There isn’t a week that goes by without someone asking me how I achieve such youthful, glowing skin, so today I thought I would share the top five things I do daily to look and feel my best.
In the past, I wondered if it was even an appropriate topic for me, as a Spiritual Teacher, to speak about. As time has passed, beauty is a topic that I have made a conscious choice to speak on.
Well, firstly I am a Spiritual teacher to women, and beauty is always at the top of our minds in some form or another. Am I right?
And secondly, my constant message of how important it is for us to remember that we are both energy AND human lends itself to the topic of beauty.
So, today’s video focuses on the human side of us. If we weren’t meant to be in human form we simply wouldn’t have been created that way.
And, taking this a bit further, we who were created as females, were given feminine energies which inspire beauty in this world.
Beauty can be created and shared in many different ways, but when we feel our best we are surely feeling like a beautiful representation of our authentic selves. And from this empowered confidence we can have the impact on the world that our Soul truly desires to have.
The five tricks I’ll be sharing with you today on how to have youthful, glowing skin are all things I do each and every day to feel like the most beautiful, authentic version of who I was created to be.
May they do the same for you.
Let’s get into the video! Oh! If you have any other youthful, glowing tricks you can share with our elegant life community please do share in the comments below!
Ah, self love. I had it when I was a child and then lost it along the way. The first memory I have of becoming self-conscious about a physical attribute came in junior high.
I can remember the moment vividly. I was 14 years old, walking down the corridor of my school, laughing with some friends when out of no where an ex-boyfriend of mine ran up in front of me and said,
Hey Erin, this is you!”
while walking like a bow-legged cowboy. THAT was the moment I discovered that the shape of my calves were not okay. I even went to a doctor to ask for legs braces I could wear at night to straighten them. (Continued below the video)
There are multiple memories that affected my self love but the moment everything profoundly changed for me was
I witnessed how French Women actually took unique characteristics of themselves and made it into the one thing that made them “unique”.
Gaps in the teeth, small breasts, curly hair…you name it they adored it. And consequently…so did everyone else.
My experience in France started my Pilgrimage inward – not to find out all the things I needed to “fix” about myself…to discover everything I LOVED about myself. And from that place, my self love and self confidence rose steadily.
I began only accepting certain types of friends and partners in my life and I asked for things that I wanted because I knew I deserved them!
The ripple effect of self love is tremendous and that is why I have dedicated the month of May to Self Love and Self Confidence.
I explain the Elegant Solution to Falling in Love with yourself in the video above. Have a watch!
To begin your OWN self love pilgrimage download the beautiful PDF I have created for you.
So, I’m back from my holidays and ready to upgrade my life and business even more. Do you feel this way too?
My hubby and I were really feeling the desire to upgrade certain things that we use on a daily basis so when we were in Turkey at our Summer House we purchased new towels and cutlery- their specialties! I don’t think anyone makes towels as soft as Turkey!
I also upgraded my handbag, which I still really like but the lack of sections was driving me crazy! Always rummaging around for my keys at the bottom of my bag was no longer acceptable to me.
I purchased two new bags (see below the video) I LOVE them!
Last month I really focused on showing you how to declutter your life and vibration. Well THIS month my focus will be on showing you how to install more JOY, BEAUTY & PLEASURE into your life…in other words, how to upgrade your life!
Ever felt like Spiritual Growth & Personal Growth was really hard sometimes?
Women all around the world are feeling overwhelmed by life right now and to top it all off they are women who strongly desire inner peace! Argh! What to do?
That’s what this Series is all about and that is most definitely what this week’s post is about.
I want to show you how BEAUTY can be used to help you connect with The Divine so that life begins feeling…well… BEAUTIFUL!
And also that life begins to flow more elegantly. Ready?
In last week’s post I spoke about Creativity and how the Divine is constantly intending for something to be created. YOU were intended and created too – isn’t that so special?
Everything the Divine creates is beautiful – yes, even the sometimes challenging experiences that we are gifted in order to help us grow and evolve.
You see the Divine always desires the best outcome, the most expansive outcome for it’s creations, and therefore you wouldn’t be given an opportunity for spiritual growth in your life if it were not beautifully intended to serve you in some way; to help you become more full of beauty and expansiveness.
So, the next time you are feeling like,
Why me, God???”
Remember that the experience was purposefully created for you in order to gift you the opportunity to grow into who you truly desire to be. (aka the most beautiful version of yourself)
If you are currently experiencing something difficult ask yourself these questions:
What is it from this experience that I can learn?
What woman can I become by experiencing this?
The second way you can experience Spiritual Growth and Connection with the Divine is through focusing on YOUR beauty.
I want you to begin having reverence for yourself. Why? Because it is imperative that you tune in to the fact that you wouldn’t be here if you were not intended by God to be here.
You were created exactly the way the Divine desired and intended you to be so please be grateful for who you are and have deep reverence for it.
You can begin a pilgrimage of getting to know, love and accept yourself by:
Remembering who you were as a child. Think back to how you were as a child in terms of your talents, personality, natural abilities, joys, likes etc.
Give yourself permission to BE that person again, albeit, in a potentially more refined way now that you are a woman.
Start dressing in the style that you love. (Watch the video above at minute 12:34 to hear me share a recent story of mine where a Parisian woman solidified this point for me)
So, when we start viewing beauty in ALL things; opportunities, challenges, people, places, and US (both inside and out) we live in resonance with Divine energy, because the Divine IS beauty.
I’ll be spending a full day on the topic of getting to know ourselves intimately, loving ourselves deeply and expressing our inner and outer beauty during a retreat that I’ll be speaking to you about in a few weeks, but for now, focus on the things I’ve mentioned here for a whole week. I guarantee you’ll feel like a brand new woman in just 7 days.
If you can think of any woman who you love and would benefit from hearing about this or any other topic on The Elegant Life, please use the SHARE buttons at the top of this post. We need more women living from a Divine space of Beauty in this world.
Forget Finding Your Purpose! You Need to Learn How to Find Your Calling.
Do you ever wonder whether or not you’re living your PURPOSE? Or whether you even have a purpose?
I have spoken to SO many women who either feel lost and confused about what their purpose is or simply depressed that they still haven’t found it.
The simple, elegant truth is that it’s not your purpose you should be focusing on, it’s your Calling.
You see I too used to focus on discovering my exact purpose in life. It felt finite – a place to find and then achieve. (Former Type A Personality for ya!)
When I finally had the Spiritual Truths downloaded to me, after attending a Spiritual Retreat, I understood that the only purpose any of us have is to expand Consciousness.
The Universe itself is continuously expanding. In fact, current research by cosmologists indicates that the universe may expand to eternity!
Now, since we come from this Source, this Consciousness, we too innately have within us the inclination to expand.
So, our Purpose is to expand Consciousness, but the way in which we help this Consciousness expand is through our Calling.
Each of us has our own unique Calling that is signature to us.
What IS a Calling?
The dictionary definition is: a strong urge towards a particular way of life or career; a vocation.
A more Spiritual definition is: The signature programming of your soul by which you help Consciousness expand itself.
An Elegant description would be: Something that you innately share with others that causes them to Experience, Be or Realise something.
2 Steps to Find Your Calling
Step 1:
Look back over your life and remember the happiest moments of you sharing something.
Notice how without you consciously “doing” anything, people experienced things like beauty, love, freedom, wholeness… just by interacting with you.
Can you remember feeling lit up, fulfilled, joyous and totally present? This will give you clues into your calling.
Has anyone ever complimented you on something that felt easy for you?
Has anyone ever said something to you that stuck in your head for years?
For me, I was raised in the Catholic faith. I didn’t connect with all the rules and protocol but I did connect with Jesus. He seemed to embody the characteristics of a kind, loving human and I looked to him as a role model as to how I wanted to be.
Then my mind was expanded by a powerful experience involving my puppy.
While my family was visiting some friends, my puppy ran off after being put outside by my father for peeing on the friend’s sofa. When we went to let him back in the house we couldn’t find him. We looked for DAYS, in a forest that surrounded this friend’s secluded home.
I was devastated.
Out of desperation, the mother of the family said, “Gosh, too bad we don’t know a physic.”
My mother instantly remembered one that she had heard about back where we lived. They called this physic and she described exactly where he was (on top of a hill in a field that used to be where a crop of hemp had grown, in a clearing like a small animal would rest in.)
Our friend knew exactly where this was so we drove the long distance to get there, decided to created a straight line and all walk forward.
I walked straight then all of a sudden heard a whimpering sound.
“Lucky?” “Lucky?” I cried out.
More whimpering came until I peeked around a tree and there, in a clearing, on a little patch of flattened out grass was my precious puppy.
I ran to him and called loudly to the others. We were beyond overjoyed! I really could not believe that he was exactlywhere that lady said he was.
From that pivotal moment, I began investigating how people could know things when they were in a completely different place.
What did this lady tap into in order to know this? I wondered.
And so my Spiritual understandings evolved.
As I evolved I found that I adored helping people. Every time I helped a classmate with something they struggled with I felt so whole, so fulfilled, so overcome with JOY & happiness.
When I was a teenager, a meditation teacher who could read people’s energies and auras, pointed to me and said,
“You. You my dear are going to do some beautiful things in this world.”
“I am?” I thought. I knew I wanted to be a school teacher, but what was going to be so special about me?
I ended up becoming a a high profile teacher who could turn around troubled children, help extremely shy children become unbelievably confident and help the average child become their best, most confident self.
Now, during my life I experienced quite a bit of trauma; abuse of all kinds, divorce, grief…and through all of that, the feeling that grew was DEEP empathy for people.
My constant statement was:
“You can never judge someone as you don’t know what they’ve been through.”
Later, I found myself in France, yearning for happiness. That’s all I wanted, but after going through one of the most difficult years of my life, I didn’t know HOW to be happy.
This is when my yoga teacher “friend”, Guy, introduced me to Buddhism. It was here that I learned how to embody the attributes of abundance, compassion, peace, health etc. Embodying these attributes gifts you an inner fulfilment so great that you begin to glow from the inside out.
I was finally able to walk around BEING these attributes instead of just wishing for them.
It was at this time that an internationally renowned Buddhist Lama honoured me by giving me the Spiritual name “Karma Changchun Paldra”, meaning “Radiant Light of Enlightenment Mind”.
I later became a parenting coach, helping stressed, overwhelmed, & exasperated parents to be the parent (and person) they desired to be.
The one comment I received from all my coaching clients and friends was always, “You are SO easy to talk to!” or, “I haven’t shared this with anyone, you are the first.”
And so on and so on and so on…can you see a pattern?
I LOVED helping people.
People have always, always opened up to me on a deep level after being in my presence for only a couple of minutes.
I experienced great trauma which gifted me the ability to understand people in a completely compassionate way.
I was gifted teachings that allowed me to understand how to be happy and feel fulfilled.
The Universe provided opportunities for me to learn & understand Divine Truths
I was given the natural ability to teach & inspire
Now, let’s move on to exactly how to state what your calling is.
Step 2:
Write in a brief statement what people naturally experience as a result of being in your presence or when they interact with you.
Complete this statement:
People Experiencing _________.
Other forms of this are:
People Realising _____________.
People Being _____________.
Word that might fill in the blank are:
unity within family
everything is possible
oneness with God/Source/the Divine
For me, I would write:
People experiencing unity & oneness with their Divinity.
In a retreat I’ll be hosting in May I’ll be going more deeply into how to find your Calling and how to weave it into your entire life and career, but for now, go through these two simple steps.
It will give you the ability to consciously come to every relationship or person you encounter and KNOW & FEEL that you are fulfilling your purpose AND your calling.
With so much love,
Manifest your desire into reality. Download this free meditation
Congratulations on taking your first step into The Elegant Life!