Inner Peace

Inner Peace: What to Do When Life Feels Like It’s Falling Apart

Have you found the past 3 months difficult? Did you face obstacles, feel a lack of inner peace, feel completely out of sorts or like things were moving backwards instead of forwards for you?

There were definitely some planetary shifts going on these past few months. We faced 7, yes 7 retrogrades this summer, often at the same time! So, it’s no wonder we all felt out of sorts.

If you’re not familiar with what a retrograde is, simply put, they’re periods of time when a planet appears to be moving in reverse and it carries major astrological implications; a retrograde usually signals a period of delayed progress or disruption. For a more in depth explanation, go here.

Because of the abnormal amount of disruption that has occurred in peoples lives lately I wanted to create a video to help you bring back inner peace and flow.

Believe it or not, this disruption is a great sign of growth for you… you’re moving forward towards your goals and desires!

Watch this week’s video where I explain the step-by-step process that occurs as soon as you have a desire. Find out which stage you are in and how to elegantly move through it so that you receive the manifestation of your desire more easily.

In this video you will learn:

  • The 9 stages of how a desire manifests into reality
  • EXACTLY what you need to do in each stage so that you move through it & onto the next
  • A real example in MY life so you can see a desire manifesting in real time
  • Support you can use to speed up your journey through the stages & enjoy them a whole lot more!

With SO much love,


My Summer HOLIDAY: From Tuscany to Utter Shock

Hellooo ladies! I’m back from our holiday in Tuscany & Turkey and am truly SO thrilled to be with you again both here and on all my social media spaces.

It was an “interesting” summer to say the least. Like I always say, just because you live an Elegant Life doesn’t mean there won’t be “things” that arise for you to go through; opportunities for growth. And wow, did we have something to go through….

What living an Elegant Life does mean is that whatever you go through will be processed more elegantly and will take a shorter amount of time.

You can also be guaranteed that if you use the Elegant Techniques that I teach, whatever you are going through will not become congested in your energetic system and reak havoc for years to come.


If you love the idea of Tuscany and are curious about what we did and the gorgeous places we stayed, (you’ve got to see our STUNNING hotel in Florence!) and are interested in what exactly happened to utterly shock us this summer, then pour yourself a glass of Chianti or make yourself a Cappuccino and enjoy this visual recap.

In this video you will learn:

  • What the Tuscany countryside really looks like
  • Some of the BEST hotels and restaurants to visit in Tuscany
  • What huge shock we received
  • What this shock & growth opportunity means for The Elegant Life

The video I mention to watch as well can be seen HERE.

With so much love,


summer holidays

SUMMER HOLIDAYS, An Elegant Assignment For YOU & A Very Important Question!

Whoo Hoo! The summer holidays are here! Well, I have a few more days until we board the airplane but I’m feeling the excitement already!

I’m going to make this really short and sweet as I have a lot of loose ends to tie up before leaving. Can you relate? Life gets super busy just before a holiday!

In this week’s Summer Holidays video:

  1. I share my blissful summer holiday plans – I’m checking a MAJOR thing off my bucket list!
  2. I give you a truly life transforming Elegant Assignment to do over the summer holidays.
  3. I ask you an extremely important question.

I’ll be back in September, however if you’d like to follow my summer holidays escapades please follow me on Instagram or Facebook!

The Manifesting video mentioned:


What are YOU up to this summer? Travelling anywhere intriguing or new for you? Visiting friends or relatives? Have a favourite destination I definitely need to visit in this lifetime? Please share!

Until September,

skincare after 40

MES PETITS PLAISIRS | My JUNE Favourites | Best Skincare After 40 & More!

It’s monthly favourites time! Long over due, I know. And what better way to come back than to review & showcase my favourite skincare after 40!

I receive so many private messages on Instagram asking me how I keep my skin looking so youthful at 46. So, voila! I decided to do a whole video showcasing my tips, tricks, & favourite products.


I will provide links for all the products down below for your convenience:)

Skincare After 40 Links:

1) Bourjois CC Cream – found in most Pharmacies/Drug Stores

2) Luminesce Cellular Rejuvenation Serum – CLICK HERE

3) Luminesce Youth Restoring Cleanser – CLICK HERE

4) Drunk Elephant C-tango Multivitamin Eye Cream – CLICK HERE

5) True Botanicals – CLICK HERE

a) “Renew” Pure Radiance Oil
b) Deep Repair Eye Serum
c) “Renew” Cellular Repair Serum
d) Vitamin C Booster

See you next week for my last video before my 2 month holiday! I’ll share what I’m doing for 2 months, where I’m going and most importantly, I have a BIG question for you.

With so much love,

overcoming challenges

Overcoming Challenges…How to Overcome Obstacles in Life With More Ease

Have you been experiencing more struggles or obstacles in life lately?

If you’ve been feeling out of sorts, confused, bored, more tired than usual you are like so many women right now…around the world.

Often we as Spiritual women have the belief that if we are truly living a Spiritual Life  everything will always  go smoothly for us…and it can…with a certain understanding.

In this week’s video I speak all about overcoming challenges and obstacles in life…the Elegant Way, of course:)

In this week’s video on overcoming challenges you will learn:

  •  3 steps to get into Elegant Flow and allow your desires or challenges to unfold with more ease
  • the #1 mistake most Spiritual women make after setting an intention
  • what you require to do right now to empower yourself

Enjoy the video and please share it! It truly helps spread The Elegant Life’s message so that even more women begin living and manifesting exquisite lives for themselves.

See you next week for a long overdue Favourites video!
