The #1 Way to Experience Life Fulfillment PLUS a Secret Reveal!

It was a moment I’ll never forget… I felt complete bliss and fulfillment of every kind.

I was lying on the floor, covered in a warm blanket, listening to some peaceful music at a Spiritual Retreat when IT happened.

A Moment of PURE Fulfillment

Indigo and purple lights began swirling rapidly in my mind’s eye, faster and faster they swirled until  I was no longer in my body, I was an energy, in union with Source Energy.

It felt like everythingness and nothingness all at the same time, and it was pure BLISS.

I’ve never really known how to fully express what happened to me but just recently I read in a book by Osho, that the Buddha describes “Nirvana” as meaning:

You have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.”

Osho goes on to say,

Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature.”

Are You Craving Fulfillment, Bliss & Joy in Your Life?

The most popular question I receive from women is this…

“Erin, how do you find pleasure and personal fulfillment when you’re dealing with everything else going on in your life?”

Some of the “things” women mention are:

  • a parent recently passing
  • children getting ready or already having flew the nest
  • juggling the demands of raising children and work or running a business
  • health issues

Here’s what I always answer:

“Your level of fulfillment, success, health & bliss is directly related to the distance of where you are now to where you are in terms of knowing and embodying the fact that you are Divine Energy. That you are part of the the Source of All Energy – God.”

(Watch me fully explain this at minute 1:35 in the video above)


If the distance is wide between these two then your manifestations will take longer and your experience of life will be one of multiple growth opportunities so that you finally KNOW and EMBODY the truth of what you really are.

How do I know this? My gap used to be HUGE! Yet I felt I was a spiritual woman and a seeker of truth.

How to Close the Gap Between Where You Are Now & True Fulfillment

Six years ago I was in quite a state.

I was the mother of a newborn, after having a horrific birth experience (watch the video at minute 4:05 where I describe what made this such a medieval type birth!) with a 4 year old just starting school and an international online Parenting Business to run.

During the pregnancy of my daughter I was struggling with a few personal issues that made me fall into a depression, but after that birth experience I fell DEEP into depression.

Why? Because I felt completely abandoned by God. I had spent 3 months preparing myself to have a stunning, spiritual hypnobirthing experience and the fact that it went completely and utterly opposite from what I visualised made me…well…I’ll be brutally honest here…I gave God the finger.

I was done.

My world, my marriage, my body started crumbling down and I nearly lost everything after certain things took place.

Then a friend of mine told my husband and I about a Spiritual Retreat that was focusing on clearing our energy system.

It was at this spiritual retreat, after one particularly intense clearing session that I experienced what I described at the beginning of this post – nirvana and self-realization.

I walked out of this Spiritual Retreat reborn – literally. And life has never been the same…it’s been better than I ever dreamed – all of my desires, dreams, wishes have come true or are coming true as we speak…with elegance and ease.

The Elegant Life Experience for YOU!

What if I told you that I have created a Spiritual Retreat just for YOU that has never existed before?

For 3-4 months now I have been putting together the most beautiful, luxurious, elegant and sacred Spiritual Retreat that has never existed.

At this Retreat you will be doing the EXACT clearing sessions that I went through, with the SAME facilitator and oh, so much more!

I won’t go into all the specifics here, you can find them over at The Elegant Life Experience Registration Page HERE.

I talk about it in more detail in the video above at minute 9:30.

luxury spiritual retreat for women

If what you read on the Registration page resonates with you, creates a feeling of excitement or desire, please know that this is a sign from the Divine that you need to be there.

Because you are a follower of The Elegant Life I am giving you “priority registration”. Please don’t spend time “thinking” about whether or not to go as I am only accepting 20 women for this Experience and there are ladies here in Dubai just waiting for the page to be open.

I am also doing many speaking engagements in the next few months and that will most definitely lead ladies to register.

This Experience will be THE BEST GIFT you will ever give to yourself!  Trust me on that one! I cannot WAIT for women of every religion, faith, and belief system to evolve and elevate like they never knew possible!

There is an Early Bird Price as well, so be sure to take advantage of that. And better still, if you decide to come with a friend and share a room, your ticket is even less!

“See” you over on the registration page!

With SO Much Love,






How to Connect With the Divine Through RECEIVING

“I don’t want to bother you”

“Aw thanks, but I’m okay, I’m just complaining.”

Ever said one of these statements? Ever heard another woman say them?

Yep, we women have a REALLY difficult time receiving help or pleasure. And it is one of the top reasons we don’t “receive” what our soul truly desires.

Yes, it’s time we take a much closer look at receiving and give it the attention and practise it deserves because your goals, dreams and desires depend on it.

This week’s post and video teaches you two ways to practise receiving – the Human version of receiving AND the Soul version of receiving.  Ready?

Let’s do this!

Over the past five weeks we’ve been looking at the attributes of God/Source and the reason for doing this is so that we can EMBODY these traits. We can’t become more Divine, vibrating at a high frequency, and living an exquisite life if we don’t know exactly what to focus on, can we?

Once we learn how to BE these Divine attributes we can start harnessing the power and beauty of it. Not only to create beautiful transformation in our own lives, but the lives of everyone around us.

Today is the very last post in this Series. (There are more attributes of the Divine but I’ve been guided to stop here, so I will)

The final attribute of the Divine I will share with you is…you guessed it – RECEIVING.

Two Ways to Practise & Embody RECEIVING

1. Open ourselves up to RECEIVE from ourselves and others.

When others offer you help – take it! (Even when it feels really uncomfortable to). When you do this you allow the other person to practise the art of generosity, so really it’s a win win!

I have come a long way on this. I am now able to actually ask for help, but still find it a bit of an effort to receive help that is simply offered without me asking.

It’s such an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it?

The one area I don’t struggle with is gifting myself alone time and pampering time. It is such a part of my personality that I require alone time to recharge. If I don’t gift this to myself I become resentful and angry REAL quick! Can you relate? Most ladies that follow me are introverts or ambiverts so I am sure you “get” this.

However, most of my clients, even though they are introverts deny themselves pleasure. They would never schedule regular moments of pleasure because they believe they must give first THEN receive, only there is never any time left over to receive so they just carry on giving and giving.


They blow up! They yell at their kids and husband and feel like they are depressed, but aren’t sure why.

The reason why is because it is a natural attribute of the Divine to receive, and if you aren’t regularly receiving your soul will feel out of alignment and depressed.

Or, perhaps depressed is too strong of a word, perhaps “flat” is a better word. Life is “okay”, but it’s not fulfilling or full of JOY.

Can you relate?

So, the first thing you want to practise this week is to consciously allow yourself to receive. When others offer (friends, children, family, your husband or partner) say, “Yes, Thank you!”

And schedule at least ONE pleasure for yourself this week. Tune in to your soul and ask it,

What do you require to ENJOY this week?”

Whatever comes up, whether it be quiet time to read a magazine in the bath, go to the movies with girlfriends, book a massage or begin a new novel, listen and schedule it in your diary. Trust me… you’ll be in BLISS! And in return, resonating the vibration of openness to receive to the Universe.

2.  Be still & RECEIVE downloads from the Divine.

If you are always running around, shuttling kids from class to class, working, volunteering, travelling and such you will not be able to receive the gorgeous downloads from the Divine.

The Divine has already received your requests, desires or prayers, but now it’s waiting for YOU to receive guidance!

Without stillness and silence in your life it will be much more difficult to live and manifest the kind of life you dream about.

The Elegant Life is a life where you create moments of stillness and silence so that you can hear the actions to take.

I will be teaching the elegant morning meditation and rituals that I do every morning and evening at a Retreat I’ll be telling you about shortly.

It is so very important, to turn off the radio, TV, podcasts and music and just have silence in your life.

When I drive in the car,  I sometimes just drive in silence.

When I’m doing things around the house I sometimes consciously choose not to put my lovely music on.

Remember? Spiritual women who live elegantly CHOOSE how their life flows. And yes, I know it’s not always easy. It takes practise, like building a “receiving muscle”, but you will notice a massive difference in the fulfilment you feel as well as the ease in your ability to manifest. Trust me on this one!

Have you ever?

Have you ever experienced magical benefits from receiving?

Have you ever noticed that when you’ve been generous with yourself, gifting yourself something that gives you pleasure that you experience other beautiful experiences or gifts from the Universe?

Have you ever regularly had a morning meditation or ritual and seen and felt the miracles that have transpired because of it?

I’d LOVE to hear about them in the comments!

This is the last post in this series of “How to Connect With the Divine”. If you missed any click HERE to start back at the very first post. I have absolutely LOVED showing you how to embody the attributes of the Divine!

Next week we move on to something really powerful.  See you next week!




P.S. If you enjoyed this post and can think of another woman who could benefit from it, please share it with her. Or, simply share it on your Facebook feed! That way more and more women can be touched by The Elegant Life. Thank you!




2 Ways to Deeply Connect With the Divine Through: LOVE

Have you ever felt LOVE so strongly that it feels like your body is 100% FULL?

You may look at your child sleeping and feel it, have a beautiful evening with your partner and feel it or meet a new, incredible partner and feel it.

How about Divine love?  Have you felt that? Well, that’s what we’re talking about today – from an Elegant Life perspective of course;)

I’m going to show you two ways that you can elegantly connect with the Divine and in turn elevate your life and the collective consciousness of the planet. Ready?

First, let’s review something about energy.

The Frequency of LOVE

The vibration of Divine Energy is called zero point energy. A famous physicist named Richard Feynman describes it as this:

Zero point energy holds an order of magnitude with greater power than nuclear energy.

One teacup of empty space (zero point energy) contains enough energy to boil all the world’s oceans.

The Frequency of Love is very, very close to this zero point energy, so that is why we feel blissful and full and like nothing else exists when we are in the state of it.

And because we are in that high energy state, we raise the vibration of everything around us due to The Law of Entrainment.

This law states that anything with a low frequency that is in the presence of high energy must rise to match that high energy.

So, I can hear you asking me this now, “Erin, how do I get into that high frequency state of LOVE more often than just every once in a while?”

Two Ways to Get into the Frequency of Love


One of the biggest gifts I received while being a Buddhist student back in the mid 90’s was to meditate on BEING an attribute of an enlightened being.

Every single day I do a specific meditation that I learned back in 1997.  I’ll be teaching the full version to all the ladies who choose to join me at a retreat I’m hosting in May, but here’s the short version.

Part of it includes me saying,

Bless me with the love and compassion of an enlightened being.

Then I visualise the colour red filling my body…so much so that it overflows from me…through every pore and out into the universe.

Another way I BE Love is:

During the day, when I experience frustration, during Dubai traffic for example, I ask myself,

How would Consciousness BE in this situation?

You can substitute any word for Consciousness here: Jesus, Buddha, God…

The point is to consciously make the choice to BE LOVE. It’s one of the fastest ways of coming out of low energy and putting yourself into a higher frequency.


Do what you love. Every day I wake up totally excited and energised to do my work in the world – my Calling.  Do you feel this way?

Have you chosen to be a stay-at-home mom and really LOVE it?

Do you own a business that feeds your heart & soul?

Do you go to a place of work and really LOVE what you do?

If not, it is going to take a lot of energy for you to  get into and stay in the state of LOVE and connection with the Divine.

(If you desire to know what your Calling is, start by viewing these two videos.)

When you are DOING something that uses every natural talent, ability or personality trait that you were given from the Divine you ooze LOVE Energy!

It’s easy to stay in Elegant Flow and feel fulfilled, peaceful and full of bliss in this state.

This week’s Focus:

Spend time contemplating whether or not you are BEING LOVE & DOING LOVE.

Notice the times, situations and people that bring you out of love energy and then make a CHOICE to get back into alignment.

You may need to rearrange things in your life in order to serve you better. What might those things be? Changing companies? Letting people go from your life? Setting clearer boundaries with people? Starting a business?

If you need any personal support in finding your Calling or dealing with dissatisfaction in your life please reach out to me.

You can have a Mentoring Session with me by clicking HERE. My work is very powerful as I am guided by the Divine during our session, and by now you know that any time you directly connect with the Divine, change and enlightenment occurs quickly and elegantly.

Until next week!



P.S. If you know of any woman who is Spiritual and adores beauty and beautiful things, please forward this post to them or Share on your Social Media channels. I desire to serve and support over 20,000 women this year and with your support that goal can become a reality. Thank you.





finding happiness

Finding Happiness – How to Find it & Sustain it the Elegant Way

Did you know that there are over 62,000 books written on “finding happiness”?

This shows that there millions of people searching for fulfilment and happiness.

In fact, did you know that Dubai has created a Minister of Happiness position?

Yes! Finding happiness is a major focus right now and I LOVE this!  However, I want you to know what Women Who Live Elegantly know.

I want you to know how Women Who Live Elegantly define and experience happiness, as well as sustain it.

Curious?  Read on and/or watch the video above.

Finding Happiness & Sustaining Happiness

The dictionary defines happiness as:

 a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

A Woman Who Lives Elegantly’s definition of happiness is:

 the state of contentment, fulfilment & joy that I experience as a result of doing, being and enjoying what my soul desires.

Notice that happiness from a Woman Who Live Elegantly’s point of view is a state that she is directly capable of creating in her life.

Now, in order to create this state, she must do three things…

Step 1:

Spend time getting to know herself.

Step 2: 

Spend time listening to her soul.

Step 3:

Give herself permission to do, be and enjoy what her soul says it desires.

Let’s look at each of these in more depth now.

Spend Time Getting to Know Yourself

I can remember many times in my life that I have admired a woman because she seemed to really KNOW herself.

She really knew her style, she really knew what she loved to do for enjoyment, she knew her taste in music and home decor, she had some signature dishes she loved to cook…she just had that “Je ne sais quoi”.

Now, when I say that I admired the women, I actually meant that I envied them.  I didn’t know what they knew and it made me so depressed and was left feeling empty, plain, boring, uninteresting, lost…you get the picture.

One day, in my early 20’s I asked an older friend, who definitely KNEW her style and likes, etc. (she oozed “Je ne sais quoi”!), “How did you find your style?  How do you KNOW what you like in life?  Her answer was, “I don’t know, I just do.”

Ugh, that was a depressing answer.  I wanted so much to have an air about me, an essence, a knowingness of who I was, but no one could guide me!

If you feel this way right now…maybe not as desperately as my 20 year old self, but subtly enough that your soul is resonating with what I’m saying here, then I would invite you to purchase the book,Style Statement” by Danielle LaPorte and Carrie McCarthy.  

It was such a beautiful experience to explore myself the way in which this book guides you to!  I really cannot recommend it enough.

  It takes you into every crevice of who you are. Watch the video above to see inside MY book!

Spend Time Listening to Your Soul

You will hear me saying this over and over again and I will never stop because it is the KEY to your happiness…Ask your soul what it desires and listen! 

“What do you feel like eating for breakfast this morning, soul?”

“How do you feel like moving today, soul?”

“What do you want to wear today, soul?”

When a woman listens to her soul she receives the most intimate guidance on how to be happy & fulfilled each and every day.

There will be no pushing to be happy, no “trying” to be happy, no effort in “finding happiness”, it will simply be her state, and a sustainable one.

Give Yourself Permission to Do, Be & Enjoy What Your Soul Desires

So, you know yourself intimately and you listen to your soul, but…you don’t ALLOW yourself to DO, BE or ENJOY what your soul desires.

THIS is an epidemic with women.

We women can always come up with a reason why we shouldn’t do, have, be or enjoy something.

There can ALWAYS be a reason, however, the moment we give ourselves permission to go ahead with whatever our soul has said it desires, we will feel exquisite happiness and joy!

finding happiness


Let’s say your soul really desires a molten dark chocolate dessert. Will you give yourself permission to eat it with pleasure or will you think about the calories it has and how much exercise you’ll “have to do” to burn it off?

Let’s say your hubby comes to you to make love and you say out of stress, “I don’t have time”. Did you ask your SOUL what it desires?  Sometimes it may say that a tidy house or a completed task is what it desires, but sometimes it will say, “How wonderful it would feel to connect with him like this!”  What will you do?

Let’s say you look in the closet and see nothing that inspires you.  Will you schedule in a day where you go shopping at your favourite shop or will you say, “Oh, but the kids need things more than I do”?

Let’s say your soul desires to enjoy dinner at a certain restaurant and your husband never wants to go out. Will you stay in night after night after night, with sadness and resentment building, or will you figure out a way to go on your own by booking a table for one or inviting a friend along?

Let’s say your soul desires to work with a particular coach or mentor or to purchase a course, but your ego comes in with, “You can’t do that, you don’t have enough money or time for that!” Will you listen to your soul or your ego?

Which would bring you more happiness & fulfilment do you think?

finding happiness

I could go on and on as the number of times in a day that women hear the whispers of their soul but quickly shut it down, is countless.

And THIS is where unhappiness and unfulfillment come from.

There is no joy.

There is no pleasure.

There is no fulfilment of the soul.

We carry on living our life in “responsibility” and resentment and then buy 62,000 books on, “How to be Happy.”

The answers are within us…specific answers for us alone!  We just have to listen and give ourselves permission to Do, Be, and Enjoy what it asks us to.

Are you ready to experience sustainable happiness? Remember what Women Who Live Elegantly do…they make a choice.  What’s your choice?

I’d love to know if you resonate with anything I’ve written here.  Do you consistently resist allowing yourself to do something you know your soul keeps asking you to do?

Do you have a feeling like perhaps you don’t deserve to be happy?

With so much love,





self love challenge

The 28 Day Self-Love Challenge! (*With Giveaway*)


Ladies! Are you up for a Beautiful Challenge?

About 2 weeks ago, the Divine told me that I was to focus on Self-Love in February.

Normally in February the world focuses on “relationship” love, but I know (and you know) that the only way to attract or experience the type of love you desire in your life is to be in complete & total love with your SELF.

Self-Love changes everything. How?

The Top 5 Benefits of Self-Love:

1. You don’t “need” anyone to make you happy.

2. You effortlessly become or maintain your ideal weight.

3. You attract friends and lovers who truly love you & bring you joy.

4. You attract & manifest what you desire with ease and elegance.

5. You are able to make a real impact as you serve your purpose on earth.

Of course there are many, many more benefits of self-love, but these are at the top!

Now, the word “self-love” has never really resonated with me.  I don’t know why but I felt no connection to it.  It didn’t stir up a desire for me to change or work on myself.

Can you relate?

I’d see a headline on the front cover of a magazine about Self-Love and either roll my eyes, thinking, “Not again” or “Boring!”.  The words just didn’t resonate with me.

But… what I realised is that I REALLY resonate with the word LOVE.

That one word feels FULL to me.  It feels warm and all encompassing.  I even love the way the word LOVE looks!

Most importantly though, I love the way love feels; when I give it and when I receive it.

By “give it” I also mean that I love the feeling when I “give love” to myself and fully “receive love” from myself.

Now THIS resonates with me. THIS has meaning for me and stirs up the desire to actually commit to doing it because I have felt the benefits and seen the benefits.

There are so many ways I have learned to give myself love.  Here are just a few that have strongly impacted my life…

5 Ways to Give Yourself Love

1. Have a “Red Velvet Rope Policy” for your life. Bless and let go of anyone or anything that makes you feel anything less than loved or joyful.

2. Gift yourself things or experiences that your soul desires.

3. Make yourself a priority.

4. Have a daily ritual that honours who you ARE, as well as the woman you desire to BE.

5. Gift your body high vibrational foods in order to honour her.


Every day tell yourself 1 thing that you LOVE about yourself.

Each week in February I am going to elaborate on one of the ideas above.  My intention is to share with you simple and pleasurable ways you can give LOVE to yourself so that you feel JOYFUL  & PEACEFUL inside, and that your outer reality aligns with these feelings and therefore attracts all good things that are a vibrational match.

The other thing I was divinely guided to do was to create a 28 Day Self-Love Challenge! I’m SO excited! J’adore GIFTING!!!

Here’s how it’s going to work:

  1. Head on over to either The Elegant Life’s Facebook Page OR Instagram Page  and “Follow” or “Like” the page.
  2. Each day in February, starting February 1st, return to the platform you choose to follow and watch for the post that looks like this:self-love challenge
  3. In the comment section post 1 thing you love about yourself or your life.
  4. If you comment on all 28 days your name will be entered into a luxurious giveaway! To acknowledge all the women who committed to cultivating self-love within themselves I will be adding their names to a draw and then gifting 1 woman from the draw a beautiful & highly luxurious gift that will be sent straight to her door!
Your name will ONLY be entered into the draw if you have “LIKED” or “FOLLOWED” one of the social media platforms listed above AND commented on all 28 days of the challenge. NO exceptions. A draw will be made on March 1st and the winner will be announced and contacted so that the giveaway prize can be promptly shipped. WOMEN ONLY.

ENJOY the process.  ENJOY the feeling. ENJOY the LOVE!

Because, as the French would say… L’amour, c’est magnifique!

Gros Bisous,
