
The Elegant Guide to Prosperity or Weight Loss?

Do you struggle with prosperity or weight? I’ve experienced both issues.

Prosperity used to be my BIG area of concern. I never made enough, I never had enough and I couldn’t see how it was possible for me to manifest the life my heart desired.

My head could just not wrap my mind around the HOW.

How in the world could I live that kind of life? I envisioned it for my sister, because SHE had a doctorate and her own successful business, but moi? I would have to live vicariously through her, or so I thought.

Weight issues began when I moved to Brazil and gained so much weight due to loneliness, but things REALLY became an issue after I had my children.

At 5’3″, with 50 pounds (23kg) to lose, well, let’s just say…I wasn’t feeling my best. I didn’t feel like ERIN.

What I Tried to Have Prosperity & Lose Weight

  • I  cried tears
  • I journaled in at least 10 thick journals
  • I took courses
  • I wrote and said positive affirmations
  • I did EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
  • I hired trainers
  • I read “The Secret”, “The Science of Getting Rich”, “Think & Grow Rich” and more!
  • I had food delivered to my house
  • I went on countless diet and exercise programs (Power 90 anyone?)

…and nothing made a lasting difference until I understood and started to do what I do now.

Today, I have more prosperity in my life than ever before (and it just keeps increasing) AND I am a healthy and happy size 4-6…without having to diet, deprive, or “work out”.

You know I LOVE to share all the Elegant Processes that can gift you The Elegant Life, right?

Can I Ask Your Opinion?

Well, here’s what I would like to know…

Which topic is currently weighing on you: finally achieving and maintaining your ideal body or manifesting more prosperity into your life?

Both of these topics will be covered here on the Elegant Life Blog, however my priority is always YOU and what you would like to learn first.

In the video above, I go further into describing each topic, so have a quick watch if you have about 9 minutes.

Then, in the comments below, could you please tell me which topic you’d first be interested in learning the Elegant Solution to, along with a brief description as to why?

I am EXCITED to share my Elegant Secrets with you!

See you next week with Post #1 on whatever topic most of you request!

A Bientôt!






How to Elegantly Prosper: No “Hard Work” Required

We all desire to prosper in our lives.

Money makes life easier. It allows us to enjoy things and experiences that feed our soul. And it gifts us freedom. Freedom to make certain life choices that may not be so easy if money were not there.

I know what you’re saying, “Yes, Erin, but HOW? HOW do I prosper?”

This used to be my question.  I asked it every day! You see, each of us comes to the earth with one main issue that exists in order to aid in the evolution of our soul.

Mine happened to be prosperity and money. If you haven’t read my story you’ll find it all in HERE.  Issues for other people may be: love, weight, relationships, confidence, health…

Things I’ve “Tried” in order to Prosper:

  1. I tried getting a job.

    This was good.  I loved being a teacher and was often shocked to find a pay stub in my mailbox every month because I enjoyed it so much. However… my soul desired regular manicures, pedicures and massages and adored staying in luxury hotels, buying high quality clothes and travelling the world.  The issue I had was that on a teacher’s salary, this wasn’t always possible.

  2. I tried saying and writing affirmations. 

    Since I’ve always been into spirituality I used to read countless books on the power of affirmations.  The problem was that my subconscious beliefs were SO geared against these affirmations that I could feel the resistance within myself that it wouldn’t work.

  3. I read books on becoming wealthy

    such as “Think and Grow Rich“and “The Science of Getting Rich”, and did all the things they said to do, but just ended up spending every waking hour thinking about money (from a lack perspective) and nothing changed.  Well, one thing did…I felt even more anxious and desperate about money!

  4. I took courses and went to LIVE trainings.

    Everyone at these events kept talking about action. You’ve got to take action.  Now, since I’m a very self-disciplined person and former “Type A personality” I took action like crazy! At one point, I had written a book, was writing a blog and articles for 3 other top websites, was filming videos for my You Tube Channel, recording interviews for my own Blog Talk Radio Show, and was a parenting expert for a UK counselling site. Oh, did I mention that I was also launching online products and programs and coaching people at all times of the day and night too? Oh, goodness me, I forgot to say that I was being interviewed multiple times a week for US morning radio shows! (Their morning shows were 10pm at night in the UK!) All of this while having a young child at home.

Yes, ladies, I did it ALL! In fact I was so committed to having an abundant life so that I could live life the way my SOUL desired, that I did something that completely dishonoured my soul.

Attending the SHINE Event


You see this picture?  I’m smiling, I’m at a major event called SHINE, the second one put on by Business Guru Ali Brown, and…I’m bleeding profusely.

I had grown my business to a point, but something was blocking the financial growth that I desired.  I couldn’t seem to help more people but also help myself financially too , so I got up the courage to speak to my husband about buying the hefty priced ticket, buying a flight from the UK to Las Vegas and looking after our son while I was gone.

I felt so proud of myself for “taking action”, for going after my dreams, for “doing what it takes”, for “working hard”, even though I was pregnant and feeling exhausted.

So, I flew to Vegas, got to my hotel room and decided to take a nap straight away. When I woke from my nap I went to the toilet and there was blood everywhere.

I had never experienced a miscarriage and had never known anyone who had, so I wasn’t too concerned.  Perhaps I was “spotting”.

I decided to go to bed early. Maybe my body was just tired from the long flight and needed rest.

No such luck.  All throughout the night I was awoken by more and more blood.

(To hear the whole story watch the video at minute 9:00-10:30)

The Moment I Completely Dishonoured My Soul

So there I was, at the event, and every 20-30 minutes racing to the bathroom to pile 3 pads on top of each other, along with a tampon and toilet paper.  Then I would put on my business face again and walk into the event raising my hand to say, “Hello, I’m Erin Kurt from ErinParenting and I’m so excited to be here from the UK”.

I masterminded, I went for lunch with women, I connected with women who were at a higher level in their business in order to ask them for tips and tricks, I did it ALL.

I was so proud of myself for doing “whatever it took” for success because that is what every wealthy person was spouting as the secret to their success.


Sadly, I continued on this road for a few more years, with an incremental increase to my wealth.

The Moment I Surrendered and Began to Prosper

It was only when I became so disheartened, so tired, so hopeless that I would ever get MY big break, that I surrendered.

“I give up the fight, God. I will use my talents to serve, but I won’t push.  I won’t beg you anymore. I can’t, I’m emotionally & physically tired. Maybe I am just not meant to have wealth in this lifetime. I surrender.”

When I began surrendering my body let down. I could literally FEEL the lack of attachment to my desires.  And for the first time in YEARS, I finally felt free.

From that point on, I began feeling into what things I loved to do and what things stressed me.

I began filtering everything through the lens of “Does this bring me JOY?”

Because if I wasn’t going to be wealthy, I might as well feel JOYFUL doing this, right?  That was my thinking process at the time.

I began receiving strong inner guidance on what things I should do, so I did those. Funny enough, I began attracting more opportunities and clients!


I kept following the next step and the next step and the next step as it was shown to me.  I didn’t always understand it and it wasn’t always comfortable, but I just kept surrendering.

Each soul-inspired step I took made my business prosper more and more.

It was a completely different formula than what most people were talking about, but I could see a trend that all of the women who worked so hard for their success were burnt out and desired more balance in their lives.

Hmm, I was on to something! I was growing my business AND enjoying my life at the same time. YES!

Now, I’ll be honest and tell you that I faltered at times.  There were times I saw a Facebook ad for a new strategy and got taken off my path of inner peace and went down the “work hard” route again.

I would see others using certain techniques successfully and once again fall off track.  But, the one thing that always brought me back was the core feeling I desired – JOY.  And if it ever started to feel like I was losing that, then I would realign and shift.

In 2015 my soul told me to STOP. Stop all my businesses and take a sabbatical. Of course my ego went, “WHAT???”  But, by then I had learned to trust and so I surrendered and announced my sabbatical.

Of course I kept listening for Divine guidance and took action on only those things.  

What so elegantly transpired was:

  1. My life’s prosperity grew more that year than ever before!
  2. I wrote a children’s book series with my mother, one that had been our dream for years!
  3. The land that my hubby and I had been dreaming about for 7 years was finally released to a developer and we were able to build our dream summer home by the sea! (see pictures!)

My ability to prosper just keeps growing and growing, SO elegantly.  No “hard work”, no pushing, no desperation, no struggle…

Just alignment, JOY and elegance. Opportunities find me, magnetically come to me. Synchronicities are over the top! Everything just floooows.

So, what is the Secret to Living an Abundant, Prosperous Life full of Inner peace, Pleasure, JOY & Beauty?

You require to:

a) get clear on your ideal Life Vision

b) make an Elegant Intention for exactly what you desire

c) surrender

d) listen to divine guidance and take THAT kind of action.

Do not remain attached to your desires – you will only be resonating the energy of, “I don’t have this yet”.

You want to spend your time and energy units on doing things that truly bring you JOY, and only take action on the things that your soul tells you to do.

How do you know if it’s your soul and not your ego telling you to do things?  That is a bigger conversation, but one that I spend a whole module on in The Art of Living Elegantly program.

If you are interested in learning the full process that I live my life by then I invite you to have a look at The Art of Living Elegantly. You can learn more HERE. 

THIS is what changed everything for me, Ladies. I do THIS.

Here’s to us living life where we ALL prosper!!!




SHOP THIS POST (click the images to Learn More)art of living elegantly
The Guide to Prosperity

how to manifest

How the Divine Can Elegantly Manifest Things for You

how to manifest










As requested by readers I will share the gorgeous story of how elegantly the Divine orchestrated the events necessary for us to manifest our dream of owning a home, on a certain plot of land, by the Sea. Wait until you read the STUNNING part near the end!

Here’s the background…

We owned a property in Turkey since 2007. My husband is orignally from Turkey and we just love going there every summer because of the exquisite healthy food, the amazing blue sea, the generosity of the people to bring you anything, literally ANYTHING you desire, and the beautiful weather.

Not to mention visiting his family;)

When we purchased our first home  in Turkey we renovated it and loved it, but it never truly felt like ours because my husband’s parents lived there more than we did, and therefore changed some of our decorating to suit their needs. You know, sheets on sofas…ahem…not my thing;)

The one thing that stayed the same was the sea…ahhhhh, the SEA…. It-is-stunning!

Every year we would swim in the sea and stare up at a piece of land just a hop, skip and a jump away from the beach, the restaurants, the walkway and nightlife.

The problem was that this land had been held up in the courts for one reason or another and couldn’t be released for development.

Every year we said, “Man, if that land ever came available we would SO want a house there.”

“Can you imagine?” we’d say to each other.

Visioning the Dream

At this time I didn’t fully understand how to manifest things in my life, but I’m a dreamer, so I did what felt natural and began picturing myself  living in a home on that land.

I envisioned myself eating on a balcony, staring at the blue sea and feeling so blissfully at peace and happy.

Years went by, six to be exact.

A different piece of land opened up that was right by the sea.  Whoah!!!  A superb, famous developer bought the land and created a prestigious community.

We toured these homes in awe of the luxurious lifestyle people were living.

The prices were very, very expensive and at that time we did not have enough to purchase one.

So, we continued to dream and follow The Art of Living Elegantly.

The next summer we saw some new, state of the art homes being built on the other side of the bay.  These were GORGEOUS!!! When we drove up to them, I felt, “This is ME. This is what I desire to live in and enjoy.”

The price tag?

€1, 300,000.  At this time we were doing much better financially since my business had really taken off.  We contemplated how we could make it work, but it was still going to be a stretch that we really didn’t want to take on.”

I stood in the show home and put my energy there.

My whole being said, “I WILL have a view of the sea like that and I WILL write my next book overlooking that view.”

What to Do While You Wait for the Universe

Summer holidays were over and when we returned home, I filmed a video telling my online community that I had just found my home and I was going to manifest it.  I posted a link to it and claimed to the Universe that it was mine.

My husband loved the house, but he kept saying, “It’s on the wrong side of the bay though.  It’s going to get direct sun all day making it so difficult to enjoy the balcony and outdoor area. Plus, you can’t walk to the sea, you have to drive.  That’s not what we want.”

I became a bit grumpy with him because I felt he was dimming my vision and being negative.

Periodically, I would watch the advertising video for the house.  I couldn’t get the image of me, writing my next book, with that view, out of my mind!

You Have to Surrender to Manifest

Anyway, I surrendered my desire to the Universe, knowing that it wasn’t up to me anymore and did what I know works….to carry on living my life with pleasure and beautiful experiences so my energetic vibration would be high.

The following summer we went to Turkey a bit earlier than usual.  My parents were visiting us in England and hadn’t yet been to our Turkey house.

We had never, ever gone in May, but this time we decided to go earlier with my parents.  What did we see?

The land of our dreams had diggers on it!

What was going on we wondered???

Then we saw a sign.  A sign of the prestigious company who had develped the expensive & luxurious development by the sea previously.

There was a sales office set up, so we went in to enquire.  They told us the land had FINALLY been released so they bought it.  They were going to be creating another luxury development on it.


You can imagine our excitement, but wait… this story only gets better!

It turned out that the owner of this company was around…just by chance (yeah…right;)

They said we could speak with him. He was so down to earth and kind.

He told us that most of the plots had already gone to people who had bought other properties from him in the past, but he was very open to showing us the plots he had left.

We walked around the vacant plots of land and were squeezing each other’s hands constantly.  We could not believe what was happening.

Then, after choosing which plot we loved best, without even receiving any money from us, he called his personal secretary, told her to assign this plot to us and said, “Let me know in a month if you want it. We’d love to have you here.”

The rest of the trip we were absolutely giddy. We started planning how we could gather the funds.

Back in England…Taking Divine Inspired Action

Once we arrived back in England, we went to the bank, looked over our finances and although it was going to be a stretch, we knew that our Life Vision for the future was to live 6 months in Turkey and 6 months in London and around the world, so we’d make it work.

We immediately put our current home in Turkey up for sale, and within 3 1/2 weeks we sold the house! But… not for the exact amount we wanted, or needed.  Hmmm, this could be a problem…

Here comes the stunning part…

My husband decided to book a flight to Istanbul where the developer’s office was so that he could speak with the owner directly and ask to set up a special method of payment.

He arrived at the appointment and the guy wasn’t there.  His personal secretary told my hubby that her boss had been trying to finalize a deal for years and today was the final meeting… and it wasn’t going well, thus the lateness.

At this point my hubby called me and said, “The guy is not going to be in a good mood if that deal doesn’t go ahead. I’m not sure how to handle this.”

I told him that we needed to do our Elegant Clearing Process™ together until he arrived.  We had to have zero expectations and just clean, clean, clean to remove any obstacles that we may not be aware of that could hinder us getting the land.

Clean and clean we did, when all of a sudden the man appeared.

The Elegant Moment of Manifestation

With a huge smile on his face the man said, “I just made 2 million dollars and I’m in a GRRRREAT mood! Today’s your lucky day, sir. You tell me. What do you want to pay?”

My husband shared with me that at this point he was in shock.  What?  The man was asking what we wanted to pay for the land?  What do you say to that?

I think the man could see how stunned my husband was so he led him into his office and said, “Look, I give friends a price and I’d be willing to give it to you for this too.  How does $__________ sound?”

He took 300,000 off the price!!! Can you even believe it?

The end of this story is that we are now living in our home, in one of the most prestigious communities, on the plot of land we dreamed about for years.

how to manifest

Again, you really could not dream up this scenario, could you?

Being in Bodrum, in May, exactly when the developer was there.

And, the developer finalizing a HUGE sale and gifting us 300,000 off the purchase price.

I mean…. if this doesn’t give you faith in the elegance and ease of how the Universe can manifest, I don’t know what will. (Well, I’ve got other incredible stories to share with you, but all in time;)


how to manifest






how to manifest

So, again, the reason I share this story with you is not to show you how “wonderful” my life is, but to show what is possible for YOU and to inspire you to KNOW deep within yourself that the Divine wants the absolute best for you.

The Divine is MORE than willing to elegantly manifest that which you desire, if it’s in the highest good for you and everyone concerned.

Each time you set an intention, then clean and surrender to the outcome, beauty and elegance is bestowed upon you and your dreams will manifest.

Divine Timing

Now, remember, we have only some control over the timing.  My hubby and I dreamed of this land for years!  By the time we moved in last year, it had been almost 8 years since we first started dreaming of that land.

We often want things NOW, and that isn’t necessarily the best for us.  We’ll never understand why at the time, and if we let it bother us, we can get really, really bothered.  But, as I’ve said over and over again, the timing and the “how” is none of our business.

Don’t get me wrong, when you follow The Art of Living Elegantly, manifestations can be almost instant or within a day or two.  I’ve experienced countless quick miracles, but some take longer.

Sometimes we need to go through or experience certain things so that we can BECOME the woman who can fully receive that desire.  Our desire will not manifest until we are ready.

We think we’re ready, but when that desire actually manifests we see why it had to manifest now instead of earlier.

You may say, “Well, while I wait for my desire to manifest, what do I do, Erin?”

Ahhhh…. that’s the other beautiful part of the Elegant Life Formula….

If you desire to create a life you LOVE and become an Elegant Manifestor,  I would highly recommend you have a look at The Art of Living Elegantly.

Here’s to our desires!!!!  Here’s to miracles!!!!  Here’s to The Elegant Life!

“See” you next week!  I wish you an incredibly pleasurable rest of the week and weekend.

With love,

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The Elegant Life Blog

The Elegant Life Blog – WELCOME!

Bienvenue to The Elegant Life!

How wonderful it is that we have found each other in this great worldwide web (it’s not an accident by the way;)

This Blog has been wanting to be born for a year, but my LIFE has been preparing me for it for 44 years.

You see, my life has taken me on a beautiful, but very tumultuous journey, and although at times it felt too difficult to handle, through every experience, I was gifted the opportunity to evolve into the woman I am today.

What I have gone through has given me immense compassion and empathy for people.

It also created a strong desire to search for answers.

I went on a personal pilgrimage to find my way back to that “happy place” I so often experienced in early childhood.

Find my way back I did and today, LIFE is BEAUTIFUL!

Life With Elegant Processes

Today I have self love, an unshakeable confidence, deep inner peace, joy, connection with Source, special friendships, a soul mate for a hubby, two gorgeous, happy and healthy children, a dream summer home by the Sea, a gorgeous home just seconds from Windsor Castle in England, which William and Kate frequent often, and now a lovely new home in Dubai.

An Elegant Home by the Sea
An Elegant Life near The Royals
An Elegant Relationship with my soulmate







Miracles now happen daily and life FINALLY flows instead of causing me struggle after struggle after struggle.

Everything I have learned will be shared on this blog; the good, the bad and yes, the ugly, so that I can inspire and assist you in moving more elegantly through whatever you are dealing with and more elegantly towards whatever you are desiring.

Every technique I know that really works and that I use in my everyday life will be shared with you.

Every Elegant Process I use will be yours to use.

Every secret I’ve learned?  They’re yours. Want an ideal body without having to diet or spend hours and months in the gym? Stay tuned, Beautiful!

My intention with this blog is for it:

  1. to be a platform for me to express my authentic self and truth in a way that uses my God given talents.
  2. to inspire and assist YOU in living your own Exquisite Life
  3. to have FUN and experience La Joie de Vivre with ladies like you!

Here at The Elegant Life we ADORE connection with the Divine, beauty, elegance, abundance, miracles and yes, most of us are somewhat, if not fully, a francophile;)

If The Elegant Life sounds intriguing, I invite you to come back daily to align yourself with the Divine energy and wisdom that is infused into it.

Choose to come here instead of watching the news, scrolling through Facebook or reading yet another magazine that will only leave you feeling “Not Good Enough”.

This blog is for YOU, beautiful lady!

Videos are something I truly enjoy doing, so you’ll see those on here.  However writing is something I love as well, so you’ll receive both videos AND the written word from me.

We’ll talk Peace, Pleasure, Prosperity, JOY and Beauty, but also fabulous, high vibration Foods and Recipes along with luxurious Travel and Home Decor.

The Elegant Life is a lifestyle, a way of living, not another tool for you to have to add to your life.


Be prepared to swoon over your life!!!


If you follow The Elegant Life and begin using the Elegant Processes I will share with you, life will begin to transform and shift more quickly and elegantly than you ever thought possible.

Yes, we love Elegance, but we also ADORE results!  That’s part of the fun, right??

So, once again, welcome!!!

You can begin your Elegant Life journey HERE by learning about The Elegant Society, a sacred space where spiritual women, like you, gather to learn how to Embody Elegance & Elegant Flow, as well as to support and celebrate one another as our dreams and desires elegantly come to life!

Go HERE to JOIN The Elegant Society today. It’s free!

P.S. TOMORROW I’m starting a blog series that I believe you will LOVE.  It’s got drama, romance, passion, Paris, France, and evolution of the soul  in it…curious???  Come back to TOMORROW. Heck, put it on your calendar!  If you’ve found your way to this blog, it is not a coincidence and I KNOW there is something in this passionate, very raw and personal blog series for you.  

See you tomorrow!

With love,

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Want to Join a First Class Community of like-minded women who are committed to living The Elegant Life?

Who desire ease, elegance, inner peace, joy, pleasure, beauty and prosperity in their life?

Simply Click the image below. Can’t wait to meet you!

The Elegant Society