Let me gift you 10 of the most important questions that you as a feminine, elegant woman should ask yourself. Doing so will upgrade your life dramatically!
Feminine, Elegant Women are women who consistently tune into themselves; they ask THEMSELVES questions so that they receive the best answers for them.
Even though I am a spiritual teacher I will always empower YOU to go within, connect with YOUR divine feminine energy and be led by it.
I see many spiritual teachers on YouTube & online teaching what “this and that” means, and to me this is why so many spiritual women still feel powerless.
They always believe that someone outside of themselves knows best, or has all the answers.
In reality, if women were empowered with the ability to connect and align with their divine feminine energy they would receive all the answers to their questions… with ease.
A Feminine, Elegant Woman:
Is connected to her divinity
Lives from this Divine connection
Trusts herself
Flows with the answers she receives
Takes action from the answers she receives
Thrives & Enjoys a life of freedom, fulfilment & joy
So, in today’s video I gift you some of the top questions you can ask yourself.
You may find that a few questions really hit home…in your heart…and need some deeper inquiry. Take this opportunity to journal on them, or chat with someone you trust about them.
If you would like to learn how to go on a feminine energy journey to finally feel empowered & confident then I highly recommend joining The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence ProgramHERE.
It was a moment I’ll never forget… I felt complete bliss and fulfillment of every kind.
I was lying on the floor, covered in a warm blanket, listening to some peaceful music at a Spiritual Retreat when IT happened.
A Moment of PURE Fulfillment
Indigo and purple lights began swirling rapidly in my mind’s eye, faster and faster they swirled until I was no longer in my body, I was an energy, in union with Source Energy.
It felt like everythingness and nothingness all at the same time, and it was pure BLISS.
I’ve never really known how to fully express what happened to me but just recently I read in a book by Osho, that the Buddha describes “Nirvana” as meaning:
You have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.”
Osho goes on to say,
Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature.”
Are You Craving Fulfillment, Bliss & Joy in Your Life?
The most popular question I receive from women is this…
“Erin, how do you find pleasure and personal fulfillment when you’re dealing with everything else going on in your life?”
Some of the “things” women mention are:
a parent recently passing
children getting ready or already having flew the nest
juggling the demands of raising children and work or running a business
health issues
Here’s what I always answer:
“Your level of fulfillment, success, health & bliss is directly related to the distance of where you are now to where you are in terms of knowing and embodying the fact that you are Divine Energy. That you are part of the the Source of All Energy – God.”
(Watch me fully explain this at minute 1:35 in the video above)
If the distance is wide between these two then your manifestations will take longer and your experience of life will be one of multiple growth opportunities so that you finally KNOW and EMBODY the truth of what you really are.
How do I know this? My gap used to be HUGE! Yet I felt I was a spiritual woman and a seeker of truth.
How to Close the Gap Between Where You Are Now & True Fulfillment
Six years ago I was in quite a state.
I was the mother of a newborn, after having a horrific birth experience (watch the video at minute 4:05 where I describe what made this such a medieval type birth!) with a 4 year old just starting school and an international online Parenting Business to run.
During the pregnancy of my daughter I was struggling with a few personal issues that made me fall into a depression, but after that birth experience I fell DEEP into depression.
Why? Because I felt completely abandoned by God. I had spent 3 months preparing myself to have a stunning, spiritual hypnobirthing experience and the fact that it went completely and utterly opposite from what I visualised made me…well…I’ll be brutally honest here…I gave God the finger.
I was done.
My world, my marriage, my body started crumbling down and I nearly lost everything after certain things took place.
Then a friend of mine told my husband and I about a Spiritual Retreat that was focusing on clearing our energy system.
It was at this spiritual retreat, after one particularly intense clearing session that I experienced what I described at the beginning of this post – nirvana and self-realization.
I walked out of this Spiritual Retreat reborn – literally. And life has never been the same…it’s been better than I ever dreamed – all of my desires, dreams, wishes have come true or are coming true as we speak…with elegance and ease.
What if I told you that I have created a Spiritual Retreat just for YOU that has never existed before?
For 3-4 months now I have been putting together the most beautiful, luxurious, elegant and sacred Spiritual Retreat that has never existed.
At this Retreat you will be doing the EXACT clearing sessions that I went through, with the SAME facilitator and oh, so much more!
I won’t go into all the specifics here, you can find them over at The Elegant Life Experience Registration Page HERE.
I talk about it in more detail in the video above at minute 9:30.
If what you read on the Registration page resonates with you, creates a feeling of excitement or desire, please know that this is a sign from the Divine that you need to be there.
Because you are a follower of The Elegant Life I am giving you “priority registration”. Please don’t spend time “thinking” about whether or not to go as I am only accepting 20 women for this Experience and there are ladies here in Dubai just waiting for the page to be open.
I am also doing many speaking engagements in the next few months and that will most definitely lead ladies to register.
This Experience will be THE BEST GIFT you will ever give to yourself! Trust me on that one! I cannot WAIT for women of every religion, faith, and belief system to evolve and elevate like they never knew possible!
There is an Early Bird Price as well, so be sure to take advantage of that. And better still, if you decide to come with a friend and share a room, your ticket is even less!
Have you ever eaten a meal and felt bloated or like you want to go to sleep afterwards? How about a bit depressed or “low” and you have no idea why?
I used to have all of those experiences. I couldn’t figure out why I would eat a healthy meal and soon after feel bloated, sleepy, a bit grumpy or even depressed. What was wrong with me?
It was certainly not my intention to eat and feel this way! So what was going on? Of course, you know the pattern. Search the internet, find a book, purchase it, follow it and not really feel or see the fantastic results it promised. Yep, I had a mini library of these!
Until I threw all the books away and proclaimed that I would never diet again. The diets never brought me joy or peace, sooooo….what was my plan?
I had been having success with manifesting wealth, experiences, opportunities, etc. so I wondered, could my Elegant principles be used for this as well? I tried and it worked!
How I Started to Lose Weight & Have Energy
The first thing I always teach is to set an intention for what you desire. So, I desired to have energy and vitality and to be toned and slim. (Of course I went into more detail, but in general that’s what I wanted).
Then, as I teach my clients, I surrendered and waited for Divine Inspiration to guide me on how to have more vitality, energy and a slim, toned body.
Once I felt Divinely guided I listened. I listened about what to eat at each meal (see video#2in this series), and I listened to what my body did NOT want anymore and stopped eating that.
I began finding information about “high vibration foods” everywhere! So I ate more of them.
I asked myself a question every day, which I will share with you next week.
What Foods Give You Energy & Vitality
Now, I wanted to feel energetic and full of vitality.
How do YOU want to feel?
What words come to you? Happy? Energetic? Fully of Vitality? Clear? Light?
What if I told you that the choices you make in terms of food have a direct effect on how you feel?
From what I have learned from my mother, a holistic nutritionist, my sister, a naturopathic doctor, and my friend/client Dr. Simone Laubscher (creator of the Super Elixir), is that if you desire to feel high vibe you need to feed your body high vibe foods.
As you know from my previous videos, everything in this universe, us included, is energy. And that energy can be measured.
You unknowingly measure someone’s energy when you immediately feel down or joyful in someone’s presence.
Well, food is no exception. You can measure the vitality a food has. When we eat high vibe foods we take on that energy!
So, if you desire to feel full of energy and vitality all you need to do is eat a lot of foods that measure a high frequency. Simple right?
Well, unless you’ve been immersed in this, like I have, you wouldn’t know what is high frequency or not.
To put it simply, high frequency foods are foods that come in their natural state. (See some of my favourite high vibration foods and how I prepare them in the video above at minute 6:00)
High Frequency Foods
Here are just some of my favourite high frequency foods:
fresh, organic fruit
fresh, organic vegetables (particularly anything that is green)
whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice
beans & lentils
nuts & seeds
Now, before you say, “Oh, Erin, this doesn’t sound very “pleasurable” or “French” to me! I thought you said Spiritual Women can eat anything they want and be slim.”
Oui, oui, they can, come see how!
How to Eat Non-High Vibe Foods
On videos 1, 2 & 3 I told you that you need to let the Divine be your guide on what you eat and how much. You’ve practised that, right????
I also shared with you that when you beautify and frenchify your food you tend to eat slower, eat less, and ENJOY the food so much more. You’ve brought out those gorgeous plates and silverware or even bought new ones, right?
Okay, so now, I’ve just told you that if you want to feel light, clear and full of energy and vitality you need to choose foods that can be measured at high frequencies. Are you confused?
A croissant or chocolate éclair wasn’t on that list! Here’s how this all works…
Image from Alrifai: The Irresistible magazine
Spiritual women know how they want to feel and consciously, intentionally choose foods that will gift them the frequency of this feeling.
However, a Spiritual woman also asks her soul what it desires to eat and if her soul says it would LOVE to savour a piece of dark chocolate cake then she does. (after asking how much of that chocolate cake it desires to eat).
If you berate yourself for eating that cake you will be creating negative energy and therefore ingesting negative, low energy. If you ENJOY that cake slowly and fully with pleasure then you will be raising the energy of that food.
There’s also a little secret that I use to boost the vibration even more which I share in my program “The Elegant Guide to Your Best Body” (I taught it to my hubby this weekend and his reply?
“Man, that shit works!”
Okay, not so Elegant, but I’ll forgive him:)
Keep applying all three Elegant Principles you’ve learned so far throughout this week and then meet me back here next week for the final post which will explain EXACTLY how I slimmed down without “exercising”.
Here are links to the past videos just in case you’ve missed them.
P.S. If you are feeling in alignment with this way of attaining and maintaining your best body then I suggest heading straight HERE. You can get get started today and within a week you will feel more peaceful, confident and full of vitality than you have in a very long time.
Do you struggle with prosperity or weight? I’ve experienced both issues.
Prosperity used to be my BIG area of concern. I never made enough, I never had enough and I couldn’t see how it was possible for me to manifest the life my heart desired.
My head could just not wrap my mind around the HOW.
How in the world could I live that kind of life? I envisioned it for my sister, because SHE had a doctorate and her own successful business, but moi? I would have to live vicariously through her, or so I thought.
Weight issues began when I moved to Brazil and gained so much weight due to loneliness, but things REALLY became an issue after I had my children.
At 5’3″, with 50 pounds (23kg) to lose, well, let’s just say…I wasn’t feeling my best. I didn’t feel like ERIN.
What I Tried to Have Prosperity & Lose Weight
I cried tears
I journaled in at least 10 thick journals
I took courses
I wrote and said positive affirmations
I did EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
I hired trainers
I read “The Secret”, “The Science of Getting Rich”, “Think & Grow Rich” and more!
I had food delivered to my house
I went on countless diet and exercise programs (Power 90 anyone?)
…and nothing made a lasting difference until I understood and started to do what I do now.
Today, I have more prosperity in my life than ever before (and it just keeps increasing) AND I am a healthy and happy size 4-6…without having to diet, deprive, or “work out”.
You know I LOVE to share all the Elegant Processes that can gift you The Elegant Life, right?
Can I Ask Your Opinion?
Well, here’s what I would like to know…
Which topic is currently weighing on you: finally achieving and maintaining your ideal body or manifesting more prosperity into your life?
Both of these topics will be covered here on the Elegant Life Blog, however my priority is always YOU and what you would like to learn first.
In the video above, I go further into describing each topic, so have a quick watch if you have about 9 minutes.
Then, in the comments below, could you please tell me which topic you’d first be interested in learning the Elegant Solution to, along with a brief description as to why?
I am EXCITED to share my Elegant Secrets with you!
See you next week with Post #1 on whatever topic most of you request!
Marie Kondo, creator of The Konmari Method, got it right when she said,
When you surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a life and home you love.
In Marie’s book, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, she teaches an elegant method that will help you get to know yourself better and create a life and home that truly represents you and the life you desire to live.
Want to have a little tour of my home?
Come inside and I’ll show you some things that spark JOY in me and how you can use my tips and Marie’s to fully become a Woman Who Lives Elegantly.
Now, if we relate the Konmari Method to The Elegant Life, which is a life filled with:
a knowing of who you really are
a knowing of how to move through life with ease & elegance
a knowing of inner peace
a knowing of your beauty & signature self
a knowing of what brings you JOY and continuously adding more of it to your life
a knowing of what your gifts and passions are and how to express them in the world
a knowing that you are part of Divine energy
and a knowing that Life is Beautiful!
We can see that The Konmari Method is a method that women can use to help them live The Elegant Life! Because, when we focus on JOY, as Marie Kondo suggests, we are in direct alignment with the essence of The Elegant Life.
When we ask the possessions in our home, “Do you spark JOY within me?” we are literally creating our Elegant Life by letting go of what isn’t us and isn’t serving us, and only keeping and letting in the things that represent who we are and the life we truly desire to live.
French Homes and the Konmari Method
There is something I have always adored about French homes and french decor. When you visit someone’s home in France you really get a sense of who the owners are.
French homes are not always typically “beautiful” or put together like you’d see in a magazine, but they ooze individuality and presence.
They have a personality, an essence all unto themselves and you REALLY get to know more about whoever’s home you’re in.
It’s a pleasure to walk around and hear stories about the possessions they have on display.
It’s so intriguing to witness the colour palettes they use.
And again, it’s not that the decor looks perfect, it’s how the person has used their home as another way to express their signature self.
Have a look at these Parisian Apartments featured on TheArchitectualDigest website.
I have walked through many beautiful homes and felt no soul whatsoever, and I have walked through very modest homes and felt absolutely enamoured by them.
The difference?
The owner’s sense of self and a knowingness of who they are and what sparks JOY within them.
Take a moment right now and wander around your home, or simply spin around in your chair and look around the room you’re currently in… does it show who you are? Does everything in it spark JOY within you?
If someone were to walk into your home, would they be able to know something about you without you even speaking?
A Parisian in My Home!
A few months back we had our friends over for dinner; Jean-Louis, the husband, is Parisian.
The moment Jean-Louis walked into my home he began wandering. He looked at everything I had on my walls and the things I had on little tables and as he did this I could hear him saying, “Oh!” and “Mmmmm…”.
I have to admit that the francophile in me LOVED that he, the Parisian, found my home fascinating and interesting.
The real feeling in me though, was one of happiness. Because I could see him enjoying our home and learning more about us as a result.
One object intrigued him enough to ask a question and this opened up a whole beautiful discussion.
So I ask you again, hoping not to sound too redundant, “Does your home spark JOY in you?”
Do the clothes you own, the blankets that cover you, the photos and pictures on the walls, represent YOU?
What do they say about you?
If you don’t feel your home represents you, then I highly recommend you begin using the Konmari Method that Marie Kondo so beautifully teaches.
This month on the blog we have been focusing on knowing yourself, honouring yourself and loving yourself…
Has anything shifted for you in your life this month after reading the blog posts? I’d be so curious to hear about it!
I’ve already heard from some women who say they have given themselves more permission this month to enjoy things they love.
Ça c’est merveilleux!
Next week we will end this month’s theme with a BIG CELEBRATION as the winner of the Self-Love Challenge will be announced!!!
Stay tuned for that!
With so much love,
Manifest your desire into reality. Download this free meditation
Congratulations on taking your first step into The Elegant Life!