self love

Chere Diary,

Today Guy, Sandra and I got together at night, but I didn’t want to act like a couple with Guy.

I stared at other guys and thought, ‘Guy’s not my type.  I’m not attracted to him like I should be.  I have to stop things. I have to tell Guy that I can’t handle all of this.’

When we were alone together though, I began feeling attracted to him!  I wanted to be intimate with him!  He makes me feel so cared for and my soul craves to be loved by someone other than myself.

However, I got up the strength to talk to him about how I was feeling.

Being the type of guy he is, he told me he’d understand if I needed to slow things down or stop things. And, that if I ever needed to talk about David or my feelings that he was here to listen.  

I told Guy that I feel like this year I need to be alone, yet at the same time I feel great when we’re together.

I also mentioned that I feel like we should end things now before any stronger feelings develop and that he doesn’t deserve to be with someone who can change their mind from day to day.

He listened, held my hand, and then leaned in to kiss me.

God his kisses make me melt! What am I going to do???

On a side note, I’ve begun sketching and painting!  So far, all of them have been naked women in nature. I’m loving this theme and how it’s just coming out of me. So interesting!

It actually seems very appropriate because I’m feeling so comfortable, not only with my soul, but in my skin, my figure, my eyes, my mouth and my sexuality.

For the first time in my life I truly feel emotionally, spiritually and physically connected. Self-Love!

If I think back to this time last year, it is exactly the time that I first left David.

Now look at me!

I’m in France, truly discovering Erin, the “woman”! A VERY powerful, sensual experience.

I’m LOVING it!

Every time I am out grocery shopping or stopping at the Post Office I get whistles, comments and compliments.  I think it’s because I am projecting the beauty I feel inside right now.

I am so comfortable in my own skin!…Even with the extra weight and horrendous acne I have right now!

Anyway, I’m seeing Guy tomorrow so we’ll see how things go.

Join me tomorrow HERE for  pure moments of BLISS & CONTENTMENT…and then utter confusion!

If you are seeking self love, ease of living, connection to your soul, as well as how to elegantly manifest your dreams, I invite you to commit to being a Spiritual Woman and learn more about The Art of Living Elegantly

.the art of living elegantly


  1. Erin you have gotten me hooked! I just finished video 20 and can’t find the link to video 21 , I have so much to say to you but il wait till these series are over ❤️

    1. Hi Dania! I’m so thrilled to hear you are enjoying the series!Quite a ride, isn’t/wasn’t it? Sometimes I can’t believe that was really my life. The year in France absolutely was a pivotal time in my life – it changed me from the inside out. Thank you for letting me know that the link wasn’t provided. Here it is – the next one is juicy:))

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