Chère Diary,

Clission was as beautiful as you’d image a Medieval town to look and feel like in France during the lead up to Christmas.

It has a gorgeous castle right in the middle of the old town and Christmas markets with trinkets, ornaments, food and mulled wine lining the cobble stoned streets leading to the art gallery.

Christmas music was playing in the streets and there was a gorgeous river flowing through the middle of the town. Oh my God it was beautiful – Sandra and I just couldn’t get over it!

The art exhibit was by Pedro, Guy’s friend. Pedro is an absolutely superb person and terrific artist.

His paintings are stunning and I so enjoyed looking closely at them to try and decipher the techniques he was using.

I felt so inspired to try and paint myself. I WILL paint in France.

We walked around the market and along the beautiful river. Sandra walked with her friend and I walked with Guy. I felt so at ease with him that the words were rolling off my tongue.

How could I feel so at ease with this person? And so quickly?


He asked me why I was in France and it felt so amazing to feel comfortable to talk to him about reincarnation – that I felt like I once lived here and that is why I think my soul has been yearning to come live here ever since I was 8 years old.

He totally understood and “got this”. What???

Was I actually able to speak without censoring myself? Laugh without worrying I’m being too loud? Speak in French… with a man??? In France???


After a while we got cold, so we went to a little cafe to drink un chocolat chaud and warm up.

We were all having such a great time so Guy invited us over to his place at 9:00pm. After the drive back though I felt very tired and suggested Wednesday instead.

We all agreed.

I cannot wait!

mercredi, le 21 decembre,1997 (Wednesday)

Chère Diary,

Youpppi! J’aime ma vie!!! (Yippeee! I love my life!)

We all met at Guy’s house tonight and his brother, the monk, and two other friends were there. Guy made homemade, traditional Chai tea and we all sat on the floor in le salon, where he teaches yoga, and just chatted and laughed for hours.

Everyone left except Sandra and I. We stayed until 4:30am!!!

We all shared personal details about our past relationships. God, it was fantastic being able to talk to him about yoga, births, changing the baby’s position by asking it to move, meditation, visualization, compassion, vegetarianism…everything!!!

It was the weekend, so I slept over at Sandra’s house. We slept in until 12:30pm then got ready to go meet up with Guy again.

He had invited us to a Buddhist talk. I really didn’t understand that much but it still felt great to be in the energy of the room when they chanted in Tibetan.

I just sat with my eyes closed and balanced my chakras. It felt incredible. I got “that feeling” again where I am lifting out of my body. Does that happen to everyone? I must ask Guy.

I also received 3 messages:

  1. It is absolutely necessary for me to balance myself and mediate as often as I can, if not everyday.
  2. It IS possible to heal my back, my hips and this damn acne that has surfaced on my face!
  3. I require more healthy eating, more meditation and more compassion for myself and others.

I now put out to the Universe my intention for my life…

My intention is to learn that life doesn’t need to have struggles. I want to be an example for people that you can be healthy, fit and happy, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is more beautiful to be that (all that) than to endure hardships all the time. This is my goal.

I want to be an example like Goldie Hawn. People admire and respect her, and are in awe of her happiness. That’s me, and I’ll continue to get better and better as time goes on.

I am not interested in following Buddhism religiously but the philosophies are great and becoming one with the self and gaining compassion for all living things is fantastic and perfect for me.

Bonne nuit!

Join me HERE when a hilarious misunderstanding turns into l’amour of the deepest kind.

P.S. Do you have a wish for your life?  

Do you desire to BE a certain kind of woman  but don’t feel like it right now?  

Do you admire a certain woman (famous or not) and secretly wish that you could BE, DO, or HAVE what she has?  

Tell me about it in the comments below:)

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