let go and let god

2 Ways to “LET GO & LET GOD” – Surrender Control

Have you every desired something SO much but found it almost impossible to “let go and let God” as everyone suggests?

Then this post is for you!

I am going to share 2 ways to practise the art of letting go and letting God. One is a mindset shift and the other is advice that I bet you’ve not heard before. (Psst…it a theme here on The Elegant Life:)

January is a month where everyone is focused on goals, dreams and DOING.

Plans are made, goal are being set, memberships to gyms are being bought, and the focus is on pursuing, trying and desperately wanting their desire to manifest.

I know this pattern well as it was my “go-to” strategy my whole life! Set a goal, make a plan, push, pursue, obsess…you get the picture!  The energy I was giving off was one of desperation and lack – not very elegant and definitely not a high frequency for manifesting!

This is completely opposite from what I do now and teach my clients to do.

And…this is exactly what Buddha did before he experienced enlightenment and true happiness.

Many people know the story of how Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and awakened, however not many people know WHY he ended up sitting under that tree. He was in the same trap I was in and perhaps you find yourself too?

Watch the video above, at minute 2:54, to hear the real reason Buddha sat under the bodhi tree.

2 Steps to “Let Go and Let God”

Step 1: Surrender.

As you can see from Buddha’s story, pushing, trying and pursuing does not serve us. We must understand the Elegant Principle of the Universe:

As soon as you state your intention, Divine Consciousness sets to work to orchestrate everything needed to bring you your desire.”

The problem arises, for most women, when they don’t see any change in their reality and thus start doubting, feeling down, and obsessing even more on trying to figure out “the HOW”.

Spiritual Women who live elegantly, instead, focus on just BEING & await Divine Inspiration.

Do not attach. I’ll repeat that, “Do not attach to the outcome”. 

Should we even have desires? Yes! Desires are feelings and feelings come directly from your Soul, which is your connection to the Divine. So yes! You wouldn’t have those desires if you weren’t intended to experience them!

However,  instead of obsessing, spend your time & energy visualising your dream. See it vividly, in the greatest detail. FEEL it. Then…

let go and let god

Step 2: Get on With Living Your Life (filling it with JOY & PLEASURE)

I know I know, I harp on this regularly, but trust me, it’s the secret of experiencing The Elegant Life!

If someone would have told me this years ago, when I was in the obsessing mode, I would have thought, “Yeah, easy for you to say!” It was only when I reached mental and physical exhaustion that I finally said,

Screw this! If success means I have to work this hard and be disappointed countless times then I don’t want it. I’m done. I’ll just do this as a hobby out of enjoyment instead of trying to make it a business.”

After I made that conscious decision I felt the weight of the world drop off me.

I began feeling my creativity come out more. I did things I was too scared to do before, out of fear it would “upset” my followers.

I felt the pleasure in what I was doing again- the same pleasure I felt when I first started that business!

And what began happening? Opportunities just flowed into my life like magic. Calls for interviews in top national and international magazines and newspapers, ideal clients coming to me from referrals...the list went on and on. I learned what Buddha did and I invite you to learn it too…

The more you let go and let god (aka surrender) the more you allow Divine energy to do it’s work and flow through you and your life.

All that obsessive energy will be gone as will the manifestation of things and experiences on that same frequency.

Instead, you’ll be resonating at the levels of PEACE & JOY which are just under that of enlightenment – levels that bring in high vibration, exquisite miracles.

Please share your stories of when and how YOU have “let go and let God” – I know it will help so many women.

Do you know there are certain areas of your life where you need to Surrender? Share those too.


If you would like a perfect way of focusing on your dreams the elegant way and feeling joy and inner peace now, then I highly recommend The 6 Phase Visioning Meditation.

With so much love,



How to End the Year Right

The BEST Way to End the Year Right – 2017

How would you like me to show you how to make these remaining moments of 2017 truly meaningful so that you move into 2018 with a whole new frequency, a frequency that allows you to step up and into your most elegant, exquisite life?

You may have had a year that didn’t turn out the way you expected it to.

Your dream may not have manifested.

You may have lost someone. Or you may have had to let someone go from your life.

Or, you may have gotten a new job! Received a promotion! Moved cities or countries! Whatever happened (or didn’t happen) in 2017, let’s make 2018 even better!

Step One – To End the Year Right

Reflect on what has transpired over the past year.

Take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the centre.

On the left side write, “What Things Served Me This Year”

On the right side write, “What Things Didn’t Serve Me This Year”


Things that DID work:

Things that DIDN’T work:

  • Working the hours I usually do
  • Not moving everyday in some way
  • Not eating enough LIVE, high vibe foods
  • Smoking
  • Gossiping
  • Complaining about what’s wrong in my life instead of focusing on being thankful for what IS good

These are just some examples that clients have told me. Your Soul will tell YOU what worked and what didn’t.

Step Two – To End the Year Right

Underneath your chart write this question:

“Choices I CHOOSE to make in 2018 are:”

Based on the answers in your chart, decide which items would have the most positive impact on your life in 2018.

I recommend listing 2-5 choices. No more. Just making ONE important choice is powerful enough, but try and go for at least 2.

Step Three – To End the Year Right

Be sure that you are following me on either Instagram or Facebook so you can learn when my New Years Facebook Training will be.

In this training I’ll be sharing my FULL process to end the year right. My hubby and I do this every single year and it is just gorgeous. We look forward to it!

So, be sure to follow on either Facebook or Instagram or…even better… be sure you are on our email list by opting in to any of our free gifts on this site. The most popular is the Ebook “The  5 Things You Need to Remove From Your Life TODAY to Manifest the Life You Want.”


I’ll see you next week with my December Favourites Video! My November Favourites was very popular so I’ve decided to continue with the Favourites Series every month!

With So Much Love,




how to deal with grief

The MOST Effective Way to Deal With Grief & Loss Over the Holidays

I’m thrilled to be back after a VERY intensive 10 day training! Wow, wow, wow, is all I can say. I was being trained by a coach who only coaches Billionaires. He is a very spiritual person, like myself, and has acquired deeply spiritual and quantum processes to take people through so that any and all negative emotions, limiting beliefs and decisions are cleared forever. 

I am beyond thrilled to have been taught & certified by him personally to use these processes with my own clients. I promise to talk more about this next week, okay?

Grief Request

This week I had a request from a reader. She asked if I could make a video on grief as she lost an ex-spouse and father to her two boys back in June and is really feeling the emotions coming up.

I love it when I receive requests for videos so if you ever have a suggestion or topic you’d like me to cover please send me a note, okay?


Before dismissing this post because you haven’t lost anyone, or anyone recently, please stick around because the advice I offer in this post/video is applicable to any issue you may have.

I believe the first step in dealing with grief is asking yourself this question:

What benefits am I getting out of grieving and feeling sad?”

This may be an awakening question because we don’t do or think anything without receiving some benefit from it.

Get really honest with yourself here. I’m not going to provide any “possible answers”, simply ask your SOUL and it will give you the honest truth.

How am I benefitting by feeling grief this holiday season?”

As a side note here I’d like to mention that in some countries people host “Celebration of Life” parties instead of funerals. Everyone dresses in white and the whole party is about celebrating the person’s life and the joy that the person brought to everyone’s lives.

I mention this only because I don’t want anyone selling themselves the story that they MUST grieve.

Quick Story – Unusual Grief

I have a friend whose husband committed suicide and people made her feel guilty for not feeling grief after he passed.

Of course she was sad, shocked etc. but in a way, she finally was set free.

Free from worrying every day if he was going to commit suicide. Free from his constant emotional ups and downs and free from financial burdens he had put them in.

I share this story with you because I just don’t want you to sell yourself the story that the holidays have to be sad…you have a choice in how this holiday plays out.

What do you choose?

Now, I am not saying that’s is not okay to feel sad or to cry, etc. What I am saying is that you could make a choice to set a time or even a whole day to cry, scream, mourn…whatever your soul feels it needs to do. And then, decide that after that cathartic session, you will choose to move forward, remembering the absolute gifts that you received from this person and use those gifts to create even more joy in your life…as a beautiful way to carry on their legacy.

Remember, as a coach my job is to release any negative emotions or limiting decisions you have running in your energy system one and for all.

Your job is to focus on what you want your life to look and feel like from here on out.

Your Emotions Are Your Guidance System

Remember that your emotions tell you whether you are in alignment with your natural, Divine state or not.

Feelings of continuous sadness or grief are your body’s way of saying, “Ouch! This is not what we are. Please remember who we are. Please return to our natural state of  Love and Joy.”

Take your emotions as a sign and then let your soul guide you towards ANY way you could celebrate this person’s life or the gift they gave you in your life. Or, let your soul guide you towards any way you could begin to experience JOY again.

Elegant Quote:

limiting beliefs

What will you choose?

If you feel you require even further coaching on removing these negative emotions from your life, once and for all, so you can begin to live an exquisite life, please know that there are multiple avenues for you here at The Elegant Life.

  1. The Art Of Living Elegantly –  Click HERE
  2. The Elegant Life EXPERIENCE – Click HERE
  3. VIP Private Coaching – Click HERE

With So Much Love,



law of entrainment

The Law of Entrainment – How To Use It to Change Your World

The recent events in the world have either gotten you down or angry…or both.

Spiritual women who live elegantly react to these events differently; they make an even stronger commitment to act in ways that allow The Law of Entrainment to work it’s magic and move this world towards peace and safety.

Are you one of us?

Last week I briefly mentioned The Law of Entrainment in my video on why it is now a requirement for spiritual women to be happy, and this really resonated with you!

Many women wrote to me to say thank you for introducing them to this Law and some asked if I could share more about it.

So, this video is a response to that. (I LOVE when you share your comments and enthusiasm with me. Thank you!)

What is “The Law of Entrainment”?

Basically the Law of Entrainment states that when two different frequencies are in the presence of one another, they will always come into resonance with each other; the lower frequency moving up to meet the higher one.

This Law is at play every single day and we aren’t even conscious of it; it’s so subtle.

I always like to give examples of how this Law works in the physical world first and then bring it into the spiritual realm.

About 10 years ago I began hearing about Facebook, but I really didn’t like it. I actually refused to use it as I thought it exposed people’s privacy too much.

As time went on, I began hearing of more & more people who were using it and enjoying it.

Soon, I decided to set up an account and just use it to keep in touch with friends from back home since I had moved to England from Canada.

More time went on and eventually I found myself having a personal AND a business page!

Today I use Facebook as one of the main ways I market The Elegant Life Blog.

Elegantly, without me even consciously deciding to use Facebook, I somehow went from emphatically refusing to use it to using it on a daily basis for personal as well as business use!

Now, watch this! This is marvellous!

Watch The Law of Entrainment in Action

Below is a video that shows the Law of Entrainment in action!

When you start 64 Metronomes, all at different speeds, they eventually, due to the law of entrainment, end up ticking at the same rhythm. Nature’s innate desire is for HARMONY therefore it will bring all of the metronomes into resonance.

Watch the video below to view this beauty. (If short on time, watch the first 30 seconds, fast forward to the middle and watch for 30 seconds then fast forward closer to the end and watch.)

How The Law of Entrainment Works Every Month With Women!

Have you ever worked in an office with mostly women? Did you notice that eventually all of you, or most of you, had your period a day or two apart from each other every month?

This is entrainment at work again.  Remember, nature’s innate desire is for harmony, so it will want to bring all of the women’s vibrations into alignment by regulating their menstrual cycles to be in resonance with one another!

I’ve always found this so beautiful!

How to Use The Law of Entrainment to Change the World

So, now that you know everything is energy, and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency, and that nature always wants to bring frequencies into harmony, how can you use this to change the world?

Well, change starts with you. You, as a Spiritual Woman, must consistently make a choice to vibrate at the highest frequency you can so that all the lower energies in the world elegantly rise to match you. 

If YOU are peace, love, positivity and JOY, the likelihood that most people around you will shift to that too, is extremely high.

If you’ve ever heard of the Butterfly Effect, you’ve been introduced to the concept of how powerfully you can create change in this world just by a small act or shift in your vibration.

If you’ve not heard of it or wish to learn more click HERE.

I invite you to make an enlightened, awakened choice to raise your frequency.

If you’re not exactly sure how, I have put together 14 simple, elegant & enjoyable ways of how to raise your frequency.

I said it last week and I’ll say it again, it’s never been more clear that the world needs us Spiritual women to step up and elevate the frequency of this planet.

So, will you join me in making the commitment to focus on Love, Peace and Joy instead of anger, judgement and opinions?

Next week will be a very special post – I really cannot wait to reveal something to you!

See you next week!

With so much love,



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The Guide to Prosperity



How to Elegantly Manifest Your Greatest SOUL Desires (Without needing to know “How”)

Prosperity, Abundance, Desires Coming true…where are you currently with all of this?

Are you waiting for your desires to appear? Do you feel frustrated? Are you feeling a bit depressed? How about overwhelmed at trying to figure out the “HOW”?

I can relate to all of these. At different stages of my life I would feel hopeful and excited and then depressed and even angry that “The Universe” wasn’t delivering me what I was asking for. Plus, I consistently focused my energy on trying to figure out HOW to make my desires come true. WRONG thing to do!

My intention with this week’s post is to let you know, trust and BELIEVE that the Universe has magical abilities to make your dreams and desires come true…you simply need to know how the Universe works and put those principles into practice…without focusing on the “How” of making your dreams become a reality.  Ready?

You could have a desire about attracting more prosperity into your life, attaining (and maintaining) your ideal body, attracting a perfect partner into your life or getting a dream job somewhere and I’d give you the EXACT same advice, based on my experience of manifesting every single one of these ….and more!

Let me start off by saying this…

The only reason I share my story with you is so you know that if a teacher from Canada can manifest all of her desires, so can you.  My story is meant to inspire and offer guidance on how I learned to manifest my soul’s desires, after suffering in desperation and deprivation most of my life.

How the Magic of the Universe Can Bring Your Desires to You

We just recently moved into a dream apartment in the neighbourhood of our dreams.  Here is how it all played out and how easy and elegant the magic of the Universe can work in your favour.

When I was a school teacher in Canada there was one particular Spring Break that really stood out in my mind. The Spring Break when all my students seemed to be going to far away places to explore the world…and I couldn’t.

Money wasn’t available for me to do this and I felt a bit depressed about it.

When all the students arrived back from their travels they shared with me all of their adventures and although I was excited to hear about them, it made it even more “in my face” that I still was not at a point in my life where I could afford a luxury trip like they had all just experienced.

One boy came up to my desk and showed me pictures of his travels to Dubai as well as the Atlantis Hotel he stayed at.


WOW! It looked stunning. My heart flipped just looking at the photos. He swam with the dolphins (one of my life long dreams) and had loads of fun with his father in the waterpark and aquarium.

I sat there just stunned that some people were able to experience life this way.  I SO wanted this for myself, but the next thought was,

“Pff…how in the world would I ever be able to experience that?  Some experiences are just for the wealthy I guess.”

Years passed and I did everything imaginable to try and bring prosperity into my life.  Little by little more prosperity came, but not as much as my soul knew it desired. It wanted to experience life FULLY, and more prosperity was needed to do that.

Fast forward 9 years and we managed to elegantly manifest a move to Dubai (Click HERE to read that beautiful story!)

We settled into a villa but soon realised that The Marina area was the area that would suit us better. We adore having everything at our doorstep and being able to go out to dinner or breakfast and walk home leisurely.

So, we did what we know to do, what I teach all of my clients and what is taught in The Art of Living Elegantly


We began going to The Marina each week and looked at different apartment buildings.

We found the perfect one! Amazing floor to ceiling views, quality finishings, huge balcony…done!

The only issue was that we could only move at the end of April and it was October!


We created a life vision for Dubai.  In very specific detail we discussed and wrote down exactly how we wanted our life to look and feel.


We continued living “Elegantly” and did the Elegant Clearing Process™ daily on our perfect apartment and life vision.


We awaited any inspiration to take. Time clicked on and we kept visiting the Marina and viewing properties. None matched our first choice. And NONE in our favourite building were coming available.

It would have been VERY easy to go down the panic route. The “what are we going to do?” route, but…The Art of Living Elegantly does not include this in it’s steps;)

The Magic in Action!

One day, my son’s school asked me if I’d be open to taking over a class for a bit as they knew I was a former teacher. I really didn’t want to, as I was busy enough with the growing and expanding Elegant Life Blog, but I listened and followed the guidance and said yes.

One day, near the end of my short stint, I was collecting some forms and noticed that one of the addresses of the students was the building we were going to look at later that day (and was directly next to our favourite building).

I was going to say something to her and then my ego came in and said, “Why? Just move on” But then Divine Inspiration came in and practically said the words for me…

“How funny! We’re coming to look at an apartment in your building after school today!”

What happened next is the utter MAGIC of the Divine.

This little girl said to me, “My mummy has something even better for you.”

[Slightly shocked]”Oh, really?”

“You can talk to her after school.”


Well, I don’t think I even need to tell you the end of this story, do I?

Yep. She had a place in our favourite building that wasn’t even listed. It. Was. Perfect.

As I write this post I am sitting on my sofa, in Dubai, in a fricking amazing apartment, staring straight at….The Atlantis Hotel. (Come see it at minute 8:00 in the video above!)

Yes, I am still in shock I think. I can go to The Atlantis every day if I want and swim with those dolphins and experience the joy of playing in the waterparks with my kids.

I don’t even have words…

What are your dreams?

Do they seem too big?

Too impossible?

Please, please hear me when I tell you this….

If you do what I teach you, you can have, be and experience ANYTHING your soul desires.

I learned how this Universe works and it never fails me. After so many years of struggle and angst, it almost amazes me that I, Erin, am mentoring women on how to make their desires elegantly come true!

Look, I’ll get really honest here for a moment.

If what you are currently doing (or not doing) isn’t working for you…

If you don’t have the body, the health, the partner, the job, the prosperity, the clients…whatever! Then you need to do things differently.

Mentoring with me or going through The Art of Living Elegantly Program are two options, but all I ask you to do is get really specific about your life vision and then ask for Divine Inspiration as to what the next step is. Listen, Wait, or Take action on what it says, but don’t stay doing the same old things that may feel “comfortable”.

I’m telling you, life is BEAUTIFUL! It can offer you so, so much. More than you could even dream up for yourself.

And I’m not talking about life like some people do. I will never ever say, “Dream BIGGER!”, “GO HIGHER!”, or “DON”T PLAY SMALL!” because that is just ego stuff that is led by your subconscious thoughts.

It’s a sneaky way of making you think you need to do or have more to BE more, and that is NOT what The Elegant Life is about.

The Elegant Life is a beautiful way of connecting with your Divinity and allowing this connection to elegantly help you manifest and live this life to the fullest expression of your soul and it’s desires.

If you have questions about dreams, desires, or manifesting please write them in the comments below. It’s always so great to hear from you so I know what type of posts to focus on in service of you.

Here’s to your dreams and desires!!!

With so much love,



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elegant living manifesting