how to make money

Wanting to make money, other than working at a 9-5 job, was at the forefront of my mind in 2007. I was a new mom (mum) and didn’t want to go back to work as a school teacher.

I wanted the freedom to be with my son, to be the kind of mother I had always dreamed of being and yet…I am the type of person who desperately needs my own “thing” outside of being a mother.

Can you relate?

Through chance, luck and a lot of reading and studying on the internet I managed to create a hobby for myself. I say “hobby” because a business makes money, a hobby is something that you do for enjoyment, but you don’t make sustainable money from it.

After becoming frustrated that my hobby was draining our family finances I began educating myself via coaches, group programs and self-study courses… $80,000 later I had myself a business!

I finally got to use my talents, natural abilities and interests to serve women worldwide and earn a very liberating income – one where I could send money to family members, pay for underprivileged girls to attend University, and feel the financial freedom I had yearned for for YEARS!

How about you? Has the thought ever crossed your mind:

            “If I could just earn an extra $2,000/month I could…..

Example: Have enough money to take a yearly vacation to some exquisite location!

Well, in this week’s video I give you specific examples and websites that will help you make money using your hobbies, talents & interests.

After watching I just KNOW the wheels in your head will be turning:) (Be sure to write all of your ideas in the comment section, okay?  I will be checking in to guide you and make further suggestions and recommendations specifically for YOUR situation!)

In this video you will learn:

  • 10 + ways you can earn more money by doing something you enjoy!
  • Specific websites that make earning more money simple.
  • Where to spend your money to help you be successful a whole lot sooner than I was.

With SO much love,

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