspect of our lives, right?

Whether it be earning money, losing weight, having more inner peace or having more fulfilment in our life – we’d LOVE it if it all came a lot easier to us, wouldn’t we?

Ever looked at someone’s life and thought,

“It’s just so EASY for her!”

I used to look at Oprah’s life (when she lost a lot of weight the first time) and think , “Well, of course she lost weight! She has a personal chef and a personal trainer! Who WOULDN’T lose weight?

Then I watched as she gained and lost weight for over 15 years! She had some more personal work to do.

I also looked at some women whose husbands worked with them and thought, “Ha! I would be successful too if I could just do what I loved and my husband took care of all the techie stuff!”

Then I learned that these couples didn’t have the ease & fun in their relationship that I had with my husband. They ended up having to go to counselling.

We often tend to think that something outside of us will solve all our problems and in reality…nothing or no one will ever solve your problems for you, except you.

Now, you can have support WHILE you do the personal work. Support definitely helps make life easier… more quickly. That I know for sure!

Yet, a personal trainer can tell you what to do, but YOU still have to do it!

A husband can support you in your business but YOU still have to be the brand, get out there, connect with people, etc.

You can even hire a life coach but unless you actually DO what you agree on, your life is not going to change.

See a pattern?

The good news is that even though you have some personal work to do, your brain can help support you!

This week I’ve filmed a video teaching you how your brain, if given the right things from YOU, will be your BIGGEST support.

The Divine created the brain in such a beautiful way! Your life can be easier, in a shorter amount of time, if you simply focus on these things.

Watch and please leave a comment on the blog with your answer to my question at the end of the video, okay?

With Love,

how to make money

Q&A: How to Make Money From Your Hobbies, Talents & Interests

Wanting to make money, other than working at a 9-5 job, was at the forefront of my mind in 2007. I was a new mom (mum) and didn’t want to go back to work as a school teacher.

I wanted the freedom to be with my son, to be the kind of mother I had always dreamed of being and yet…I am the type of person who desperately needs my own “thing” outside of being a mother.

Can you relate?

Through chance, luck and a lot of reading and studying on the internet I managed to create a hobby for myself. I say “hobby” because a business makes money, a hobby is something that you do for enjoyment, but you don’t make sustainable money from it.

After becoming frustrated that my hobby was draining our family finances I began educating myself via coaches, group programs and self-study courses… $80,000 later I had myself a business!

I finally got to use my talents, natural abilities and interests to serve women worldwide and earn a very liberating income – one where I could send money to family members, pay for underprivileged girls to attend University, and feel the financial freedom I had yearned for for YEARS!

How about you? Has the thought ever crossed your mind:

            “If I could just earn an extra $2,000/month I could…..

Example: Have enough money to take a yearly vacation to some exquisite location!

Well, in this week’s video I give you specific examples and websites that will help you make money using your hobbies, talents & interests.

After watching I just KNOW the wheels in your head will be turning:) (Be sure to write all of your ideas in the comment section, okay?  I will be checking in to guide you and make further suggestions and recommendations specifically for YOUR situation!)

In this video you will learn:

  • 10 + ways you can earn more money by doing something you enjoy!
  • Specific websites that make earning more money simple.
  • Where to spend your money to help you be successful a whole lot sooner than I was.

With SO much love,



I’m back after a bit of a hiatus with probably one of the most important videos – on manifesting – that I’ve ever made.

I’ve read it all, seen it all & heard it all on manifesting and let me tell you….they’ve ALL missed one, in fact, THE most important aspect of manifesting & fulfillment.

I go through everything in the video so I’ll keep this message short!

Here’s to manifesting your beautiful desires!

In this video, you will learn:

• The #1 thing ALL manifesting teachers forgot to tell you
• The question you need to ask yourself before you even begin your manifesting techniques
• The cherry on the top when you learn to manifest The Elegant Way:)

With so much love,

self worth


When I sat down to write this intro on self-worth I had a feeling I should go back into my diaries; that I would be led to what needs to be shared with you. Well, voila! I found three entries from the same week that fit perfectly.

Each of these entries ended with an intention as I always set intentions for my day.

Here are 3 of them:

  • My intention is that I elegantly & easily release any beliefs I have about my self worth and ability to have an impact.
  • My intention is that I gracefully & easily release & transmute all programs relating to my worth and my ability to RECEIVE money.
  • My intention is that I easily & quickly release all beliefs and programs around me thinking my value & worth are connected to money.

Coming to know and OWN my self worth has been a life long process. Do you feel the same way?

What I have learned is that self-love precedes self-worth, so last week I showed you how to cultivate self-love and this week I am gifting you 2 exquisite ways to own who you already ARE as well as a Quantum technique that is SO effective in you actually embodying your worth.

When I re-read my diary entries I was filled with such gratitude that I no longer need to set intentions like these. I have new intentions now…always have to evolve!

Today, I have a strong level of self-worth and self-confidence and I’ll tell you something… it’s incredibly empowering.

My wish is that YOU experience this feeling too.

In this video about self worth, you will learn:

  • How to build self-esteem, confidence, and worthiness
  • A Quantum Technique that will allow you to fully EMBODY the highest version of yourself
  • A simple but profound question to ask yourself (this can create a tremendous energetic shift)

With so much love,

power of the subconscious mind

How to Use Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Create Your Desired Life

Ooooh, j’adore having a beautiful relationship with my subconscious mind! We are best friends!

It wasn’t always this way though. At one time, I didn’t even understand the subconscious mind or the power of it for that matter!

Then, after a lot of research and study, I began to understand it, but… I had no idea how to use it to help me create my best life…the one on my vision board, the one my heart yearned for.

Cue the profound spiritual experience I had 7 years ago and voila! All the answers were revealed.  Later, after studying quantum physics, neuroscience, etc. I learned that science actually understood and could prove what I knew. So…

In this week’s video I go into the power of your subconscious mind in great deal and even better… I show you EXACTLY how to use it to create your own exquisite, elegant life!

In this video I cover:

a) 4 beautiful aspects of the subconscious (unconscious) mind & how these are VERY useful to you!

b) how to use the conscious mind to direct the unconscious mind

c) the #1 Rule of how to use the subconscious mind to support your desires – if you don’t follow this rule it will NOT support your desires, in fact if will completely make it it’s mission to STOP them from happening!

d) My “elegant” tweak on positive thinking & affirmations – regular affirmations will take soooooo much longer to work!

What kind of body do you desire? What kind of prosperity do you desire? Partner? Friends? Health?

Use your conscious mind & your subconscious mind the way they were intended by Source. They are there to serve you, but because of your conditioning they have been working in a way that isn’t supporting you.

Enjoy learning my elegant wisdom on this topic and especially enjoying the benefits of it!

With so much love,