Erin Kurt

A NEW ELEGANT LIFE Coming This Season

A NEW SEASON OF THE ELEGANT LIFE | All the elegant, exciting changes!


I’m back from my month-long holiday feeling rejuvenated and excited for this NEW season of The Elegant Life.

I always find that I receive a tremendous amount of guidance and inspiration on my holidays. And this time was no exception.

My Soul has been desiring to express itself even more fully AND I have felt an even greater calling to share my teachings on feminine confidence, feminine energy and how to live a spiritual, elegant lifestyle with even more women around the world.


Well, last year it became crystal clear that what women really wanted and needed was more confidence. But not the old type of confidence. You know, the type associated with achieving? I’m speaking about the feminine type of confidence.

So many women have asked me over the years:

“Erin, how do you show up so easily on YouTube and Instagram?”

“How do you have the confidence to do and be who you are now when your first job was as a primary school teacher?”

It was indeed quite the journey, yet it led me to know the path to fully embodying feminine confidence.

In fact last year I took a group of women through my newest program, The Elegant Art of Feminine Confidence, and it changed lives.

This program is and will continue to be my foundational, signature program to help women, like you, to finally, finally have self-love and self-confidence. 

The process

It involves assisting you in actually understanding and LIVING The Elegant Life. Along with this, I take you through activations to reawaken the feminine energies you’ve been disassociated with, forgot, or never even knew you had. It’s truly empowering. 

This summer my Soul guided me to showcase exactly what The Elegant Lifestyle really is, both here on the blog and on my YouTube Channel.

So in today’s video, I show you some of the fun things I did on my holiday. I will also give a and break down what you can expect to see and learn in this NEW, elevated season of The Elegant Life. 

May this season inspire you and most importantly serve you in upgrading into the next best version of yourself.

If there are any topics you’d love me to make a video on, please do share them in the comments below.

And, if you would like to learn more about how to fully embody feminine confidence feel free to watch the Masterclass I ran in July!

MASTERCLASS: Click HERE to watch!


With so much love,


The #1 Way to Experience Life Fulfillment PLUS a Secret Reveal!

It was a moment I’ll never forget… I felt complete bliss and fulfillment of every kind.

I was lying on the floor, covered in a warm blanket, listening to some peaceful music at a Spiritual Retreat when IT happened.

A Moment of PURE Fulfillment

Indigo and purple lights began swirling rapidly in my mind’s eye, faster and faster they swirled until  I was no longer in my body, I was an energy, in union with Source Energy.

It felt like everythingness and nothingness all at the same time, and it was pure BLISS.

I’ve never really known how to fully express what happened to me but just recently I read in a book by Osho, that the Buddha describes “Nirvana” as meaning:

You have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of stars, and a totally new life begins. You are reborn.”

Osho goes on to say,

Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost nature.”

Are You Craving Fulfillment, Bliss & Joy in Your Life?

The most popular question I receive from women is this…

“Erin, how do you find pleasure and personal fulfillment when you’re dealing with everything else going on in your life?”

Some of the “things” women mention are:

  • a parent recently passing
  • children getting ready or already having flew the nest
  • juggling the demands of raising children and work or running a business
  • health issues

Here’s what I always answer:

“Your level of fulfillment, success, health & bliss is directly related to the distance of where you are now to where you are in terms of knowing and embodying the fact that you are Divine Energy. That you are part of the the Source of All Energy – God.”

(Watch me fully explain this at minute 1:35 in the video above)


If the distance is wide between these two then your manifestations will take longer and your experience of life will be one of multiple growth opportunities so that you finally KNOW and EMBODY the truth of what you really are.

How do I know this? My gap used to be HUGE! Yet I felt I was a spiritual woman and a seeker of truth.

How to Close the Gap Between Where You Are Now & True Fulfillment

Six years ago I was in quite a state.

I was the mother of a newborn, after having a horrific birth experience (watch the video at minute 4:05 where I describe what made this such a medieval type birth!) with a 4 year old just starting school and an international online Parenting Business to run.

During the pregnancy of my daughter I was struggling with a few personal issues that made me fall into a depression, but after that birth experience I fell DEEP into depression.

Why? Because I felt completely abandoned by God. I had spent 3 months preparing myself to have a stunning, spiritual hypnobirthing experience and the fact that it went completely and utterly opposite from what I visualised made me…well…I’ll be brutally honest here…I gave God the finger.

I was done.

My world, my marriage, my body started crumbling down and I nearly lost everything after certain things took place.

Then a friend of mine told my husband and I about a Spiritual Retreat that was focusing on clearing our energy system.

It was at this spiritual retreat, after one particularly intense clearing session that I experienced what I described at the beginning of this post – nirvana and self-realization.

I walked out of this Spiritual Retreat reborn – literally. And life has never been the same…it’s been better than I ever dreamed – all of my desires, dreams, wishes have come true or are coming true as we speak…with elegance and ease.

The Elegant Life Experience for YOU!

What if I told you that I have created a Spiritual Retreat just for YOU that has never existed before?

For 3-4 months now I have been putting together the most beautiful, luxurious, elegant and sacred Spiritual Retreat that has never existed.

At this Retreat you will be doing the EXACT clearing sessions that I went through, with the SAME facilitator and oh, so much more!

I won’t go into all the specifics here, you can find them over at The Elegant Life Experience Registration Page HERE.

I talk about it in more detail in the video above at minute 9:30.

luxury spiritual retreat for women

If what you read on the Registration page resonates with you, creates a feeling of excitement or desire, please know that this is a sign from the Divine that you need to be there.

Because you are a follower of The Elegant Life I am giving you “priority registration”. Please don’t spend time “thinking” about whether or not to go as I am only accepting 20 women for this Experience and there are ladies here in Dubai just waiting for the page to be open.

I am also doing many speaking engagements in the next few months and that will most definitely lead ladies to register.

This Experience will be THE BEST GIFT you will ever give to yourself!  Trust me on that one! I cannot WAIT for women of every religion, faith, and belief system to evolve and elevate like they never knew possible!

There is an Early Bird Price as well, so be sure to take advantage of that. And better still, if you decide to come with a friend and share a room, your ticket is even less!

“See” you over on the registration page!

With SO Much Love,





negative energy

How Negative Energy is Holding You Back & How to Clear it

“I would do that if_____________.” Have you ever said this?

I would do that if I felt better.

I would do that if I didn’t have to look after my kids.

I would do that if I lost 20 pounds.

I would do that if my boss wasn’t so…

I would do that if I knew how to……

How many times do we as women turn away from our Calling? Loads. How do I know this? I’ve been coaching women from around the world for 10 years AND I used to be a woman who consistently rejected her soul’s true Calling.

For those of you who have followed me you may be thinking, “What? Look what you’ve done over your lifetime? You’ve taught around the world, lived in France, written a book, created multiple online businesses? How can you say this?”


Underneath everything I have done in my life, there was always, always a yearning to really connect with the Universe and have a huge impact on people’s lives. I am not sure I even knew WHY, I just had this strong, innate desire to! (aka “my Calling”, but I didn’t know this back then)

Throughout my life I accomplished things that consistently allowed me to do my Calling to a certain level yet deep down there always felt like more. I got side tracked the odd time due to my incessant need to prove myself; that I was good enough & worthy enough.

I used to feel such comparison with my sister who was the natural achiever. She didn’t have to try, she was just naturally gifted at school, piano, poetry, speaking. You name it, she won an award for it. And as a result I felt less than. Not special enough. Not appreciated enough.

So as many women do, we go on with our lives living with a certain amount of negative energy and limiting beliefs within us.

And this holds us back from acknowledging & knowing our Calling as well as feeling worthy enough to accept our Calling…

And therefore, we move through our lives feeling:

  • held back
  • anxious
  • unfulfilled
  • nervous
  • resentful
  • exhausted & overwhelmed
  • scared
  • frustrated

You name it! And the reason why is because we KNOW we are meant for more in our life.

Our soul feels it. Craves it. Desires it. Yearns for it!

But…we come up with fantastic, very logical reasons why we can’t, and these very logical reasons keep those yearning feelings pushed down for a while, but…

They’ll always come back again, because a Calling is a Calling, and you were created to fulfil it, so the feeling will never leave you.

You may never DO your calling, but it will always BE there, yearning to be fulfilled. (That’s the definition of a tragedy in my opinion)

How to Move Forward When Negative Energy is Blocking You

The FIRST question to answer is…How did I go from feeling completely happy, fulfilled, blissful, whole and connected to the Divine after my life changing year in France

to feeling hopeless, totally disconnected, profoundly depressed and completely lost 14 years later?

How is that even possible? Well…I had reached a level of evolution and was required to evolve some more. In fact little did I know, this evolution was to be THE most profound spiritual experience I could have ever believed or wished for.

What happened?

Well, I’ll save that story for another time, but the short version was that a friend of mine asked if I would allow her to practise a clearing technique on me.  She was training in it and needed some practise hours.

In the middle of our session she found an area that had some negative energy blocked so told me to “tone”. It’s like saying , “Ahhhhhhhhh”. The problem was that I couldn’t. I literally could not get a sound out! Watch the video above at minute 3:00 to see me demonstrate this bizarre experience.

After multiple tries my friend said, “Erin, when you finally release this you’ll be free”. I’ll never forget those words because at that moment that is really what I wanted – to be free from all the horrible unhappiness and depression I was feeling inside.

The BIG Clearing that Occurred!

After the session I went home to England and felt better, more open, but still felt that yearning to clear what I hadn’t been able to. So, when my friend emailed me a couple of months later saying that there was going to be a 6 Day Retreat where we would be doing A LOT of clearing my hubby and I said, “YES!”

This too is a long story that will be told (definitely at The Elegant Life Retreat I’ll be hosting in late May) but for now I’ll give you the short version.

One day during the beginning of the retreat I felt extremely down.  I felt like I was so far from ever being able to feel the way I desired, that I didn’t “get” how this Universe worked and that the connection with my Divinity was almost non-existent.

The negative energy inside of me was huge. So much so that I went up to my room and wrote in my Journal all the frustrations I was feeling. I really didn’t want to go back down for the afternoon session but my husband came to get me and persuaded me to finish what we started.

We did another clearing and while I lay there afterwards I had THE most profound experience of my life. My physical body dissolved and I was at one with Consciousness – the energy of me was in union with the All energy- Divine Consciousness. I struggle to share what I felt because it is indescribable, but I sometimes say, “I had a near death experience without dying.”

I remember feeling like, “I never want to leave here” and I could hear my physical self saying, “Wooooowww”.

negative energy

Right after this I went up to my room and had downloaded to me Universal truths of how this Universe works, why we’re here, what we’re supposed to be doing and HOW to do it, how to manifest the life we want, how to experience this feeling of bliss consistently and more.

I had a KNOWING that:

a) We are part of this all encompassing Divine energy

b) We all have a Calling and when we clear the clutter and negative energy that exists in us we are able to live out that Calling and live Heaven on Earth.

When You Clear Negative Energy Your World Opens Up

Since that time 6 or 7 years ago, I have opened up even more and fully accepted who I was created to BE in this lifetime- A Spiritual Teacher of Divine Truths.

Last year I was told by Consciousness that The Elegant Life needed to expand even more. It needed to help women awaken and come back HOME to their Divinity, to assist them in reconnecting with Consciousness but also to fully accept and LOVE who they’ve been made to be and what their Calling is in this lifetime.

I’ll be sharing more about this in the coming weeks. (Squeal!)

A Gorgeous Sign That I am Truly Fulfilling my Calling

This summer, I travelled to the location I had been guided to host The Elegant Life Retreat in order to test it out and see if it really was the right location.

All I can say is….WOW! I will share this most exquisite story with you another time but if you watch the video above from minute 10:00-14:00 you’ll see a video I took in this location that gave me shivers, warmth, & utter surety that yes, Erin, this is it. This is it. And you are on the right path of fulfilling your Calling.

Now it’s YOUR turn! If you’ve been feeling a deep desire to BE more, DO more, or EXPERIENCE more in your life this is the time to Find Your Calling and Clear any Negative Energy that is blocking you from doing that.

I’m SO excited for you!

Life is about to get really, really Beautiful.

With so much love,




spiritual woman

Are you a Woman on the Verge of a Spiritual Awakening?

Have you ever had that feeling where one day you just feel unfulfilled with something? It could be a job, a partnership, a friendship, a business?

It probably built up for a while but then one day, your dissatisfaction with the way things were in your life became so clear that you KNEW something had to change.

That level of unfulfillment has been a running pattern with the women coming to me for mentoring this past year. They feel lost.

When I take them deeper, their lack of fulfilment comes from a lack of inner peace, balance, pleasure and connection with their spirituality.

Women who resonate with The Elegant Life are being called to expand and evolve, therefore their souls are creating this yearning for fulfilment.

It hasn’t been an easy time for them;  their souls are desiring to be happy, have peace and calm in their life, and feel a deep connection to the Universe, but what they are currently experiencing is very different than that.

Problems with their extended family? It’s just not okay with them anymore.

The relationship they are experiencing with their partner? It just doesn’t feel like enough anymore. They desire more from a relationship.

Meditation, yoga classes, workshops on spirituality and healing methods?

“Why is nothing making me feel like I SO desire to feel?”

This is a question many of my private clients are asking themselves.

Prosperity? Many women are passed the point of desring money to look or feel successful…they desire to have prosperity so they can experience FREEDOM, PLEASURE  & JOY in their life.

There is a natural evolution occurring right now and although it feels uncomfortable for so many, it excites me.


Because I was where these women are 6 years ago, and I recognize the signs… these women are on the verge of a Spiritual awakening. Are you one of them?

My Lowest Point 6 Years Ago

I was at a serious low point in my life. Every area of my life felt unfulfilling.

  • My body wasn’t anywhere near where I desired it to be.
  • I had lost connection to my spirituality and actually started to become angry with the Universe. I felt disowned by it and like I had never been connected to it!
  • My marriage was falling apart – we even had THE conversation about the big “D”.
  • I felt like I had lost Erin – where was she?  Where was that feminine, vibrant, spiritually connected, joyful, happy woman?
  • And, the business I had spent years (and money) to build to an international level wasn’t satisfying me anymore – my soul desired something more but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. That in itself was frustrating!

But everything looked great on the outside!

International business, finally two gorgeous children (after 4 pregnancies), a husband, and a gorgeous house in a prime location in Windsor, England.

So, why did I feel so empty inside? So completely depressed and hopeless?

I completely understand and recognise where many of you are in your life right now and I get that it feels uncomfortable and scary.

Your soul is desiring more which is where this dissatisfaction and unfufillment is coming from.

Remember, you are Divine Energy and the innate desire of this energy is to continuously expand itself. So, once you have everything basic in your life your soul starts desiring more, in order to expand.

The mission of this blog and the work I do via my online programs, one to one mentoring, and offline workshops has always been to inspire and assist Spiritual women to come back HOME to their Divinity so they can elegantly live and manifest an exquisite life.

Last year it was very important to focus on how to manifest by getting into Elegant Flow.

Women experienced miracles!

  • Houses were sold within 3 weeks after trying for 8 months.
  • Weight was lost and kept off effortlessly.
  • Spiritual connection was deepened and miraculous events began occurring.
  • Unexpected money was manifested.
  • New, ideal jobs & circumstances were manifested.

And now….it’s time for a deepening.

The Elegant Life blog and my teachings will respond to this need, and I’ve been clearly guided how to do this.  I cannot WAIT to share it with you! It’s stunning…

Now, not EVERY woman who is attracted to The Elegant Life is ready for this deepening right now, but that is absolutely fine.

The best place to start is to go through The Art of Living Elegantly  This is the foundational course that even I go through every few months!

There are levels of understanding that will appear each time you go through it.  This is also the ONLY online way you are able to access The Elegant Clearing Process™ which teaches you how to completely clear beliefs or experiences that don’t serve you anymore.

What You Can Do This Summer

I am about to go on a two month holiday, so this will be the last new blog post in a little while, however I highly encourage you to re-watch the series The Making of a Spiritual Woman: A Pilgrimage that Began in Paris . I have added even more photos from this incredible France experience! Me, Sandra, & Guy…lots of extra photos to take you through that year with me.

If you loved it the first time (which SO many of you did!) then you’ll LOVE watching and reading again. It’s like the perfect summer read!

If that series doesn’t appeal to you, go back and read through some of the other posts.  The perfect one will pop out for you – one that will be just what you needed to hear.

Finally, be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like to see my summer holiday.  I’ll be in Canada, Turkey and a special, top secret location that has to do with next year’s focus on The Elegant Life Blog;) Can you guess where it is???

I’ll leave you with this…

You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.  Whatever you are experiencing is preparing you for what your soul has asked for or strongly desires.

If you are struggling in an area, know that the Divine is preparing you to become who you require to BE in order to  to attract that which you say you want in your life.  If you were already ready you would have what you desire, so….

Focus on JOY, move towards what makes you happy this summer, enjoy the archives or programs of The Elegant Life and I’ll see you back here in September!

I Love You!



P.S. If you haven’t watched the NEW, powerful video of The Elegant Life have a watch above. Women are telling me they have goosebumps:) I had them too, as what’s coming through me is absolutely beautiful.


law of entrainment

The Law of Entrainment – How To Use It to Change Your World

The recent events in the world have either gotten you down or angry…or both.

Spiritual women who live elegantly react to these events differently; they make an even stronger commitment to act in ways that allow The Law of Entrainment to work it’s magic and move this world towards peace and safety.

Are you one of us?

Last week I briefly mentioned The Law of Entrainment in my video on why it is now a requirement for spiritual women to be happy, and this really resonated with you!

Many women wrote to me to say thank you for introducing them to this Law and some asked if I could share more about it.

So, this video is a response to that. (I LOVE when you share your comments and enthusiasm with me. Thank you!)

What is “The Law of Entrainment”?

Basically the Law of Entrainment states that when two different frequencies are in the presence of one another, they will always come into resonance with each other; the lower frequency moving up to meet the higher one.

This Law is at play every single day and we aren’t even conscious of it; it’s so subtle.

I always like to give examples of how this Law works in the physical world first and then bring it into the spiritual realm.

About 10 years ago I began hearing about Facebook, but I really didn’t like it. I actually refused to use it as I thought it exposed people’s privacy too much.

As time went on, I began hearing of more & more people who were using it and enjoying it.

Soon, I decided to set up an account and just use it to keep in touch with friends from back home since I had moved to England from Canada.

More time went on and eventually I found myself having a personal AND a business page!

Today I use Facebook as one of the main ways I market The Elegant Life Blog.

Elegantly, without me even consciously deciding to use Facebook, I somehow went from emphatically refusing to use it to using it on a daily basis for personal as well as business use!

Now, watch this! This is marvellous!

Watch The Law of Entrainment in Action

Below is a video that shows the Law of Entrainment in action!

When you start 64 Metronomes, all at different speeds, they eventually, due to the law of entrainment, end up ticking at the same rhythm. Nature’s innate desire is for HARMONY therefore it will bring all of the metronomes into resonance.

Watch the video below to view this beauty. (If short on time, watch the first 30 seconds, fast forward to the middle and watch for 30 seconds then fast forward closer to the end and watch.)

How The Law of Entrainment Works Every Month With Women!

Have you ever worked in an office with mostly women? Did you notice that eventually all of you, or most of you, had your period a day or two apart from each other every month?

This is entrainment at work again.  Remember, nature’s innate desire is for harmony, so it will want to bring all of the women’s vibrations into alignment by regulating their menstrual cycles to be in resonance with one another!

I’ve always found this so beautiful!

How to Use The Law of Entrainment to Change the World

So, now that you know everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency, and that nature always wants to bring frequencies into harmony, how can you use this to change the world?

Well, change starts with you. You, as a Spiritual Woman, must consistently make a choice to vibrate at the highest frequency you can so that all the lower energies in the world elegantly rise to match you. 

If YOU are peace, love, positivity and JOY, the likelihood that most people around you will shift to that too, is extremely high.

If you’ve ever heard of the Butterfly Effect, you’ve been introduced to the concept of how powerfully you can create change in this world just by a small act or shift in your vibration.

If you’ve not heard of it or wish to learn more click HERE.

I invite you to make an enlightened, awakened choice to raise your frequency.

If you’re not exactly sure how, I have put together 14 simple, elegant & enjoyable ways of how to raise your frequency.

I said it last week and I’ll say it again, it’s never been more clear that the world needs us Spiritual women to step up and elevate the frequency of this planet.

So, will you join me in making the commitment to focus on Love, Peace and Joy instead of anger, judgement and opinions?

Next week will be a very special post – I really cannot wait to reveal something to you!

See you next week!

With so much love,



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The Guide to Prosperity