spiritual growth

Ever felt like Spiritual Growth & Personal Growth was really hard sometimes?

Women all around the world are feeling overwhelmed by life right now and to top it all off they are women who strongly desire inner peace! Argh! What to do?

That’s what this Series is all about and that is most definitely what this week’s post is about.

I want to show you how BEAUTY can be used to help you connect with The Divine so that life begins feeling…well… BEAUTIFUL!

And also that life begins to flow more elegantly. Ready?

In last week’s post I spoke about Creativity and how the Divine is constantly intending for something to be created. YOU were intended and created too – isn’t that so special?

Everything the Divine creates is beautiful – yes, even the sometimes challenging experiences that we are gifted in order to help us grow and evolve.

You see the Divine always desires the best outcome, the most expansive outcome for it’s creations, and therefore you wouldn’t be given an opportunity for spiritual growth in your life if it were not beautifully intended to serve you in some way; to help you become more full of beauty and expansiveness.

So, the next time you are feeling like,

Why me, God???”

Remember that the experience was purposefully created for you in order to gift you the opportunity to grow into who you truly desire to be. (aka the most beautiful version of yourself)

If you are currently experiencing something difficult ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is it from this experience that I can learn?
  2. What woman can I become by experiencing this?

The second way you can experience Spiritual Growth and Connection with the Divine is through focusing on YOUR beauty.

I want you to begin having reverence for yourself. Why? Because it is imperative that you tune in to the fact that you wouldn’t be here if you were not intended by God to be here.

You were created exactly the way the Divine desired and intended you to be so please be grateful for who you are and have deep reverence for it.

You can begin a pilgrimage of getting to know, love and accept yourself by:

  1. Remembering who you were as a child. Think back to how you were as a child in terms of your talents, personality, natural abilities, joys, likes etc.
  2. Give yourself permission to BE that person again, albeit, in a potentially more refined way now that you are a woman.
  3. Start dressing in the style that you love. (Watch the video above at minute 12:34 to hear me share a recent story of mine where a Parisian woman solidified this point for me)

So, when we start viewing beauty in ALL things; opportunities, challenges, people, places, and US (both inside and out) we live in resonance with Divine energy, because the Divine IS beauty.

I’ll be spending a full day on the topic of getting to know ourselves intimately, loving ourselves deeply and expressing our inner and outer beauty during a retreat that I’ll be speaking to you about in a few weeks, but for now, focus on the things I’ve mentioned here for a whole week. I guarantee you’ll feel like a brand new woman in just 7 days.

If you can think of any woman who you love and would benefit from hearing about this or any other topic on The Elegant Life, please use the SHARE buttons at the top of this post.  We need more women living from a Divine space of Beauty in this world.

With all my love,




  1. I needed this so much today. Honestly you took the words right out of all my thoughts for the past few weeks.
    Thank you Erin, much love!
    Katie Gerber

    1. Hi Katie, Thank you so much for letting me know it served you today! It really feeds my soul when I hear from readers/watchers of the Blog. What part specifically did you connect to? Seeing the Beauty in challenges or seeing the Beauty of YOU? Or both?

  2. The beauty around me are all the gorgeous fall colors on the trees. I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity which includes a couple different types of opportunities for growth.
    I had a wonderful facial today and while I was relaxing with the LED mask I thought “I wonder if my aesthetician would be interested in ‘The Elegant Life’. I just finally had an opportunity to watch this video this evening and at the end you remind us to share this with other women who would be interested. I asked a simple question not really expecting I’d get an answer from myself or anyone else but then i did. Never ceases to amaze me how that happens.

    1. Awwww….I LOVE that you are experiencing the beauty of Elegant Flow in your life, Mary. I honour you for stepping up, going through The Art of Living Elegantly and truly committing to becoming the most beautiful woman possible – both on the inside and the outside. Thank you for always sharing your insights.

  3. Today, I’ve finally had the time to watch this. That’s because I accidentally left my keys at work and had to wait out the front for the 20 mins it took my Dad to drive over with the spare set.

    Talk about Divine intervention. I needed to hear what you were saying!! I’ve had a few challenges recently that I really need to turn into “growth opportunities ” in my mind. And it really does start with knowing my own beauty.

    Thank you, as always!

    1. Divine Intervention indeed!!! Such elegance, isn’t it? It warms my heart to know it served you so thank you for letting me know, Naomi.

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