News Flash! I will not be sharing 5 self care tips that you’ve heard before.

I’m interested in sharing self care tips that will gift you consistent self love and deepen your confidence as a woman.

When we do anything over and over again, it creates patterns and beliefs in our brain.

If you’re reading this post I know you are a woman who is committed to consciously CHOOSING what you do over and over again. Right?

When we consciously choose to do things that we know are good for us we are telling our brain that we love ourselves; we love ourselves enough to do things that we know will benefit us in a positive way.

Soon, the brain will generalise this belief and make it a conviction we hold about ourself. 

Self Care Tips Create Powerful Convictions

Let’s look at a self care tip and see how the conviction it creates can serve us in the rest of our life.

Making Your Bed Beautiful Every Morning.

If you consciously choose to make your bed beautiful every morning your brain, after time, will believe you value Beauty  and will choose to look for it everywhere.

You may go for a walk and notice the beauty of some flowers. Those flowers will gift you such joy and pleasure that you will purchase a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store so you can enjoy fresh, beautiful flowers every day.

Now, what does this tell your brain?

I deserve to be surrounded by beauty.

That I matter.

I deserve to feel JOY.

I am abundant.

Simple things make me feel good.

Let’s take this even further. What could be possible if YOU held these convictions about yourself?

You would attract people and experiences into your life that bring you JOY because you believe you deserve joy, correct?

You would stop chasing things that people say you should want and instead truly feel happy and content with the simple things in life. The big luxuries are amazing too, but you don’t wait to feel good until they arrive.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

We often want to overcomplicate life, however the simple act of consciously choosing to make your bed beautiful every morning can affect your life in multiple ways.

In today’s video I share with you my top 5 Self Care Tips that will create profound ripple effects in ALL areas of your life. Trust me, I live by these and so do my most successful, happy clients.

To learn how to FULLY Embody Feminine Confidence watch my FREE MASTERCLASS HERE.

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