moving to france

Dear Diary,

Oh my God, all this paperwork is incredible! And the money it’s costing me to get everything notarized! I’m so stressed!

But… I am SO invigorated. I’m doing it! I’m actually going! My dream is coming true!!!! I’m moving to FRANCE!

God, I am so happy and grateful and excited!

Today I have a phone conversation with the father of the family I will be living with – he speaks some English Thank God! I’m nervous!!!


Oh MY GOD!!!!!!!!

I have just been on my knees sobbing. You are never going to guess what has happened.

While on the phone with the father (who was so nice by the way) he timidly said, “I have a question for you.”


“The French government has declared that every school must begin an English program and the teachers at our local school feel terribly unprepared to do this. Would you be open to setting up and teaching the English program since we don’t really need much from you except to drop off and pick up the boys from school?”


I replied, “Bien sur!” I would LOVE that!

The Universe had taken care of me. I honoured myself. I went after my dreams and the Universe gifted me exactly what I required to earn money & be a teacher in France!

Afte the call I literally dropped to my knees, sobbed and repeated, “Thank You , Thank You, Thank you!

I love me. I love my life. I love God.

I cannot believe that I leave in 2 weeks!

Side note:

I spent the next two weeks rushing around saying good bye to everyone, shopping and preparing for my move.

Matt never did return the phone call I made after returning from New York.

I didn’t care because I was so proud of myself.

I have done a lot of thinking recently and I realised I had put him up on a pedestal . The last month I was with him I always felt I had to look perfect and be perfect. I am at the point now where I won’t accept a relationship where you don’t feel like you can be yourself and feel accepted.

Like I feel when I’m with Tony.

Ever since returning from New York, he and I have been practically spending every day with each other.

We continued to laugh, sing together, go for countless nature walks where he taught me about different plants and birds (he was a forrest ranger), watched foreign films and ate yummy vegetarian meals together…that he cooked.

We have healed each other.

He brought me back to nature and the complete appreciation of it’s beauty. I will never look at a mountain scene or a tree the same way again.

He accepted me for exactly who I was. I could completeley be myself.

He was totally into music which reconnected me to a part of me that I missed. (I got to SING! – My Dream!!!)

I reconnected with Art and so many different styles of music – Shakira to name just one.

He reconnected me to laughter and my own sense of humour. He told me I helped him gain his self-confidence back and I am so happy I could give him something in return for all he’s done for me.

Honestly… I have never felt so at ease with myself.

Even when I went to the school to say good bye to the teachers and pick up a few things to bring to France for teaching.

I walked into the staff room, feeling so womanly, happy, confident and proud of myself and there was Matt.

I chatted with people and could see he was staring at me the whole time.

I finally turned to him.

He said, “Hi, how are you?”

“Good, really good.”

“I hear you’re off to France.”


“That will be an amazing experience. I travelled around there one year.”

“Yeah, I ‘m very excited. Thanks. Well, I’d better photocopy these things and get going.”

“Have a great time,” he said.

“Thanks” I said with a warm smile.

As I drove away from the school I saw movement at the office window. It was Matt, standing alone, watching me leave. And that was the last I saw him.

Tomorrow I leave for Paris – Ahhhhh!!!!

JOIN me HERE for the post where I get on the plane and fly away to Paris!!! And, of course, you know that at this time in my life there was always drama, so come see what happens once I land in Paris.

I’m curious… what do you think about the whole Matt story?  Do you think if I had stayed in Canada we would have sorted things out and gotten back together?

Do you think he was for real or just a person sent my way to get me away from my marriage so that my next evolution could take place? Let’s chat in the comments!!


Erin Kurt


    1. Hi Angelina! Yes, there was most definitely a plan. It was perfect Divine Timing and what transpired that year is what changed the rest of my life. I will forever view that period as the best year of my life because of this.

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