confidence and self love affirmations

Confidence and Self Love Affirmations For Women

I tried using confidence affirmations when I was a teenager to help me with self love, but never really resonated with them.

Why? Because the negative internal thoughts and therefore feelings that arose inside of me often felt worse than how I felt before I started saying them!

Can you relate?

You see, when we say something that our subconscious mind doesn’t believe, it creates dissonance within the mind and the ego goes to town trying to keep you in your comfort zone.

If you don’t feel beautiful, but you say, “I AM BEAUTIFUL.” your brain will say, “No, you’re not! Stop lying! You’re this, you’re that, but beautiful you are not!”

Believe me, I get it.

Over the years, throughout my own personal journey, my deep training of the mind and energy, as well as working privately with women from all over the world, I have come to know how to use affirmations in an empowering way.

How to Effectively Use Confidence & Self Love Affirmations

1. Choose Your Words Carefully. 

If your mind goes into crazy chatter when you say, I AM BEAUTIFUL then try adding the words, I am willing to feel beautiful. Or, I am open to feeling beautiful. Just adding these words will decrease the resistance and create a safe entry point to deepen this belief. One day, you WILL be able to confidently say, I AM BEAUTIFUL!

2. Start Your Confidence & Self Love Affirmations By Making an Intention. 

Your subconscious mind is a receiver and protector. Your Conscious Mind is a Creator and has Authority. It can tell the subconscious mind what it wants it to do and the subconscious mind will receive it and obey. It’s simply how things work. So in this case, making an intention is your way of telling your subconscious mind what to do: receive these affirmations for this purpose. 

An example would be: My intention for saying these confidence/self love affirmations is so I am easily and effortlessly able to __________________. (Fill in the blank)

3. Show Love & Gratitude to Your Subconscious Mind.

At the end of your affirmations I always like to say, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I love you, I love you I love you.”

This reinforces the positivity of the affirmations, calms the subconscious mind and helps the subconscious mind to associate positivity around all the affirmations, thus reducing the resistance towards accepting them.

Affirmations are not the only way to re-program your mind, yet they ARE a very gentle & effective way for you to begin changing the beliefs you hold about yourself.

In fact, University of Pennsylvania researchers showed that,

“Repeating self-affirmations produces physical changes in brain regions associated with self-processing, ultimately impacting their view of themselves, and these changes are associated with subsequent positive changes in people’s behaviour.”

In today’s video I guide you through a beautiful confidence affirmations meditation in which you will elegantly re-program your confidence and self love beliefs.

I recommend using this video at least 3 times a week (daily is better) for 30 days.

On Day 1 write in your journal how you feel about yourself and rate your level of confidence and self love on a scale of 1-10.

On Day 30, come back to your journal and do the exact same thing. Only AFTER you write how you now feel should you go back to your Day 1 entry to compare. You will definitely feel more self love & confidence.

See my message below the video…

If you have strong negative beliefs that you really want to shift please make the commitment to re-programming them. You do not have to hold on to unsupportive beliefs any more.

CHOOSE to up level and elegantly ascend into your higher self… now.

Click HERE to book 1 or more belief clearing/reprogramming sessions with me.


How to Have Unshakeable Feminine Confidence: The 4 Divine Keys to Manifest, Do & Be Anything You Want Click HERE.


Instagram: Click HERE

Facebook: Click HERE


DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FEMININE CONFIDENCE | Use Your Divine Feminine Energies to Become Confident Click HERE. 

setting intentions

SETTING INTENTIONS: How to Manifest Your Intentions

It’s Tea Time with Erin again! A SUPER question came through so I dedicated a whole video to it!

Due to the NEW profound energy in town, I want to show you how to master setting intentions so that you can most effectively allow this powerful energy to support you rather than hinder you.

Are you up for learning the way I manifest everything in my life?

From moving to the countries I desire to live in, to finding the perfect home, to attracting the perfect friends into my life, to receiving the most ideal number of clients, etc, etc?

Okay then! Make yourself a lovely cup of tea and let’s get started!

With SO Much Love,


How to Experience Luxurious Abundance – The Elegant Way

Are you desiring to EXPAND this year? Expand in abundance? Abundance of health, love, money, fulfilment or inner peace?

There is an incredible energetic shift that is creating great desires within women right now. Not just desires, but the momentum to move elegantly towards those desires.

If ever you desired expansion and abundance, THIS is the year Universal energy will support you even more to make that a reality.

Find out how in this week’s video!

Here’s How You Expand into Abundance

1. A desire is felt within you.

A Natural Law is that the Universe, and everything within it, is always expanding. Therefore, your Soul, being an extension of this Universal energy, innately wants to expand. The beauty is that your Soul  knows what is in it’s “programming”, aka the natural talents, personality traits and abilities that you have, which could assist in the expansion of your Soul (Divine Consciousness).

The Soul then creates a feeling and often an image or vision inside of you which you could call a “desire”. Now the conscious part of you gets to use it’s free will and creativity!

2. Become extremely clear on what you desire – see & feel every detail.

The MOST important thing you can do to bring abundance of anything into your life is to focus on the EXACT details you desire. This is where your free will and creativity come into play. Do you desire to earn $10,000/month by only working 3 days a week? What are you doing exactly? Where are you working? What does it look like in that space? What are you wearing? Who are you working with? If it’s an abundance of health you desire then what do you see yourself enjoying? What are you wearing? Who are you with? How do you feel? What are you doing that you’ve never been able to do?

The Divine doesn’t care HOW you expand, because you are always expanding anyway, it’s a universal law, however, wouldn’t it be delicious if you got to create HOW you expand?  I always tell my clients that your life is a blank canvas on which YOU paint. YOU get to decide what it looks and feels like. Isn’t this fantastic?

Here are some questions that you can answer to guide you towards creating your next expansion. You can also simply free write and allow it to unfold naturally.


3. Commit to focusing on this desire (in an unattached way).

This step is where most women go wrong. They don’t allow the Divine to gift them their desires because they remain too stuck in focusing on what IS (what they don’t yet have). I have definitely manifested something incredible in 30 minutes, 2 weeks etc. however some of my grand desires have taken 7 years! Not because it had to take seven years, but because I was constantly focusing on what wasn’t in my life that I desired.

There is absolutely NO WAY you can attract into your life something that has a high vibration if you are vibrating in a low vibration. It goes against every Universal law that exists.

Obsessively, I would read The Secret, The Science of Getting Rich, Think and Grow Rich etc. ( I had a library!) all the while feeling desperate that it wasn’t working for me.

I would become SO hopeful then SO depressed. Then I’d buy another book thinking it would be my answer.

In order for us to elegantly manifest abundance into our lives we require to live in JOY, focus on what we desire ( in great detail), and clear any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that are blocking our abundance and Divine light. That’s it!

If you desire a beautiful program that has changed hundreds of women’s lives simply by training them to live elegantly and manifest elegantly, then I highly recommend investing in The Art of Living Elegantly . This is your ticket to freedom, inner peace, pleasure, fulfilment and yes, the abundance of whatever it is that your Soul desires.

4. Create the feeling that the desire will bring you…now, in any way you can.

One of the fastest ways to bring abundance of anything into your life is to begin feeling the way you know you’ll feel once your desire becomes your reality. I noticed a big change in my life when I began doing this 7 years ago.

I desired to be financially prosperous so I got super detailed about what I desired. In fact I answered the 9 questions listed above.

After this I had more clarity on exactly which emotions I would need to focus on creating in my current reality.

One of the things I began doing was having tea in 5 star hotels so that I could simply FEEL abundantly prosperous.

I also made sure that I always had some money in my wallet, even it is was just £5. This made me feel like I always had money available.

How could YOU begin to feel the way you desire right now, in your current reality? Share your ideas in the comments section. If you can’t think of any great ideas, share your desire and your desired feelings and I will help you brainstorm.

I do this every day with personal clients so I have a good repertoire for a variety of desires!

Et Voila! Enjoy the process and commit to it!

It can’t work unless you follow through. (If you struggle with following through then I highly recommend you enquire about my 1:1 Couture Coaching. We can dive deep to discover what your blocks are and clear them once and for all using my Elegant Quantum Techniques.

With so much love,



How to End the Year Right

The BEST Way to End the Year Right – 2017

How would you like me to show you how to make these remaining moments of 2017 truly meaningful so that you move into 2018 with a whole new frequency, a frequency that allows you to step up and into your most elegant, exquisite life?

You may have had a year that didn’t turn out the way you expected it to.

Your dream may not have manifested.

You may have lost someone. Or you may have had to let someone go from your life.

Or, you may have gotten a new job! Received a promotion! Moved cities or countries! Whatever happened (or didn’t happen) in 2017, let’s make 2018 even better!

Step One – To End the Year Right

Reflect on what has transpired over the past year.

Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the centre.

On the left side write, “What Things Served Me This Year”

On the right side write, “What Things Didn’t Serve Me This Year”


Things that DID work:

Things that DIDN’T work:

  • Working the hours I usually do
  • Not moving everyday in some way
  • Not eating enough LIVE, high vibe foods
  • Smoking
  • Gossiping
  • Complaining about what’s wrong in my life instead of focusing on being thankful for what IS good

These are just some examples that clients have told me. Your Soul will tell YOU what worked and what didn’t.

Step Two – To End the Year Right

Underneath your chart write this question:

“Choices I CHOOSE to make in 2018 are:”

Based on the answers in your chart, decide which items would have the most positive impact on your life in 2018.

I recommend listing 2-5 choices. No more. Just making ONE important choice is powerful enough, but try and go for at least 2.

Step Three – To End the Year Right

Be sure that you are following me on either Instagram or Facebook so you can learn when my New Years Facebook Training will be.

In this training I’ll be sharing my FULL process to end the year right. My hubby and I do this every single year and it is just gorgeous. We look forward to it!

So, be sure to follow on either Facebook or Instagram or…even better… be sure you are on our email list by opting in to any of our free gifts on this site. The most popular is the Ebook “The  5 Things You Need to Remove From Your Life TODAY to Manifest the Life You Want.”


I’ll see you next week with my December Favourites Video! My November Favourites was very popular so I’ve decided to continue with the Favourites Series every month!

With So Much Love,