why you don't feel good enough

If you’ve ever had a moment where you didn’t feel good enough, this post is for you!

To start, it’s SO important to realize where this feeling of not being good enough comes from.

You see, we were raised in a society where achievement was applauded. So over time the ego believes:

“I am what I DO.”

“I am what I HAVE.”

“I am what I look like.”

“I am what I’ve accomplished.”

Your Soul on the other hand simply says, “I AM.”

You are enough because you are here. You didn’t exist and then you were consciously created by Divine Consciousness. It was not random. You were intentionally created, exactly as you are.

This means that you don’t have to do, be or have anything to be good enough!

All the books say that the answer to feeling good enough is to love yourself.

I get so frustrated when I see this because they never tell you HOW!

I used to wonder, “HOW do I love and accept myself when I have such short comings?”

I stood in the mirror and saw everything I wasn’t.

Can you relate?

You stand in front of the mirror and feel not good enough because you don’t have the:

  • Body that society deems as good enough
  • Money that society has said is big enough
  • Soul mate 
  • Big house
  • Stunning car
  • Wrinkle-free face

The Solution?

You need to release the need for outside validation and praise.

The problem?

You’ve outsourced your validation of being good enough to your:

  1. Society
  2. Boss
  3. Parents
  4. Partner
  5. Children
  6. Clients
    In order for you to feel good enough and full of feminine confidence, it is imperative that you learn how to validate yourself.

Let me show you how in today’s video.

To learn how to fully Embody Feminine Confidence With Ease watch this FREE CONFIDENCE MASTERCLASS HERE

Book a FREE Confidence Breakthrough Call with me HERE


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