confidence and self love affirmations

I tried using confidence affirmations when I was a teenager to help me with self love, but never really resonated with them.

Why? Because the negative internal thoughts and therefore feelings that arose inside of me often felt worse than how I felt before I started saying them!

Can you relate?

You see, when we say something that our subconscious mind doesn’t believe, it creates dissonance within the mind and the ego goes to town trying to keep you in your comfort zone.

If you don’t feel beautiful, but you say, “I AM BEAUTIFUL.” your brain will say, “No, you’re not! Stop lying! You’re this, you’re that, but beautiful you are not!”

Believe me, I get it.

Over the years, throughout my own personal journey, my deep training of the mind and energy, as well as working privately with women from all over the world, I have come to know how to use affirmations in an empowering way.

How to Effectively Use Confidence & Self Love Affirmations

1. Choose Your Words Carefully. 

If your mind goes into crazy chatter when you say, I AM BEAUTIFUL then try adding the words, I am willing to feel beautiful. Or, I am open to feeling beautiful. Just adding these words will decrease the resistance and create a safe entry point to deepen this belief. One day, you WILL be able to confidently say, I AM BEAUTIFUL!

2. Start Your Confidence & Self Love Affirmations By Making an Intention. 

Your subconscious mind is a receiver and protector. Your Conscious Mind is a Creator and has Authority. It can tell the subconscious mind what it wants it to do and the subconscious mind will receive it and obey. It’s simply how things work. So in this case, making an intention is your way of telling your subconscious mind what to do: receive these affirmations for this purpose. 

An example would be: My intention for saying these confidence/self love affirmations is so I am easily and effortlessly able to __________________. (Fill in the blank)

3. Show Love & Gratitude to Your Subconscious Mind.

At the end of your affirmations I always like to say, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I love you, I love you I love you.”

This reinforces the positivity of the affirmations, calms the subconscious mind and helps the subconscious mind to associate positivity around all the affirmations, thus reducing the resistance towards accepting them.

Affirmations are not the only way to re-program your mind, yet they ARE a very gentle & effective way for you to begin changing the beliefs you hold about yourself.

In fact, University of Pennsylvania researchers showed that,

“Repeating self-affirmations produces physical changes in brain regions associated with self-processing, ultimately impacting their view of themselves, and these changes are associated with subsequent positive changes in people’s behaviour.”

In today’s video I guide you through a beautiful confidence affirmations meditation in which you will elegantly re-program your confidence and self love beliefs.

I recommend using this video at least 3 times a week (daily is better) for 30 days.

On Day 1 write in your journal how you feel about yourself and rate your level of confidence and self love on a scale of 1-10.

On Day 30, come back to your journal and do the exact same thing. Only AFTER you write how you now feel should you go back to your Day 1 entry to compare. You will definitely feel more self love & confidence.

See my message below the video…

If you have strong negative beliefs that you really want to shift please make the commitment to re-programming them. You do not have to hold on to unsupportive beliefs any more.

CHOOSE to up level and elegantly ascend into your higher self… now.

Click HERE to book 1 or more belief clearing/reprogramming sessions with me.


How to Have Unshakeable Feminine Confidence: The 4 Divine Keys to Manifest, Do & Be Anything You Want Click HERE.


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DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FEMININE CONFIDENCE | Use Your Divine Feminine Energies to Become Confident Click HERE.