Inner Peace

Have you found the past 3 months difficult? Did you face obstacles, feel a lack of inner peace, feel completely out of sorts or like things were moving backwards instead of forwards for you?

There were definitely some planetary shifts going on these past few months. We faced 7, yes 7 retrogrades this summer, often at the same time! So, it’s no wonder we all felt out of sorts.

If you’re not familiar with what a retrograde is, simply put, they’re periods of time when a planet appears to be moving in reverse and it carries major astrological implications; a retrograde usually signals a period of delayed progress or disruption. For a more in depth explanation, go here.

Because of the abnormal amount of disruption that has occurred in peoples lives lately I wanted to create a video to help you bring back inner peace and flow.

Believe it or not, this disruption is a great sign of growth for you… you’re moving forward towards your goals and desires!

Watch this week’s video where I explain the step-by-step process that occurs as soon as you have a desire. Find out which stage you are in and how to elegantly move through it so that you receive the manifestation of your desire more easily.

In this video you will learn:

  • The 9 stages of how a desire manifests into reality
  • EXACTLY what you need to do in each stage so that you move through it & onto the next
  • A real example in MY life so you can see a desire manifesting in real time
  • Support you can use to speed up your journey through the stages & enjoy them a whole lot more!

With SO much love,


  1. Erin,
    This was a really great reminder of the process and something I’ve really needed to hear right now. I am sitting here in my hotel in Bali, looking out at tropical gardens and pool and ocean to the horizon, which I’ve had the crazy lucky opportunity to enjoy twice this year, and yet I’m still struggling with negative thoughts, doubts etc. Your run through of the system here was so helpful to me. The greatest struggle is to trust that it’s meant to feel good – that I’m allowed to believe (let alone live) in a life that feels amazing. It’s so scary to believe, and I can’t quite figure out why. I have lots to ponder on now, about this half-manifesting of my dreams that feel more like one step forward, two back, right now. Trust. Surrender. Permission to make choices just because they feel good. So hard to believe. (But I’m willing to keep trying!)

    1. Naomi, it thrills me to know you are in Bali again! Your Soul must be thrilled! Remember that YOU tell the story you want your unconscious to believe. You do this by visualising your ideal life or using my 6 Phase Visioning Meditation, regularly. Write it out, be so, so specific. and eventually your unconscious will believe THIS to be true and not that weird story that’s been playing for years. It’s a choice and that’s what we Spiritual women who choose to live elegantly do:) Oooh! And after you visualise your ideal life/day, use the Elegant Clearing Process – that’s a booster!

  2. I always felt guilty when something great happened for me. But, now I am just grateful. (Which I’m sure you are too) I decided to be grateful for anything and everything. It took a while, but…. it did happen. Enjoy. Love that beautiful island with its lovely people. xxx

    1. Thank you! I certainly did. And yes, we must be grateful as this creates an energy of receiving. Without this energy we cannot expect to receive all of what our hear desires:)

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